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Queue growing and growing and growing...


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I would like to see Bioware implement guild server transfers in the next few days. The Swiftsure is unplayable right now and my guild was placed there. I know BW could not predict that the Oceanic players would do what they did, but that is a mistake on their part for not having an Oceanic server.


An announcement needs to happens soon so players can make an educated decision on whether they want to cut their losses now and reroll.

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You are not helping people choose different servers. You are making people quit the game.


After al,l we who have access right now, were the ones so excited about the game we bought the day we could. Some of us really expensive Collectors Editions. Now you have us wait in ridiculous queues? I really didn't think there would be such grief with early access, launch, fine, for a day or two.


We can't even watch the movies while waiting to getting in. I'm sorry but this is not good customer care.


My guess is that the servers are at 25% capacity and you make us wait.

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I've noticed that there doesn't seem to be much of a problem with American servers...some of them yes, but they seem to have a larger selection of servers to choose from, I've started to play on some of them for the time being until the "Gold-Rush-Fever" has calmed down on the EU servers or until more servers are introduced.


Just flip to the American server list tab at server selection.

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Hey, people, just take a deep breath and listen to me for a second.


It's a launch of a major MMO, queues are to be expected. Now, 3 hours is a bit ridiculous, and the longest I've seen personally is 20 minutes, which really took me about 5 minutes to get in. Bioware already said that they plan on opening some new servers, but if you were around for the launch of WAR then you would know that some times a lot of servers is a bad choice. They are trying to strike a balance between queues and spreading out the numbers too thin.


This will be adjusted as time goes on. They'll allow more people onto the servers when they feel they have the stability to do so. This is a mad rush right now to play the game, and eventually it will die down.


So in short, what you're complaining about are normal birth pangs of an MMO. Should you be angry for 3 hour queues? Yes. But be a bit realistic here and know that it won't continue out into the distant future, eventually everything will settle down.


Also, you can change servers.

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Hey, people, just take a deep breath and listen to me for a second.


It's a launch of a major MMO, queues are to be expected. Now, 3 hours is a bit ridiculous, and the longest I've seen personally is 20 minutes, which really took me about 5 minutes to get in. Bioware already said that they plan on opening some new servers, but if you were around for the launch of WAR then you would know that some times a lot of servers is a bad choice. They are trying to strike a balance between queues and spreading out the numbers too thin.


This will be adjusted as time goes on. They'll allow more people onto the servers when they feel they have the stability to do so. This is a mad rush right now to play the game, and eventually it will die down.


So in short, what you're complaining about are normal birth pangs of an MMO. Should you be angry for 3 hour queues? Yes. But be a bit realistic here and know that it won't continue out into the distant future, eventually everything will settle down.


Also, you can change servers.


I dont need new servers..I need to get into the server my guild was assigned to..or get the option of leveling on another server and then get my toon transfered to my guilds server.

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I thought this type of challenge is exactly why you do a staggered launch and do a guild deployment program and so on. 2 hour + queues is not exactly the smoothest launch ever, especially considering there are now login errors in the client as well. I've already got my char at level 27 and I'm not going to relevel my character because Bioware is delivering a total fail service.


If this had been properly planned Bioware would have banned character creation on full servers unless the player was a member of a guild that was deployed on that server as a part of the organized guild deployment.


When there is no grace period and you get 2 hours worth of error messages if you DC while in game or in the queue as well, they really need to step in and up the population cap and block the creation of new characters by accounts that do not already possess a character on the server in question.


When you also see that out of the Euro servers over half are experiencing queues, it becomes clear that Bioware should either have stopped taking preorders when they had enough to hit the server caps on the number of servers they decided to put up for launch, or put additional measures in place to prevent this. I've currently been in the queue since 14.38 CET and I'm currently number 1261 in the queue with an estimated wait of 1 hour 25 minutes, because I had a client crash and there is no grace period.

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Click......... just joined the queue for Bloodworthy today .. #1476


So I guess I leave my PC waiting for about 3 hours before I get to play.


oh well, .... Tick Tock ..........



posted that at 13:54 , now 15:24 and I am #459


just an FYI so you can estimate your queue time ...


90 mins = 1017 places.


approx 11 places per minute ..

Edited by Darkstar_IE
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Welcome to launch.



The only servers that aren't full are the EU ones. Every American server is packed with a 15 minute to 4 hours wait.


rubbish the EU Servers are always full but seeing as were all in bed when you guys wake up i not suprised you get that impression

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Log in to SWTOR 13.04 now the clock is 16.23 nr 324 in que ! i can log in stay in que go to work, and stil not inside when i get home. Tomb of freedon nadd is insane :p


Completely agree with you on this one and to be honest, even with my toon at level 24, I am considering rolling a new BH on another server as this is completely unacceptable :mad:


Paid good money for a CE version, gets EGA and yet can't play due to incompetent people unable ot sort out the queues lby means as have been suggested on many many other posts in here.


Expected a lot better but getting worse and worse as the real launch gets closer and closer. Future looking a real mess for server queues

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I dont think this game will be playable until late january, because of all the server queue.

Already they are unacceptable, and I cant even fathom the length it will get at launch.


I dont want to be in Bioware shoes at December 20th, but its easy fix :)

Bring up more servers, and after things have settled down; merge some servers..easy peesy.

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You're right that these complaints kept within the restraints of the SWTOR forums will make less impact than complaints made outside of BW/EA control, because bad publicity is bad.


That's exactly what things like #swtor_fail on twitter were invented for :)


Now if everyone who had a twitter account and played SW:TOR tweeted this it could trend. just post a link to this thread, or Stephen Reid's twitter ...

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Do anyone know if the full server's will be better? i usualy wait around 2-3 hours on my server Bloodworthy ;o

This is not a complaint message, i'm glad the game is doing so good, and i don't mind wait to get to play this awesome game! but i'm only wondering if que will be better on the full server's or if it's best to move server? (mean if que starts to bother me at some point) :D

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I dont see why you (BW) opens for early access when you aren't ready for it? Here i'm of course referring to the long server queues!!! Raise those damn population caps?! I think alot of people leave this game soon if you dont do something about it! And maybe it's fixed in a couple of weeks, but i dont wanna wait that long with these insane queues, and i know it's just me.. Xibie out
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Position in queue:.... 1482... serv: Bloodworthy



well.. seems I spend more time in next days waiting in queue instead playing


this is ridiculous. I can't play with my guild cuz of this...

maybe dev team do not care about team playing, but I joined this game to play with my friends... if I can't play with my friends I will stop playing at all.


if it will continue I want my money back - I paid for playing, not waiting. Or give more free time of play...

Edited by Tryper
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