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why is my launcher allready downloading patch?


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THIS! Well put.


Also, name me any other company that compensates you for loss of service due to maintenance or other small issues? Heck, RIM servers crash all the time, and I'm not getting any comps for loss of BlackBerry use. (Yes, I still have a BB for work, they're 'considering' a change)


Actually every single company ive ever dealt with credits accounts for lack of service, screw ups etc. I once wasnt able to log into Rift because of their new coin lock system, i was given 2 weeks free and a good bit of ingame currency, when my sprint service sucks i get pro-rated credit on my bill, when my comcast doesnt work they credit me for the day etc. Its time to stop with the entire "BW is new to the MMO scene give them a break" speal. Its time EA / BW step up their game literally. It was released months early, buggy as a ghetto chick with grabs, lacking in practically every commonly requested feature and the cs is worse than monkeys. Everyone is quick to defend them with the its their 1st MMO crap, screw that. Theres a DECADE worth of material for them to study on how to make the game, how to run it, what to include etc. This is EPIC FAIL at every level of the game.

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So do we need to download the whole game again or can we wait until tomorrow and then instead of installing the game it will install the 1.2 patch instead is that right?


The only problem I am having is do we need to re download the game or wait until tomorrow and the launcher will install the patch instead of the game.


My understanding, according the Allison Berryman's stickied thread, is we don't need to re-install the game if we were in the process of downloading the patch. You won't be able to play until tomorrow. That's the route I am taking.


If, however, you want to play today, then you need re-install everything, including patching the game to it's current patch. And then, patch it to 1.2 tomorrow.


I hope things go smoothly tomorrow.

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True...Those of us who downloaded to be Founders have no discs to use :(


The discs don't have all of the patches. I remember when I bought it and used the discs I still had like 12 gigs left and that was the early access physical copy.

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I was never one to demand any recompense, I was asking for BW to recognise that more than a "small amount of players" was affected, and to at least add some blades to the download server. This is a PR FAIL, sorry to shout, but you seem to only half read any of the post that you respond to.


Thanks for your time, and compassion for your fellow gamers.


This was not a PR fail, people are mad about not having the game available for them today. These same people will completely forget their rage and be happily playing the new patch tomorrow. Because what was made wrong to them (no game access) was made right (game access).


I find it to be perfectly appropriate call less than 1% of subscriber base being affected "a small amount". Nothing was trivialized, and BioWare was very responsive throughout this thread as information from development was made available to the forum support team.


I fully read every post I respond to. You however, seem to be consistently responding on behalf of the quoted poster, which I find strangely meta, but to each his/her own.

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6 hrs into download, 4 g left. am i doing something wrong? 85k transfer rate? WHY BW why?


PLEASE HELP I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO AT this point? delete game and move on.


the laughable matter is im on a dead PVP server that hardly has wz opportunities, haven't seen pubs in days


Is there a plan for that or should i just move on? please advise! server transfers or cross server queing a possibility in 1.2?1/!?!?!?!?!

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My understanding, according the Allison Berryman's stickied thread, is we don't need to re-install the game if we were in the process of downloading the patch. You won't be able to play until tomorrow. That's the route I am taking.


If, however, you want to play today, then you need re-install everything, including patching the game to it's current patch. And then, patch it to 1.2 tomorrow.


I hope things go smoothly tomorrow.


Gah this is confusing personally I don't mind not playing until tomorrow and downloading the patch tomorrow. I simply don't want to waste time and re install the game again if I can just leave it.

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How do you know it wasn't a small amount? There's been 700 posts in this thread - most of them by trolls or people saying "I'm good, working for me". Of the 700, I'd overly estimate 100 people complaining about their continued problem....out of 1.7 million subscribers. Seems small to me.




1. read the opening of the post, it was in answer to Raineir that not everyone was demanding a free everything.


2. "May you live in isnteresting times"


3. Quit trolling

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Actually every single company ive ever dealt with credits accounts for lack of service, screw ups etc. I once wasnt able to log into Rift because of their new coin lock system, i was given 2 weeks free and a good bit of ingame currency, when my sprint service sucks i get pro-rated credit on my bill, when my comcast doesnt work they credit me for the day etc. Its time to stop with the entire "BW is new to the MMO scene give them a break" speal. Its time EA / BW step up their game literally. It was released months early, buggy as a ghetto chick with grabs, lacking in practically every commonly requested feature and the cs is worse than monkeys. Everyone is quick to defend them with the its their 1st MMO crap, screw that. Theres a DECADE worth of material for them to study on how to make the game, how to run it, what to include etc. This is EPIC FAIL at every level of the game.


I hesitate to dignify this with a response, as I see it being deleted soon, but I'll dignify it. There are occasions when CS reps will grant individual credits to those who 'cry the loudest', it looks like you've had horrible experiences with many areas of technology and spend a large chunk of your time complaining about lost minutes of your life - I hope you weigh the time lost spent arguing for those credits and find it just. Me, I'll accept it and move on

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There are those in this thread who want to abord the download all together, however no one will give instructions on how to do this.


One post says it is possible, but not HOW.


More information based on questions we're seeing frequently. Again, we sincerely apologize if you were inconvenienced by this issue.


1. If you are currently re-downloading the client, and are in initial "downloading" phase (around 11GB), you can exit the launcher to interrupt this download and play 1.2 tomorrow without having to complete it. If you reach any "installing" phase, you will need to complete the re-download.


Well this is the post from the announcement so I guess that if you don't mind not being able to play today you can just wait until tomorrow and you can play the game without installing the whole game again. :X

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My understanding, according the Allison Berryman's stickied thread, is we don't need to re-install the game if we were in the process of downloading the patch. You won't be able to play until tomorrow. That's the route I am taking.


If, however, you want to play today, then you need re-install everything, including patching the game to it's current patch. And then, patch it to 1.2 tomorrow.


I hope things go smoothly tomorrow.


Yup, same boat here. Considering I have only a few hours to play and it will take most of that time to download, Im just going to say screw it and play tomorrow without having to worry about yet another download. Thankfully, I was able to get my daily and weekly pvp quests for Ilum done and turned in this morning or I would proabably be watching the download tick by every second to try and get those done before they are obsolete.

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More information based on questions we're seeing frequently. Again, we sincerely apologize if you were inconvenienced by this issue.


1. If you are currently re-downloading the client, and are in initial "downloading" phase (around 11GB), you can exit the launcher to interrupt this download and play 1.2 tomorrow without having to complete it. If you reach any "installing" phase, you will need to complete the re-download.


Well this is the post from the announcement so I guess that if you don't mind not being able to play today you can just wait until tomorrow and you can play the game without installing the whole game again. :X



This information is not correct. Once you begin you must finish regardless of how much you have downloaded.

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1.2 has been rumored to be here 'any day now' for the last three weeks, if you haven't done cleanup yet, the 7 hours left before the servers go off-line now isn't going to help much.



Sorry but some of us are trying to finish up our weeklies that we just got. Also, please don't accuse me of not being in touch of planning for the change. I have two white +41's and a K Barron. I'm thinking that my gtn sales and a full round of daily's from last night would in all likelihood have allowed me to get another K Barron.

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More information based on questions we're seeing frequently. Again, we sincerely apologize if you were inconvenienced by this issue.


1. If you are currently re-downloading the client, and are in initial "downloading" phase (around 11GB), you can exit the launcher to interrupt this download and play 1.2 tomorrow without having to complete it. If you reach any "installing" phase, you will need to complete the re-download.


Well this is the post from the announcement so I guess that if you don't mind not being able to play today you can just wait until tomorrow and you can play the game without installing the whole game again. :X


And the link to that thread is pretty hard to miss when you are looking at the patcher.

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This information is not correct. Once you begin you must finish regardless of how much you have downloaded.


I hit exit on mine and it worked fine.


1. If you are currently re-downloading the client, and are in initial "downloading" phase (around 11GB), you can exit the launcher to interrupt this download and play 1.2 tomorrow without having to complete it. If you reach any "installing" phase, you will need to complete the re-download.


Guessing you got past the download and are now installing. In this case, the info is exactly correct.

Edited by HelinCarnate
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1. read the opening of the post, it was in answer to Raineir that not everyone was demanding a free everything.


2. "May you live in isnteresting times"


3. Quit trolling


1. I did - I took liberties in picking out one section, because it was a point brought up over and over in this thread, I just used your quote.


2. Not sure what you mean here, but OK, better than being bored to tears...which in the study of social interactions, these forums are, at least, not boring, although repetitive. I wish I had access to the database to get a true look at the number of unique accounts that complain.


3. Fail to see how presenting a different opinion than most is trolling. I stand by everything I've written in here as my opinion, and sharing it, not just to spark a reaction.

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PR = public relations, customer service is a part of a companies PR.


Thank you for only half reading any post I made, I hope things are always sweet and mild in your gaming life.



For future reference, this unstable person will start private messaging you if you disagree with them on the forums. Good times. I hope my gaming life reads like a description from a gas station cigar too.



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They should have deployed a patch immediately to revert all clients to the version required to run the game today.


This has been handled in the most unprofessional manner.


Wow - the forum threads on "getting a totally unnecessary patch" would be 100 times the size of this one.

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I hesitate to dignify this with a response, as I see it being deleted soon, but I'll dignify it. There are occasions when CS reps will grant individual credits to those who 'cry the loudest', it looks like you've had horrible experiences with many areas of technology and spend a large chunk of your time complaining about lost minutes of your life - I hope you weigh the time lost spent arguing for those credits and find it just. Me, I'll accept it and move on



Actually i usually do online chat and am done within minutes time. If a phone call is required, for reputable companies its really short. Less than 5 minutes from dialing to thanking for assistance. Its rare that i ever have this need, but when it arises a real company will easily fix the issue.

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So quick question. When I get home from work, should I get the patch downloading or not?

By the time I get home the servers will already be down for the upgrade.


Am I safe to start tonight or do I need to wait until once the servers are back up?


Reason being so cautious, in NZ I get a measly 60gb per month. I've already blown 20gb on installing 2 days ago. I cannot afford to re-download the entire game again.


ps. If you back up your install folder, can you just replace the files if something ever gets corrupt during download?

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