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Less Huttball! Hurray!


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So being on a 2:1 Imperial sided server I play way too much Huttball for my liking. Its a cool concept and all and I give BW props for trying something new, but man would I just rather do something else with my life.


With 1.2 coming over night, we will see more Voidstar and Novare Coast being that they allow same faction battles. Which in turn leads to less Huttball! Im excited about this. Does anyone else feel the same?

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When I'm playing a same faction Huttball match, I don't mind it a bit. It means I'm PvPing and not waiting in queue.


When I'm playing against an opposing faction at Huttball, I can't help but feel a little bit cheated. This could have been a "battle" WZ, and instead it tossed us into the same-side filler zone anyway.

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Same faction Voidstar will be such a mess. Players there are crowded pretty much on one or two spots and you won't be able to see which AOE is enemy's and which your's, so that will be dangerous and messy for melee.


the term is cluster ****

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Huttball is a pretty fun game, compared to the other two which are pretty much just ripoffs from wow. Voidstar is alright but seems unbalanced for ranged classes that can watch both doors at once (unless they're stupid). Despite me loving Alrathi Basin in WoW, Civil War could not be more stupid, and I seriously doubt any amount of nerfs, timers, or removal of speeders will make it any more interesting.
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agreed. I hate huttball. but I have a great strategy for huttball. click on my republic emblem near my mini map, and click 'leave warzone'


My strategy is similar except my icon is an imp one.


Rated will bring a debuff that will lock you our of warzones if you quit. Forced huttball... I'd rather bang a wookie.

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Hutt is objectively the best warzone. Most varied, most strategic and fun. Just because you're forced to play it over and over is not Huttball's fault. It's Bioware/EA's fault for having 50 server too many and their refusal to address said issue.
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Hutt is objectively the best warzone. Most varied, most strategic and fun. Just because you're forced to play it over and over is not Huttball's fault. It's Bioware/EA's fault for having 50 server too many and their refusal to address said issue.


Hmm I would respectfully disagree. Class imbalances make huttball bad. Having a team win and only kill 2 or 3 people is a prime example that DPS is useless in huttball if the other team has certain classes.


Sure you can still win if you don't have as many of those classes but it's a uphill battle.


Don't get me wrong skill comes into play too, but all things (skill) being equal a good jugg +Sorc team should always beat a agent merc team.


It's not balanced. Making it included in rated and making a deserter debuff for it, without making a warzone selection system makes this a game breaker for me.


But, I'm glad you enjoy huttball. :)

Edited by Typheran
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Huttball sucks if you are not a force user. I spend most of my time being stunned, mezzed, knocked down, choked, poisoned, burned, and my most favorite...snared.


Not true, I own Huttball as a Shieldtech Powertech.

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I play republic and I have played many huttball matches against other republican teams (sometime half a dozen in a row). I don't like to play against my fellow faction members, and I especially don't like it when the ranked warzones will come along.
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