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Please Stop Going for the "3 Cap"


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Ok, let me first say this is mainly aimed at PUGs....stop going for the 3 CAP in Civil War. I see it all the time on both sides...the team spreads itself too thin gets greedy and 9 times out of 10 they will lose. For those who do not understand let me try to explain....


In order to defend all 3 nodes you will have to split your forces left, middle, right, 3-3-2. Now say the other team send 4 ppl at the node with 2, you are now forced to send backup from the other two nodes. So say you send one person from each node as back up (lucky if only one person goes) ...now you are 2-2-4. But the other team now has 4 players in reserve that can now attack any of the other nodes and it will be 4 v 2 and you can consider that node gone.


Now back to the node with the 4 v 4...most likely the defenders will keep it...but all 4 defenders will probably stay there until the last attacker is killed. so now all the dead attackers will respawn and meet up with their buddies and take over the second node that only has 2 people b/c they will now have anywhere between 3 and 7 people to attack the 2 people defending the 2nd node. And there goes node two.


Now one might ask what about the defenders that got killed at the first node, couldn't they come back to help defend the second node? Well the answer is maybe....a lot of times they head back to the node they lost in the hopes that they can get it back or maybe try to join up with their 4 buddies trying to kill of the last attacker from the inital attack. but either way they will still be out numbered defending the 2nd node.


So in a nutshell, you just lost your 3 cap and are losing 2-1. So in closing, please stop going for the 3 cap and just defend the 2 nodes you have.

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I agree the 2 cap and defend is tried and true but sometimes, more like rarely when offense tries too hard they leave the one they have vulnerable that a well geared stealther can cap and throw the opposition off balance.


3 caps work as long as you don't overcompensate and when cleaning up a node as enemies are killed defense peels off. In other words, 5 people aren't at a node to clear out one attacker. As attackers are killed defenders clear out from that node.


I would never say stop going for the 3 cap but at the same time I don't know how I could support it either as once you try for the 3 cap it allows the opposing team to cap a second especially with stealth heavy teams. And sometimes a window of opportunity given to your enemy like that is all they need to take the game away from you.


As you can see I'm kind of undecided on this one. :D

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Most people dont do this, however theres always a "Overreacher" who goes for it. Rated will fix this though.


Agreed on this one. If I see a node that appears to be left alone ill go for it. If I take it great, if 3 players pop out of stealth I just cloak out of combat and return to what I was doing.

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It's not a bad strategy if the person going there is a good 1v1 player. 7 opponents frantically trying to cap one of the nodes you send someone who can 1v1 to cap that third one.



At the very least it draws some attention and then you only have 6 opponents frantically trying to cap something from you.

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1 Person goes to cap the third, if he gets it he stays there. From that point on, you just defend 2 nodes, save for a single guy on the third. If he gets attacked, he goes down fighting, you don't have to send more to defend it - unless the team you're playing is bad, and then you can usually do whatever the hell you want tbh.
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Capping a 3rd node when you're team has 2 is a totally valid strategy.


1) If your opponents zerg a turret with 7 people it's better to just take their turret than defend the one you have. Many times this results in having 3 turrets for a few seconds before going back to having 2 turrets.

2) If you have a good 1v1 player on your team, they should be constantly trying to get the 3rd turret. This will force the other team to defend with at least 2. That is 1 of you vs. 2 of them at a turret. This works in your favor.

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IF the other team sucks




your team is only doing it to see if they can do it but not really try to hold it




your team is confident that they can always control 2 turrets




yeah, go for it.

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I completely agree with the OP.


2 wins as much as 3 does. Going for the 3rd is moronic. I'm there to WIN, not to feed some stealthers ego. I've lost Alderaan more times than I care to count by having some fool(s) go after the 3rd turret.


Disclaimer - playing against a really bad team, anything goes. But when you struggle to get the 2nd turret, you're an idiot to go for a 3rd.

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Agreed on this one. If I see a node that appears to be left alone ill go for it. If I take it great, if 3 players pop out of stealth I just cloak out of combat and return to what I was doing.


This is my favorite...low risk/high reward...the best is when there's 1 regular there and they totally don't see you taking the turret behind them.

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Disclaimer - playing against a really bad team, anything goes. But when you struggle to get the 2nd turret, you're an idiot to go for a 3rd.


This is the main reason people do it though. 3 capping will largely stop with ranked wzs, at least for the higher level of players. Assuming the matchmaking system does it's job well enough anyway.

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I'm a Kinetic Combat spec'd Shadow and I find that I can get the 3 cap if they leave someone squishy to solo defend. If multiple people jump out of the woodwork, I'll usually just delay them as much as possible (taking pressure off other nodes), and force cloak when I'm about ready to die.


From what I've seen on our server, Imps often leave the east node defended by a single Agent, which can be quite squishy if you avoid the stun lock.


I wouldn't suggest this tactic to anyone who can't do a vanish like effect to **** when it gets too hot.

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This is the main reason people do it though. 3 capping will largely stop with ranked wzs, at least for the higher level of players. Assuming the matchmaking system does it's job well enough anyway.


I wish I played with your players then, because I bet it's at least 75% of the time that we get 2, no matter how hard fought one of them was to get, some yahoo (or multiple) thinks it's a good idea to go take on the 2-3 guys guarding the one we don't have because he can stealth.

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I wish I played with your players then, because I bet it's at least 75% of the time that we get 2, no matter how hard fought one of them was to get, some yahoo (or multiple) thinks it's a good idea to go take on the 2-3 guys guarding the one we don't have because he can stealth.


ok i quoted this because look at your sig man, it literally states that going for a 3 cap is win. Deception, hit em where they're unprepared, that type of thing.

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I am not saying it cannot work, I have been in groups who have accomplished the 3 cap many times. The problem is there are always so many "ifs" involved...


"if the team doesn't really plan on holding all three if it one node were to get attacked"


"if they enemy zergs" (many times they do not send 7 at one node...they split the attack hoping the defenders over commit leaving a point undefended)


"if your team doesn't over commit on defense"


"if your team peels off the defense as the attacking force dies"


In organized PvP where the team can communicate and follow directions then 3 caps can work fine...but in PUGs counting on your teammates to not overreact or even call out incoming attacks or for the rest of the team to respond in a timely manner. There is just so many things that have to be working well that most PUGs cannot do it. As far as I know, you do not get more Valor or Commendations for getting a 3 Cap vs a 2 Cap so why take the excess risk when you can more easilly secure the victory by playing a solid defense.

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As a geared PT, I can MANY times 3vs1 half decent players, 2vs1 good players, and can beat most great players 1vs1.


At the begining of CW I cut to snow side, go under the middle, grab the speed buff, runout the grass tunnel, cut to the left fo rthe expertise buff, and wreck the defenders at grass.


This does one of 3 things:


1) I beat the 1-3 defenders at grass, giving us the turret plus a numerical advantage at mid/snow

2) I lose to the 2+ defenders at grass, giving us an advantage at mid/snow

3) I lose at grass to one person, which leaves us with a disadvantage at mid/snow (but this happens rarely.


So yes, I will continue to push for a 3 cap.

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I also hate when you get in a pug and someone takes charge telling everyone the WRONG thing to do. The worst on my server is "Half of you go left and half go right"....

Really??? Yeah, let's do that so we have twice as far to run when a node needs help....don't know if any of you have that issue on your server. But there is consistently someone who suggests that on mine.

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I also hate when you get in a pug and someone takes charge telling everyone the WRONG thing to do. The worst on my server is "Half of you go left and half go right"....

Really??? Yeah, let's do that so we have twice as far to run when a node needs help....don't know if any of you have that issue on your server. But there is consistently someone who suggests that on mine.


People like you were the ones telling me how stupid I was to suggest my strat of 2 left, 5 mid, 1 right. Now its the prefered strat on my server.


maybe you should listen to people that are better than you, and know better than you?

Edited by Humankeg
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People like you were the ones telling me how stupid I was to suggest my strat of 2 left, 5 mid, 1 right. Now its the prefered strat on my server.


maybe you should listen to people that are better than you, and know better than you?

Glad I'm not on your server......But hey, if you can motivate idiots to try your strat, you will at least have a bunch of motivated idiots.

Preferred (not prefered, there is a spell check tool on this forum) doesn't mean better. It just means someone would rather do what you suggest rather than have to think for themselves....

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As a geared PT, I can MANY times 3vs1 half decent players, 2vs1 good players, and can beat most great players 1vs1.


At the begining of CW I cut to snow side, go under the middle, grab the speed buff, runout the grass tunnel, cut to the left fo rthe expertise buff, and wreck the defenders at grass.


This does one of 3 things:


1) I beat the 1-3 defenders at grass, giving us the turret plus a numerical advantage at mid/snow

2) I lose to the 2+ defenders at grass, giving us an advantage at mid/snow

3) I lose at grass to one person, which leaves us with a disadvantage at mid/snow (but this happens rarely.


So yes, I will continue to push for a 3 cap.


i like you, and i srsly feel the exact same way, i guess some people dont understand MATH and TACTICS.

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