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Queue growing and growing and growing...


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Come on its bad enough its simplified console trash wow clone as it is.


Waiting for ever will kill my sub after the one that came with the game.


28 months unbroken revenue for of SWG by comparison EVEN post NGE (ptooey) I resubbed a couple of times... The well documented failings of that game were within the context of the MOST immersive multi class diverse player driven environments.. It looks virtually identical to SWG.. Plays like WoW and is not as complex as SWG was... NEVER Queued back then


No houses, no coop ships, crappy on rails space element. This game is a crock really. Its only the guild mates from the SWG days that have made this worth trying at all. and now I CANT GET ON TO THE SERVER YOU ASSIGNED US! If I was working ID be billing £50 an hour.. I chose my time spent in games very carefully. This is ********.

Edited by Ghengis
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Played since the 2nd wave on the first day on the frostclaw server.


Spent days getting my character to 26 (and alts to the mid teens)


And now, because of your silly and useless staggered launch antics, I am now going to have to re-rolll on a less crowded server, because I REFUSE to wait 2+ hours to play my characters.



Why didn't you lock the servers that where full before inviting more people? Your staggered launch has solved NOTHING expect cause people to get highly annoyed with you. Congratulations, your the exact same as every other games company that has launched an MMO.




Not in the slightest bit impressed customer.

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Come on its bad enough its simplified console trash wow clone as it is. But waiting for ever will kill my sub after the one that came with the game. 28 months of SWG by comparison. The well documented failings of that game were within the context of the MOST imemrsive multi class diverse player driven environments.. No houses, no coop ships, crappy on rails space element. This game is a crock really. Its only the guild mates from the SWg days that have made this worth trying at all. It looks virtualyl identical to SWG.. Plays like WoW and is not as complex as SWG was... NEVER Queued back then. If I was working ID be billing £50 an hour.. I chose my time spent in games very carefully. This is ********.


You really aren't going to get anywhere with a rant like that. If you hate the game, quit. Go work overtime and make the money you seem to like to tell everyone about. One less person in the queue as far as I'm concerned. Also, can I have your stuff? :)

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The Estimated time is a pure lie, If you want the real waiting time you have to double it.


Yesterday the estimated time was 1hour and i got online after 2hours.

Today the estimated time was 1hour and 30mins and i got online after 3hours.

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I would point out that the fastest way to get serious movement from a publisher on problems is NOT merely posting just to the official forums.


Complain to tons and tons of third-party forums, so that the major gaming news sites start writing negative articles about it. That hits them where it hurts most - their pocketbooks. If customers start getting told by the news sources they read not to buy the game, you better bet that'll light a fire under some folks.


That said, it being the weekend when a lot of folks at Bioware will be off-work, I'm not sure how much change we'll see before Monday.







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I agree if the servers are that busy why haven't Bioware done somthing about the queing problems or even write to the comunity on what they are planning to do about it .

they obviously have been caught off guard on how successfull the game is and unfortunatly the first few weeks of a mmos life determains how successfull it will be in future' if they fail the comunity in sorting out this issue they may find subscriptions may fall off after a month. It is the devs responcibility to keep the comnutiy of customers as that is what we are informed on any issues that may affect game play and they have failed to let us know what they are planning to do to sort this out.

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i payed for game 55 euros , plus for 3 months subscription will be near 90 euros. Now if we say i w8 arround 5 hours per day to play it seams that i can play like 2 or 3 hours the day. So its like paying 40 euros for w8ing and rest for playing... feel kinda sad atm. Hope BW fix that or it will be fixed by it self because NONE will ever log in again....


Expected more than this BW

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3 hours wait yesterday and today its 2 hours + Saturday afternoon in the UK on "The Red Eclipse" server ,I do hope they get this sorted because next week its only going to get worst and lot of players only have limited time to play so spending that time queuing everyday does no help.


I don't know why they don't increase server pop load on the busiest servers,people won't go to light load servers if they have guilds and spent time levelling their classes.



We are paying monthly sub for this game so these sort of problems should be fixed ASAP.

Next week will be a nightmare.

Edited by Stel
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Well the fun part is this is just the preorders....there gonna be more ppl playing when the game launches



@Rockjaw Stephen Reid

Queues. There will be more servers. Pop caps will be raised. If you don't want to queue, I would consider another server.

9 hours ago via Twitter for iPad

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More like the ignorance in your comment makes me sad. Reading comprehension much?. Lets see 27 European Union countries, how many people of these 27 countries can even speak more than one language? Go to Berlin, Paris many other and find out for yourself.

/end feeding troll


That certainly depends who you are speaking to. If it's some one about 60+ then he or she probably only speaks the native language, but if you meet some one 30+ he certainly speaks English, perhaps German and perhaps spanish depending on educational choice.

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I will be returning this game very soon if bioware dont get their act together.

constant 3+ hour queues on frostclaw EU


its made the game unplayable in more than one sense of the word.

Highly unimpressed here as are most of my guildies and friends


bioware are going to lose a lot of custom because of this.

I can only imagine the chaos on the 20th when the game

officially launches.


Refund seeking customer.:mad:

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I would really like to know if I can still cancel my 3 month subscription so I can make sure during the 1st 30 days that the problems get solved otherwise I would much rather not pay the monthly fee if you don't mind.


Thanks for any answer you can give me on this


Yes, of course you can. Your sub won't actually start until your free 30 days is up, so you can do it anytime during that period.


Personally I wish I hadn't redeemed my product code just yet, because then I could wait a month before using my free 30 days and seeing whether it was worth subscribing yet or not. Queues like this mean it isn't worth me subscribing, no matter how much I enjoy the game.

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