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Queue growing and growing and growing...


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4+ hours on The Swiftsure and counting. This is unacceptable. I've already put 40+ hours into my toon not to mention my guild is on this server so please don't sit here and tell me to switch servers if I don't like it. Not unless Bio is going to facilitate mass character and guild transfers for free for people...


The Swiftsure is definitely one of the hardest hit servers out there due to the whole Oceanic thinking it would be a smart idea to choose ONE of the most popular West Coast server to roll on.... Really Oceanic.... wish one of you had been thinking clearly before you made that decision and now Bio has to come in and clean up your mess. Next time roll on a deserted server please.

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Its so funny reading these children post about que times being so long and that it shouldnt ever happen.


This game hasnt even launched yet your lucky to get to play before the game releases.

Also its a computer game they bioware are workin on the issue. Do you really think they are goin to let everything as is. YOur stupid and ignorant behavior isnt goin to get the issue fixed.


Relax and wait.


Bioware now could also come out and give an explaination to what they are working on to get the issue fixed. That would be good on bioware end. Instead of just suggesting for people to reroll on a different server. I dont think thats a good way to fix the issue. What they should do is give free toon transfers then so everyone and thier friends dont have to reroll and start over. Also another thing they should of done is CAP the servers.


I totally agree with you about the fact the game isn't released yet but the small problem is the fact some people where placed on server they are on because of guild placement AND bioware also knew how many people pre-ordered the game and should have made servers / guild placement accordingly.


If there was no "pre-launch" play available I could see queues for the first little while but they did stress testing for 3 or 4 weeks strait so they know the capacity of each server AND they have the numbers of pre-orders. Just think about all of the people joining after the game is officially released, and everyone who gets it for xmas. Its going to end up getting way worse IMO.

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I'm 80min into waiting to get on The Harbringer with 518 people in front of me. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for some official Oceania Servers since I'm a west coast person that picked this server knowing nothing about how it was an "unofficial" server for them.
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Actually if you DC the game sticks you in the front of the Que. The server keeps your info for a while, i am living proof of this.

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I totally agree with you about the fact the game isn't released yet but the small problem is the fact some people where placed on server they are on because of guild placement AND bioware also knew how many people pre-ordered the game and should have made servers / guild placement accordingly.


If there was no "pre-launch" play available I could see queues for the first little while but they did stress testing for 3 or 4 weeks strait so they know the capacity of each server AND they have the numbers of pre-orders. Just think about all of the people joining after the game is officially released, and everyone who gets it for xmas. Its going to end up getting way worse IMO.


TBH its not really Oceanic peoples fault, it really rests on the fact that they are stagger launching this game and as its not being officially released in the oceanic communities they needed to pick a server.


Swiftsure like all the other originally listed servers are already full as and the only way to have actually gotten the oceanic people to play on a deserted server was to dedicate one pvp, pve rppvp and rppve to oceanic.


Since thats not been done by the powers to be you have a flood of people in on one server that is also super populated by green zoned people in the US.

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Actually if you DC the game sticks you in the front of the Que. The server keeps your info for a while, i am living proof of this.


i think most of us arent simply getting booted to character select but to desktop and having to reenter the queue

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On Swiftsure been waiting an hour and a half and now I am in spot 1032 from 1904...Dont see how I will move up the remaining spots in 30 mins. If you cant fix queues then at least do us the favour of getting the expected wait times right...


I will probably have about 30 mins gametime by the time I get in...I was guild placed to, so no I wont re-roll another server.

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TBH its not really Oceanic peoples fault, it really rests on the fact that they are stagger launching this game and as its not being officially released in the oceanic communities they needed to pick a server.


Swiftsure like all the other originally listed servers are already full as and the only way to have actually gotten the oceanic people to play on a deserted server was to dedicate one pvp, pve rppvp and rppve to oceanic.


Since thats not been done by the powers to be you have a flood of people in on one server that is also super populated by green zoned people in the US.



I don't blame any of the gamers at all. oceanic or other wise. I'm just blaming the fact they have the numbers and they didn't make approprate choices with the numbers that where avaible.


<number of copies sold> / ( <max players on server> * ( 24/avg playtime) ) = number of servers

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I totally agree with you about the fact the game isn't released yet but the small problem is the fact some people where placed on server they are on because of guild placement AND bioware also knew how many people pre-ordered the game and should have made servers / guild placement accordingly.


If there was no "pre-launch" play available I could see queues for the first little while but they did stress testing for 3 or 4 weeks strait so they know the capacity of each server AND they have the numbers of pre-orders. Just think about all of the people joining after the game is officially released, and everyone who gets it for xmas. Its going to end up getting way worse IMO.


REALLY BioWare should know exactly how many copies are out and sold and they also know how many people each server can handle so no excuses here and yes so many mmo pre and launch keep making the same mistake as other mmos why should bioware make the same? they have a reason? well i would LOVE to hear it.

Edited by joemladic
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Actually no it doesn't, I am living proof of this as it has happened 3-4 times to me tonight.


So.... cool story bro.



it worked for me, it didn't work for you, interesting, it might depend how you disconnect then. There should be a reason behind it.

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Any type of queue is unacceptable since we are paying customers that are paying for a game we cannot play!


Refunds please!


Hurry back to where you got the $5 pre-order and get a refund! Game launches on Dec. 20th and I don't think they will accept refunds after that.

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Its so funny reading these children post about que times being so long and that it shouldnt ever happen.


This game hasnt even launched yet your lucky to get to play before the game releases.

Also its a computer game they bioware are workin on the issue. Do you really think they are goin to let everything as is. YOur stupid and ignorant behavior isnt goin to get the issue fixed.


Relax and wait.


Bioware now could also come out and give an explaination to what they are working on to get the issue fixed. That would be good on bioware end. Instead of just suggesting for people to reroll on a different server. I dont think thats a good way to fix the issue. What they should do is give free toon transfers then so everyone and thier friends dont have to reroll and start over. Also another thing they should of done is CAP the servers.


Don't call people children, when you cannot spell "queue" properly.

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