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Queue growing and growing and growing...


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Hopefully you'll fare better than we did late last night. Someone I arranged to play with was in and I was queueing. Before I got in, he got a server error and had to re-queue. Then I got in and he wasn't. Rinse, repeat. Others have gotten a crash/error right when the queuing ended, and they had to re-queue. Because multiple people wind up queueing multiple times, this problem is an order of magnitude worse than it sounds.


Just that..spend 14 hours in queues yesterday..lets see what today brings

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Level 20 allready? I been in sence the second wave invite and my character is only level 18. You seem to have had lots of play time. :cool:


lol, Yeah, I got in on the 2nd Day, 1st wave (7/31) Had a couple of days booked off work, and have been burning the midnight oil. Played till around 2AM each day. But its time invested in a toon, that I just dont want to go re-roll and do again.


Im not really complaining as such, because MMO's are always like this, as SWTOR is one of the most (if not the most) anticipated MMO ever. But it would be nice to have the queue managed to say no more than 30 mins. That seems fair enough to me .(imho)


No, I'm not going to rage quit, I am a fan of BW, and I've already registered and signed up for 6 months, SWTOR is a cracking game, but it would be great not to have to spend upwards of 2 or 3 hours to get into it.

Edited by Darkstar_IE
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Full servers should no longer be considered as opened to create a character unless you are already guilded here or part of the guild pre-launch program. At least till the population starts to be really spread out between servers.


It's kind of harsh but when a server reaches the full state it should mean something: you are not welcome to create a character here.

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IMO they need to start raising the caps on the 4(?) servers with an "estimated" (also known as wild guess that's buried in optimism) queue of over 90 mins. No one is going to pick these servers to roll on anyway unless:


a) their guild was placed there

b) they have a lot of friends already playing


I don't see the harm in working to lower the queue's by 30 mins to an hour when there are still some servers with capacity for no queueing out there.


Also - please just create a new server and designate it Italian, Spanish and Czech or something then migrate guilds that want to onto this server. The unofficial business is to blame for the issues on LoL ToNS and BW and it needs addressing soon. The queues are crazy and its the middle of the day. Come 7pm we are all going to be sat in 5 hours queues again.




Not saying it's your fault or anything but it wouldn't hurt EU countries to learn each others languages. I mean each EU citizen should at least speak 5 languages. But then you get some countries who think only about their precious little national borders. No wonder EU is a sinking ship.


About the queue times it's really bad atm. Legions of letow is just horrid. I smell a AOC/DCUO "open up 1 million servers" then close half of them a few months in. Each server HAS to be able to hold more players. WOW has half the servers currently available and yet it has 10mil+ players.

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Hahaha i'm to old to be a fanboi and in fact quite the opposite you could call me critical and cantankerous. But i'm used to this and have seen it all before in extremely popular games. As a result I manage my time better


Your right we werent excluded but we werent invited either, doesnt it seem somewhat childish that the child not invited to play is making the most noise?


Seriously though log in before you want to play, go do some chores or spend time with the family and then comeback and play.


So I take it you don't work anymore? Retired, or work from home? "Log in before you want to play" sounds like good advice, unless you get home from work at 7.00, go to bed at 11.00, and the queue is 4 hours long. You say you're critical and yet you think this is somehow a good mechanic BW have for deciding how many people can play on a server?

Use those critical skills of yours, and your advanced wisdom gained from having seen it all before, and realise that there is a fundamental flaw in this system that means people who work can't play a game they've paid for at a time they want to.

Calling people children really doesn't help, and if I was a child I'd have a dickload of free time and wouldn't care about these horrendous queues.

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I dont mind an hour or 2 wait to get in.. it happens.. its a launch..


what i do mind, is having to spend 2 hours waiting to get in, then some bug crashing me out after 10 mins, and having to spend another 2 hours waiting..


it is what it is tho, and its a cracking game, so im not going anywhere.. i just hope BW get it fixed up asap, it can be extremely annoying


My sentiments exactly. I've been lucky thus far with regards to crashing, only had 1 crash and that was really early in the morning before the queues started!


I'm sure things will settle down post launch. Although queues can be a pain at least the login servers don't fall over like a certain other MMO :rolleyes:.

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Not saying it's your fault or anything but it wouldn't hurt EU countries to learn each others languages. I mean each EU citizen should at least speak 5 languages. But then you get some countries who think only about their precious little national borders. No wonder EU is a sinking ship.


About the queue times it's really bad atm. Legions of letow is just horrid. I smell a AOC/DCUO "open up 1 million servers" then close half of them a few months in. Each server HAS to be able to hold more players. WOW has half the servers currently available and yet it has 10mil+ players.


Wait what, you think all EU countries should learn each other's languages? Jesus christ the ignorance is strong in this one.

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Come back and correct me if I am wrong, but this is simply traffic shaping. There is no use having all guilds on one server - they couldn't recruit noobs or leave - they need unguilded new players as do new players need established guilds.


It is likely that a few servers are proving more popular. Ok so you add in extra capacity and people keep joining...What of the other servers? With low populations they will wither. Bio are simply using queues as a means to direct new players to less populated servers. There is no point having a server with a 5000 population and one with a 500 population, for example.


I think the issue on my particular server, Frostclaw (EU) is that it is an easy name to remember. I chose it as I thought 'Hey, that will be easy to tell my friends when they buy the game and join'. Bio should have made all the servers simple names or obscure. I notice the more obscure EU server names are NORMAL now after being FULL last night. They have obviously added extra capacity. People must still be keeping on trying Frostcalw as we remain FULL. Its unlikely that the other servers people left, so this must be going on behind the scenes.


Finally, this isn't the launch, this is the herding us onto balanced servers. WE ARE NOT PAYING FOR IT! Once it goes live and they don't sort the issues then it is a customer service issue. Just now we are all just a big marketting and server population experiment!



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My server was Heavy when I started and now its queue :(


Either increase the cap or STOP new players from creating chars on the full servers!


If they got a friend on that server.. well though luck that friend have to enter another non-full server with you then!


Seriously, what will happen on Tuesday? It will be monster-queues!


And since I'm playing on the Only RP-PVP server on EU I guess it will a hell after Tuesday getting in :mad:

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Not saying it's your fault or anything but it wouldn't hurt EU countries to learn each others languages. I mean each EU citizen should at least speak 5 languages. But then you get some countries who think only about their precious little national borders. No wonder EU is a sinking ship.


About the queue times it's really bad atm. Legions of letow is just horrid. I smell a AOC/DCUO "open up 1 million servers" then close half of them a few months in. Each server HAS to be able to hold more players. WOW has half the servers currently available and yet it has 10mil+ players.


How many languages do you speak?

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This is not f'ing good enough, not by a long shot; I did not pay the equivalent of $93.15 to sit watching a server queue for hours on end. Give me a damn server transfer or a refund, at this point I don't care which. Sitting wasting my free time because some bean counter in a suit wants to go home at 2 pm each day is not acceptable by any stretch of the imagination.


I even pm'd Stephen Reid on the 15th and warned their staggered access plan was seriously flawed, but right now, saying "I told you so" is no consolation.

Edited by HexCaliber
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The queues are a joke the need to offer more servers and free moves to guilds and players or up the cap on the servers.


None of this would of happened if they had started with way more englsh eu realms on the first few days BW short sighted management of population issues should of worked out that ppl might have friends who rolled on the first 7 pve servers and would want to roll on the same realm to.

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It's also a part of balancing server population. You can't just open lots of servers only to find out a few months later that you have to close 10 servers again etc.


Why not? If there are 10 servers with very low populations you can merge them onto less servers. Hell, you could even just do it behind the scenes without telling anyone ... keep the front-end name but the log in actually takes you to a different server ... but people will find out when someone says "isn't (insert name of server here) great!" and someone calls him a noob for getting the server name wrong.

The only problem with server merging is if you can't move the whole population and try to move part of it, because then you risk fragmenting casual relationships. But merging everyone on one server into another? What's the problem with that exactly?

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Its that i have a few days off time that i dont mind wayting, but if this will go on, i'm not gonna P2P.


this isnt my first game launch, i tested more MMO's and i know theres always sever problems, but i never seen it as bad as this, for a game made and hosted by companys with this mutch money this realy is a epic fail.


i realy hope they fix this befor the 20th or there are gonna be a lot of people that are gonna ask for a refund.


Well, i guess i'l go play Hellgate London til i can get in

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Woke up this morning @ 7 am gmt and already got a small queue (~40 ppl). Then I had to restart my pc and @ 11 am gmt I've got 2k queue.

And only now I've entered to the game.





Edited by sartrik
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Not saying it's your fault or anything but it wouldn't hurt EU countries to learn each others languages. I mean each EU citizen should at least speak 5 languages. But then you get some countries who think only about their precious little national borders. No wonder EU is a sinking ship.


About the queue times it's really bad atm. Legions of letow is just horrid. I smell a AOC/DCUO "open up 1 million servers" then close half of them a few months in. Each server HAS to be able to hold more players. WOW has half the servers currently available and yet it has 10mil+ players.



i'm sure those 10 mil players are trying to play at the same time, and they are not in china at all :o

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The queues are impossible at this time and everybody is aware of this. The reason why I'm posting is because, once again, i'm waiting and waiting and waiting.


We all know its game launch, BW has not yet at full speed with this, this game had a launch 10x bigger than WoW, etc etc etc. I understand that it might not be viable to expect any more servers soon to share the load.


But BW please be aware of the following: as with any good meal, you are prepared to wait for a bit of time to get it... if the meal is average, u are supposed to wait no more than 15m, if it's very very good you accept to wait around 30m. SWTOR is a very good meal... but even if I'm very hungry, if I have to wait for more than 1h, I'll simply "eat" something else.


There is one quick way for you to solve this even if just in a temporary fashion: allow for free character migration during this grace period. You constantly say "move to another less populated server", but after levelling my char to 15 i don't want to start it over again. is it so dificult to allow for free character migration for a time, so that people can enjoy the game while you invest in more infrastructures?

Edited by Aesirwan
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Biggest problem with server queues is if you are in a guild or have spent a long time already on your characters!


My guess is Bioware are going to lose a lot of subs over this issue just like all other games that launched with poor server management (they should have put a cap on the number of accounts allowed to roll on a server). Bearing in mind that if for any reason server pops fall in the future you then do merges!


But after all the careful prparation work for launch the horse has fallen at the last fence!

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