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1.2 BM Prices


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This thread is full of awesome. I have been saving coms for more BM gear, and if the merc to warzone ratio is 10 for 10 then Ill be sitting pretty good when the patch releases having my coms maxed out.:D I cant wait to start doing rated wz's for war hero gear.
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This thread is full of awesome. I have been saving coms for more BM gear, and if the merc to warzone ratio is 10 for 10 then Ill be sitting pretty good when the patch releases having my coms maxed out.:D I cant wait to start doing rated wz's for war hero gear.


Wish I was as easily pleased as this guy.

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Hmm, I knew about this already but had yet to crunch the numbers for myself.


I have all BM gear, except gloves, boots, offhand. I also have 1 BM comm, and 1000 each warzone and mercenary comms.


My plan was originally to buy 1 more commendation and buy boots, then all I need is offhand and gloves.


But with those prices if I save my capped commendations, tomorrow I will end up with 2000.


3300 for boots gloves offhand

2000 - 875 - 875 = 250, buying both boots and gloves

Leaving me with 250 comms. leaving me with only 1300 needed to get the offhand.


So if I save my commendations I get 2 pieces plus portion of the last piece. But if I buy one BM comm tonight and buy one piece, I'm left with nothing and 2 whole pieces to grind out, lol.


My big hope would be to do one daily tonight, and open a bag to get a free commendation, get free boots, then spend my 2000 comms tomorrow on the offhand and most of the gloves. Hmm, here's to hoping I get a free commendation tonight.

Edited by Frankee
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