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Queue growing and growing and growing...


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Frankly, this is to be expected.


It sucks...but it always happens during launch of an MMO.


BW/EA have actually mitigated it somewhat, I think...it's not as bad as I've heard some MMO launches were...though this is the first one that I've been in...


This is where the problem lies, this isn't actually the launch, it's the pre-order access with about 25% of the total population in the game. So they knew exactly how many people were coming and they're fumbling the ball, what do you think will happen when the other 75% try to log on?

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been trying to get into swiftsure sense 8pm its now 1130pm and im still 1361 in queue which means another 2 hours minimum before im even close to getting in. gg fail ega. from the looks of things by the 20th there will be a 12 hour queue to get in which will essentially mean the only people that can play are the ones running anti afk software.
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Now will people stop complaining about an official response?


LOL where is your /sarcasm for your post, like that "official response" had anything to do with this forum topic.


However, what I heard from my guild is that there is a statement on Twitter stating something along the following, and this is hearsay + paraphrasing so don't hold me to it:


The server queues are going to be bad up until Launch. These servers are NOT at capacity, they have an artificial limit imposed on them which will be lifted at launch. So if you got twitter accounts go see if you can corroborate that, I don't have one and don't want one so I don't know how accurate it is, that is just what I was told.

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I'm going to have to agree and also voice my displeasure over the queue. I have to believe with technology in this day and age, there isn't a way to distribute the load across their entire array of computing power. Just because other MMO's have had this, doesn't mean progress can't be made.


Thankfully the guy hearing the masses say "The wheel has always been square" didn't listen and came up with a better way.

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This is where the problem lies, this isn't actually the launch, it's the pre-order access with about 25% of the total population in the game. So they knew exactly how many people were coming and they're fumbling the ball, what do you think will happen when the other 75% try to log on?


Where are you getting those numbers that this is 25% of the population? Can you link me to that?

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Frankly, this is to be expected.


It sucks...but it always happens during launch of an MMO.


BW/EA have actually mitigated it somewhat, I think...it's not as bad as I've heard some MMO launches were...though this is the first one that I've been in...


Edit: Also, my server only has a 30 min queue, although it said 35min when I started.


you say you heard other MMOs had worse LAUNCHES pls name them?????

Edited by joemladic
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Absolutely Great...... Finally got into a flashpoint with a friend after waiting 3 hours in the queue, bam 9000 error go to log back as we are in the middle of the flashpoint and you are in queue 1200.. again.


There should be a grace period on d/c client crashes ect..


so in effect 6 hours of possible queue times and played about 20 mins...


Get your act together Bioware, I am sure others have experienced these frustrations withs CTD's and the like as well

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Someone fill me in here, as this is the first big-scale MMORPG I've been involved with. Why is the current 'servers with long queue's' better than 'add 50 or whatever servers, merge low population ones when things settle if needed'. Aside from the logistics of that I mean. Is there precedent of that being very ugly in other games? Worse then the current outrage right now?
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LOL where is your /sarcasm for your post, like that "official response" had anything to do with this forum topic.


However, what I heard from my guild is that there is a statement on Twitter stating something along the following, and this is hearsay + paraphrasing so don't hold me to it:


The server queues are going to be bad up until Launch. These servers are NOT at capacity, they have an artificial limit imposed on them which will be lifted at launch. So if you got twitter accounts go see if you can corroborate that, I don't have one and don't want one so I don't know how accurate it is, that is just what I was told.


So wait, the "official" response can be not unreasonably paraphrased to "We know things suck right now but hey you're only pre-orders so we're not really going to do anything until the general launch"


Remind me again why I pre-ordered for this because correct me if I'm wrong, many people myself included wouldn't have done so if we were told we were just going to get the short end of the stick until the 20th

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My question is, Legions of Lettow is completely jammed. At the moment the usual is to wait 40~80 minutes to enter, it's unacceptable.


Is BW going to do some kind of improvements on this server (and other crowded servers)?


Because I don't feel like leaving PC on 1 hour before I ever think to play.



Kind regards


Unacceptable ? lol

Ever play Wotlk for 3 months after release? the queues were 5 hrs long. Learn to turn your comp on and log a couple of hours before you are ready to play. Crowded servers = popular game.......also dont expect it to always be like this it's always at its worst for 1 - 3 months after release.

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Unacceptable ? lol

Ever play Wotlk for 3 months after release? the queues were 5 hrs long. Learn to turn your comp on and log a couple of hours before you are ready to play. Crowded servers = popular game.......also dont expect it to always be like this it's always at its worst for 1 - 3 months after release.


Actually that is straight up not true, I've played WoW for a very long time on a very high pop server and worst (even on BC, Wrath and Cata) launches ever got was a 40 min wait time.


That's a bit different than a 4 hour wait time so please don't exaggerate.

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Been waiting for an hour in queue and only 3/4 in, so that means 4 hour wait?


Please Fix this, I know im qq-ing like everyone else, but i work 6 days a week 9 and a half hour days i blew off my works chrissy party to play this tonight, so... Please fix it?, cause after release the population will just increase dramatically, so upgrade existing servers or create more and offer free transfers.


Or create dedicated oceanic servers and offer aussies and oceanic people free transfers.


Either Which Way, the problem needs to be solved, see alot of people are saying, Oh im not paying 15 a month for this if wait times are this long, but its an investment, myself like others paid the initial amount of $175 for CE, some have paid 200-300 plus 15 per month for x amount of months i played wow for 5 years and galaxies for 5 years, Bioware needs to consider their worth wont be worth anything if they cant get it right,


People are already trying to compare this to wow, difference between the two is wow has had better funding and 7 years to get it right, so TOR is on the tight rope, a few slip ups and its all done,


And To be honest, The Queues make a big difference, there is only so much you can do before you get bored and in 3 hours im prolly gonna not wanna play that much..


Sorry for wall of text and punctuation etc etc.

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you say you heard other MMOs had worse LAUNCHES pls name them?????


Anarchy Online, <<OGOD THE QUES +disconnect fun

SWG. << but where r teh servers?

WoW, << YAY *crash 2000+ que

Age of Conan, << Cool untalkable to NPC's bro.

Rift, << Burn it, burn it now.

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So my message isn't lost by the closed thread...


This is probably one of the most frustrating things about this game.


I'm part of a guild, server assigned to Canderous Ordo and it says queue of < 40 minutes...one actually said 1 hr 50 min


I can understand having to wait a bit to get in, but God help you if you have a crash to desktop, Bluescreen, or other technical issue and you're back to the same wait again.


If you were in a group when you crashed, you can pretty much kiss it goodbye. After a certain time your character is auto-disbanned from the group, whereas if it was a simple crash and the queue wasn't so bad, I would be able to rejoin my group to finish the Flashpoint, Op, whatever.


Something with server resources needs to be deviated to the more higher population servers. Technical issues turn from mere annoyances to utter body blocks with the horrendous queue times.


Please tell me you folks have something planned to curtail this problem. Clearly, the pre-orders alone have stressed server capacities, I can't imagine how bad it could get once the game goes public past pre-orders. Honestly, this game can get too big for it's own good and end up hurting the community and company profits.


If you allow your servers to be underpowered or by contrast, overwhelmed, you set yourself up for angry subscribers. Lag and queues are the bane of an MMO's existence. I hope you can answer to at least what the company plans to do to combat this growing problem.

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Shed a tear for me please.


>I had eneded my last session in windowed mode this morning.


So tonight it brought the server Que up in Windowed mode. After 2 hours and 45 Minutes of Que I finally get into Swiftsure. My son asks me something while I am fumbling around to switch the game back to full screan ... and somehow accidently CLOSE the GAME!



:mad:2 Hours 45 Minutes in que results in 30 seconds in the game... EPIC FAIL..


They NEED to FIX the QUE issue or do I have to abandon a level 24 Character and my guild to play on a server that is low Que time??





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I just wanted to add that for all the complaining no one is stopping to think about the actual situation they are griping about.


EVERY successful MMORPG had this issue at launch. The reason is very simple.


They know exactly how many people there are going to be on considering pre-orders and such as well as typical guestimates for non-pre order sales. HOWEVER, they buy servers based on NORMAL usage. Launches are anything but normal. Almost everyone that owns the game is trying to play it all at once. The servers can't handle it. Which is why they are limited.


The issue is that you can't just throw up new servers because once the flood dies down everything will feel low pop. And low pop MMO's die. So what they did was prep for what will come. Give it a little time and it will all work out. People will end their vacations, not everyone will be playing at once, and BW will add servers as needed (if they are needed), Everyone will have sexy high pop servers to enjoy.


It isn't like they can just put up servers temporarily and then forcefully move everyone to other servers once they are no longer needed. That is a PR nightmare.


In short... give them some time. They want this to be a success. They want us happy. Stop acting like spoiled brats of the instant gratification generation. Relax a little. They have our best interests at heart because our best interests effect their checkbook.

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