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Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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Am I disappointed that ranked warzones are cut? Sure, it is a great feature. Are we still getting the new WZ? Yes! Can we still get the new ranked gear? Yes! Legacy? Yup! New operation? Sure thing! Guild banks? Yes indeed Skippy! New crafting? Of course! We are getting everything except for the ranked WZ's.


Can you imagine the boards, if ranked warzones were released with major issues? The flames could have started a fire in the middle of the ocean. Haters gotta hate I guess.


I'll get some grief from some of my clan mates, that quit the game early on. But I can rest easy knowing that whatever game they are playing was released with issues too. The financial pressures alone, have caused some of this for gaming markets.


So if we have to wait another few weeks for the corrections, its a heck of a lot better then having a broken system released and mocking us.

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Expecting a New game that is unstable in it's stage to be better than a well commemorated and very stable game that has been around for some time is also mad.

It is like working on Windows XP, very stable, and then imminently jumping onto Vista when it comes out... which of-course was a bad mistake for most lol.

I am not saying Swtor is Vista... no way, I am saying it just isn't stable yet, and if you do not have the patience to wait then don't bother telling anyone you are going, just GO!


Bugs can be fixed. But the game should have FEATURES. Get it? F-e-a-t-u-r-e-s. I expect a game in 2012 to have more features than a game from 2004. Bugs? Release patches and fix them. That is not the problem. This game was in production for how many years again? What was the budget of this game? And that is the best they could come up with?

No one would be complaining about bugs if this game would give them something to do besides what they've been doing in all mmorpg (Asian or not) released in the past decade. That goes without saying!

But when you have BOTH a lack of features and bugs, the combination doesn't work very well, does it?

Edited by cyberfreaq
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You know.............i have always thought this was going to be a great PVP game cause it's Republic against the Empire! The PVE is cool too to bring in, but really............PVP and Starwars is Epic! I WANT BATTLE'S ALL DAY LONG, so Warzones are everything to me, EVERYTHING PLZ FIX THIS :(
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Am I disappointed that ranked warzones are cut? Sure, it is a great feature. Are we still getting the new WZ? Yes! Can we still get the new ranked gear? Yes! Legacy? Yup! New operation? Sure thing! Guild banks? Yes indeed Skippy! New crafting? Of course! We are getting everything except for the ranked WZ's.


Can you imagine the boards, if ranked warzones were released with major issues? The flames could have started a fire in the middle of the ocean. Haters gotta hate I guess.


I'll get some grief from some of my clan mates, that quit the game early on. But I can rest easy knowing that whatever game they are playing was released with issues too. The financial pressures alone, have caused some of this for gaming markets.


So if we have to wait another few weeks for the corrections, its a heck of a lot better then having a broken system released and mocking us.


Oh my god! Someone thinks the same way I do????

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Straight up unsubbing because of content delay is just childish and wreaks of temper tantrum.


Now if they straight up canceled the content permanently, thereby removing any chance you would see this content in game ever, thereby removing your reason to continue playing, then I could see it.


The tin foil hat crowd needs to stop and take a deep breath and quit coming up with ridiculous theories on why this is happening.


Bioware is not going to purposely shoot themselves in the foot and piss off their playerbase for an extra month of resubs. Anyone who thinks this was the case needs to turn their PC off and get a check up from the neck up.


If they had released Ranked Warzones unbalanced or broken, You would have started chanting that they pushed a broken feature to live to keep fans from unsubbing.


Yes, this is disappointing, but the content will be released soon. If you can't wait until then, take a deep breath, get some sleep and find something else to play, but forming an angry forum mob and tossing around wild theories just because you're pissed off accomplishes nothing but wasting your own time and others.

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Straight up unsubbing because of content delay is just childish and wreaks of temper tantrum.


Now if they straight up canceled the content permanently, thereby removing any chance you would see this content in game ever, thereby removing your reason to continue playing, then I could see it.


The tin foil hat crowd needs to stop and take a deep breath and quit coming up with ridiculous theories on why this is happening.


Bioware is not going to purposely shoot themselves in the foot and piss off their playerbase for an extra month of resubs. Anyone who thinks this was the case needs to turn their PC off and get a check up from the neck up.


If they had released Ranked Warzones unbalanced or broken, You would have started chanting that they pushed a broken feature to live to keep fans from unsubbing.


Yes, this is disappointing, but the content will be released soon. If you can't wait until then, take a deep breath, get some sleep and find something else to play, but forming an angry forum mob and tossing around wild theories just because you're pissed off accomplishes nothing but wasting your own time and others.


just a question: would you feel the same if say 12 hrs b4 release they said Ok no legacy this patch sorry but not ready yet even though we advertised it would be

Edited by gorgenator
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Expecting a New game that is unstable in it's stage to be better than a well commemorated and very stable game that has been around for some time is also mad.

It is like working on Windows XP, very stable, and then imminently jumping onto Vista when it comes out... which of-course was a bad mistake for most lol.

I am not saying Swtor is Vista... no way, I am saying it just isn't stable yet, and if you do not have the patience to wait then don't bother telling anyone you are going, just GO!


Have fun continuing to pay a subscription cost to beta test their game.


Apparently, even when you tell sheep that they are sheep, all they can say to you is "Baaaa."


You are the type of player that EA's marketing team can ignore. Seeing as how you are completely okay with the terrible launch and the deceptive profit plays by EA, you will play anything with a Star Wars name on it.


The rest of us, the ones with standards, have evolved our needs from MMOs, so we seek much more from the product. SWTOR simply did not deliver for us, and getting slighted once and again by EA has to end at some point. After investing over $100 in this product, I can say that I've tried it, and that it does not meet my standards.


You said WoW's current endgame is stale, yet SWTOR offers less content, less balance, less competition. But you are okay with it (for whatever personal reason you have). WoW is more easily accessible, has more people playing, has more difficulty levels for PvE and PvP, is more organized, and has a much better customer policy.


You are saying that you are okay with buying a laptop that has no ethernet or USB ports. You are saying that you are okay with buying a house with no bathroom.

You are saying that you only need a cell phone that makes calls.

You'll roll down your windows in your car instead of blasting the AC on a hot day.


No hate against you, but just realize that other people have more demands from the product we call an MMO. We're not okay with being deceived again and again (Ilum, server populations, RWZs). The franchise of Star Wars deserves a higher standard than this.

Edited by Tyraelium
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Bugs can be fixed. But the game should have FEATURES. Get it? F-e-a-t-u-r-e-s. I expect a game in 2012 to have more features than a game from 2004. Bugs? Release patches and fix them. That is not the problem. This game was in production for how many years again? What was the budget of this game? And that is the best they could come up with?

No one would be complaining about bugs if this game would give them something to do besides what they've been doing in all mmorpg (Asian or not) released in the past decade. That goes without saying!


The point is that THEY ARE RELEASING NEW FEATURES. PvP is a chunk missing but they didn't cancel the full 1.2 Update. AN operation is coming out, a New Flashpoint is coming out, Legacy is coming out, AND WHY DID PEOPLE FORGET THE HIGHER RES SETTINGS, yes that is aesthetic, but still pleasing ;)

It is a shame it was pushed for release, and everyone was expecting more, but this isn't a standpoint for the game, MORE is being released, MORE is in the works, I have read what the upcoming 1.3,1.4 and 1.5 patches will include and I am sticking around this game whether it has less content than it should, because I KNOW it will become the game to own.

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I seriously hope they're at least going to reconsider the exchange rate for Warzone -> Ranked Warzone Commendations.


I can live with ranked warzones not coming right away, but I'm seriously annoyed by the fact that they slow down our gear progression to the next tier by factor 3 as well. This is of course considering, that you get the same amount of ranked wz commendation for a ranked match as you would get normal wz commendations for a normal match.


As a lot of people pointed out, you'd need around 86000 wz commendations for the War Hero Set now, which amounts to roughly 900 matches you have to play. While you would need to play 300 ranked matches (if they were available).


I'll probably still be sitting around with 2 War Hero pieces when the first PVE people have a full set of the new gear from the new operation.


While I commend them for at least giving us an alternative route, I'm sadded that they in the next turn "punish" us with slowing our progression down by this much.


I understand that they probably did this because they think ranked warzones will be harder than normal warzones and you should not just give away the gear, but I think this is too much. Also considering that they can't even give us an estimate how much longer we'll have to wait for ranked warzone to be implemented.


On a side note, I was also affected by the too early patch dilemma yesterday (though I could play on my unpatched laptop that can barely run the game) and was also angry how this was handled. Two let downs in such a short time.. I'm not really sure how to progress from here.


I know a lot of people and probably BW won't care, but I unsubbed for now and just hope they find a more reasonable approach before my sub runs out.


This is the first game where my focus lies on PvP and while the PvP in itself and playing with my guildmates is fun and I enjoy it, I'm still very disappointed that a lot of things I was looking forward to in 1.2 have been spoiled :(

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The point is that THEY ARE RELEASING NEW FEATURES. PvP is a chunk missing but they didn't cancel the full 1.2 Update. AN operation is coming out, a New Flashpoint is coming out, Legacy is coming out, AND WHY DID PEOPLE FORGET THE HIGHER RES SETTINGS, yes that is aesthetic, but still pleasing ;)

It is a shame it was pushed for release, and everyone was expecting more, but this isn't a standpoint for the game, MORE is being released, MORE is in the works, I have read what the upcoming 1.3,1.4 and 1.5 patches will include and I am sticking around this game whether it has less content than it should, because I KNOW it will become the game to own.


The end result is i no longer CARE. Once anyone or anything LIES so many damn times i have no trust or faith left

Edited by gorgenator
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Thanks BW. Been trying to convince a bunch of guildies that were still on the fence about playing TERA, but they were looking forward to 1.2 and rated WZ's. You just made up their minds for them.


Unsubbed, so did all of those guildies.

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Have fun continuing to pay a subscription cost to beta test their game.


Apparently, even when you tell sheep that they are sheep, all they can say to you is "Baaaa."


You are the type of player that EA's marketing team can ignore. Seeing as how you are completely okay with the terrible launch and the deceptive profit plays by EA, you will play anything with a Star Wars name on it.


The rest of us, the ones with standards, have evolved our needs from MMOs, so we seek much more from the product. SWTOR simply did not deliver for us, and getting slighted once and again by EA has to end at some point. After investing over $100 in this product, I can say that I've tried it, and that it does not meet my standards.


You said WoW's current endgame is stale, yet SWTOR offers less content, less balance, less competition. But you are okay with it (for whatever personal reason you have). WoW is more easily accessible, has more people playing, has more difficulty levels for PvE and PvP, is more organized, and has a much better customer policy.


You are saying that you are okay with buying a laptop that has no ethernet or USB ports. You are saying that you are okay with buying a house with no bathroom.

You are saying that you only need a cell phone that makes calls.

You'll roll down your windows in your car instead of blasting the AC on a hot day.


No hate against you, but just realize that other people have more demands from the product we call an MMO. The franchise of Star Wars deserves a higher standard than this.


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Luminous doesn't understand, its ok...

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