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Queue growing and growing and growing...


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I am sorry but that is total rubbish considering I rolled on the server Bioware assigned to me. If that was the case they shoul dhave load balanced the pre-assigned servers and then CLOSED them to people who did not pre-order and were not assigned to that server!


They did, but not everyone is in a guild, only a small fraction of people are in a guild. So the 70-90% of people who were not in a guild, Bioware couldn't force them to pick certain servers.


I looked at the server list, tried to find an obscure one, and one that wasn't filled. Why? Because I know there will be queues. Apparently, it's the UK ones that are terrible. Last night, at 7-8pm EST the queues were like 20 to 30 at most, for most servers. Contrast this with Aion's queue which I was in for 2-3 hours, so far this isn't so bad.

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I have hard time to think rerolling will do anything good, couse the thing is thoouse server will be full to very soon - couse they are still letting ea-people in dont they?

And then we will have the HUGE releaseday. So i guess it just to ride it out. :)

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This guy is special...

for one there is no light or standard pvp servers.


There are several. Honestly are you guys even trying? Or are you just here to cry....


Not true at all.


Yep. It is. I've seen the same posts, the same excuses in multiple games. You chose a server with a queue. Stick with it or move to a better one. It's literally all up to you.


Ok enough trying to get people to take responsibility for themselves, please continue the QQ.


Ok, it happens in all the popular releases.


Heh this is true. I guess it doesn't happen in games nobody cares about.

Edited by Gohlar
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You new to mmos? You must be. I found a server no problem. You have all the control you need and if you thought for 10 sec you would realize there is nothing to "fix".


I'm in a guild of 260 people, placed on a server by BW. Getting all of them to relocate kind of goes against the point of having a pre-made guild. As a lone-wolf I can see you don't have that problem, and presumably you've also not been playing since day 1 of EA? Days 1-3 of EA were fine, but got progressively worse the more waves of EA they added, until we're at the point where trying to connect to our designated server takes an hour or more.


The 'fix' is that they should have stopped new people creating chars on this server at the point they had to introduce queues ...


Sure we can roll on a new server, and basically wipe out our days of EA character development and pre-made guild - but why should we? It has nothing to do with entitlement, and everything to do with the process not being managed properly DESPITE having the mega-weekend-betatest and all sorts of other numbers to mitigate against these very problems.


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Got a funny story to share. So I wait 50 minutes to get into my server, I finally get in, tells me there was an "error", try to relog, and bang, back to end of the line.


Thanks Bioware, WoW had this sorted out. They'd at least "remember" that I was already waiting for too long.

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They did, but not everyone is in a guild, only a small fraction of people are in a guild. So the 70-90% of people who were not in a guild, Bioware couldn't force them to pick certain servers.


I looked at the server list, tried to find an obscure one, and one that wasn't filled. Why? Because I know there will be queues. Apparently, it's the UK ones that are terrible. Last night, at 7-8pm EST the queues were like 20 to 30 at most, for most servers. Contrast this with Aion's queue which I was in for 2-3 hours, so far this isn't so bad.


The queue times are a lie its like yea only 20 mins wait... 3 hours later...

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Bah I left my computer in line on position 1155 on Legions of Lettow,

I watched a movie I went back and saw I am in position 200 something, waited for another 45 minutes and I see an error.....


Requeued and now I am in position 1370 :)


I remember queues in WoW of about 15 minutes, but several hours is just beyond my patience!


Bioware please stop just monitoring the queues and start doing something about existing servers that will resolve the problem. You don't want you customers' first impression to be bitter!

Edited by Killakella
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what is a "server" please explain.


i'll make an example, Wow. 7 years ago. Servers could handle more than 3-3.6k people. People have been doing numbers and its pretty clear swtor servers are capped at max 2.5k. Its been 7 years and nowadays a server with a capacity of 7-10k people would be the standard.

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You know things are bad when even the fanboys aren’t defending it. As others have said. The games not even released and the servers can’t even handle the early game access load. This is a very bad sign.


The servers are handling the load perfectly fine. I think I had one lag related crash on day one.


The most logical explanation I've seen is that they're limiting server capacity over early access so that people spread out. Come launch day, they up the capacity of the servers to alleviate queue times.

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I have had to give up logging on to the server my guild was deployd on its a joke considering we had no choice what server we were given if the issue isnt sorted in a month I think allot of players will start to leave. this pre launch has been a total disaster only a few of our guild members have been able to log into the server because the ques are so bad and i may start to lose guild members who have been looking forward to playing together due to this issue.
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the people who are saying this is acceptable are either unemployed and logged in 24/7 or mentally challenged..

they know how many copies of the game have been sold.. why they wouldn't have the servers be able to handle that many people at minimum without ques is beyond me..


I would think with a brand new game especially you would want an amazing launch.. not one that causes everyone to ***** about something that should have, and needs to be addressed immediately


Your right, I've been really patient this afternoon, and I use my words carefully here, but to honest 3h 45mins and still 546 in the queue, is not just unacceptable; it is in fact a disgrace.

To advise me to move servers is also unacceptable, why should I have to? And what guarantee do I have they won't become over populated?


Really not happy in U.K with Tomb freedom nadd

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Let mme get this straight. I'm guessing that three days ago most of you lot were mmoaiing about not being alowed into the game. You were demanding let us in right? And now your moaning about a possible symptom of letting to many people in to quickly. Hmmm.. I can only wonder what youll be moaning about next!
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To all the guys ( read biased fanbois ) that are saying well re roll on a quieter server , you really have no Idea of the scale of the problem, I was given a server along with my guild pre EGA, 1 day in and half the guild is playing the other half isnt, the server is rammed full, the rest of the guild get EGA and the server Bioware gave us is full, now the que is impossible, so to the idiots saying just reroll you are asking us to just dump our guild ( friends ) so bioware can act like idiots and they are idiots for not realising this was going to happen, come the 20th if they dont raise server pop cap then it really will be a launch worthy of the booby prize.


To finish off I love the game , really do, just dont know what to do.

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The game is in launch, and it's VERY VERY popular, it's best mmo ever given out, trust me, this que and all will not be forever... Try to chillax some guys... First you QQ about not getting preorder access, now that server's are full omg... JUST STOP!



Things you can do while wait for que:


-Clean your house-

-Go sort your xmas gift you gonna give your friends or family-

-Tell your girlfriend how much you love her and how happy you are for having her in your life-

-Go watch a star wars movie (my favorite) -

-Stop whine about a game you love and will not quit even if you say you will-



This is not a troll message, i just don't understand how you can complain so much.. I mean i understand your frustration, but this will not be like this forever! most mmo have the same in launch and pre gameplay! so please take a deep breath and realax <3



Peace and love <3

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To all the guys ( read biased fanbois ) that are saying well re roll on a quieter server , you really have no Idea of the scale of the problem, I was given a server along with my guild pre EGA, 1 day in and half the guild is playing the other half isnt, the server is rammed full, the rest of the guild get EGA and the server Bioware gave us is full, now the que is impossible, so to the idiots saying just reroll you are asking us to just dump our guild ( friends ) so bioware can act like idiots and they are idiots for not realising this was going to happen, come the 20th if they dont raise server pop cap then it really will be a launch worthy of the booby prize.


To finish off I love the game , really do, just dont know what to do.


Wait or reroll. Constant crying (not say you are but others) changes nothing.


reality is servers nowadays can hold a lot more people. Youre just " Blind "


Please, share with us your technical expertise on the current situation regarding SW's servers.

Edited by Gohlar
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The game is in launch, and it's VERY VERY popular, it's best mmo ever given out, trust me, this que and all will not be forever... Try to chillax some guys... First you QQ about not getting preorder access, now that server's are full omg... JUST STOP!



Things you can do while wait for que:


-Clean your house-

-Go sort your xmas gift you gonna give your friends or family-

-Tell your girlfriend how much you love her and how happy you are for having her in your life-

-Go watch a star wars movie (my favorite) -

-Stop whine about a game you love and will not quit even if you say you will-



This is not a troll message, i just don't understand how you can complain so much.. I mean i understand your frustration, but this will not be like this forever! most mmo have the same in launch and pre gameplay! so please take a deep breath and realax <3



Peace and love <3


yeah with a 6hour queue i can take a nap. QQ

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