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Patch 1.3 Speculation Thread


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Oh now this is a fun thread. 1.3 will probably have a little something to do with PVP, as I believe the season for the ranked WZ's won't start at 1.2. So there will be a little focus on that.


1. I think 1.3 will focus still on end game, but probably just fixing what they have, or reworking some of it. I doubt we'll get a new Operation every major update, and we've had two or three so far added.


2. Dual spec and expanded legacy system, that may at some point allow you to add your friends into your legacy.


3. Guild functionality, but probably not guild capital ships. Possibly Guild Missions, or Guild Legacy system.


4. New space combat off the rails, which has been speculated and has been hinted on numerous times. This will be the main focus of the update.


5. A huge speculation here, but a massive PVP warzone that only ticks off every few hours a lot like in WoW, but it's a large space battle with capital ships having to maneuver so they can attack the other ship. At least, this would be freaking rad, and yes, I know, rad is an old word, but I'm using it!

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Everything else is conjencture until we get more confirmation, from watching the Guild Summit stuff, I don't remember any of things you mentioning as having a heavy possibility of being in 1.3 so don't start spewing it like it is.


Of course it's conjecture, this is a speculation thread :p

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For those people who want more info, please check the official bioware guild summit videos, they give info on their short term plan and long term plan in the next patches





- Dual Spec done right (along with the right way to implement hotbar swap and gear swap), there will be NO dual AC.

- Automated Grouping system that works for Flashpoint, Operations and ordinary missions like Heroics

- Continuation of current Class quest as bioware aware of their strength in story.

- Additional FP , OPs and Warzones (1 each per major patch)

- Abilities to put bounties / contract on players (opposing faction)

- Organic Pets will be implemented as Rewards

- New Season for Ranked PVP




- Adding Achievement system, this is already on design phase

- Additional Space combat missions and a 'secret suprise' that will turn SPACE COMBAT into something far more enjoyable than rail based shooter now. Hinted to be group space combat with free-form flying (not rail based)

- Guild Capital Ship , already on design phase


everyting above already public information.. so shouldnt be a suprise to anyone who watch the guild summit videos



I hope everyone who reads this, and is as excited by all of these additions and shiny things as I am, understands that you have to temper your excitement in light of the meanings of SHORT TERM and LONG TERM.


It is difficult for me. I want all of those things yesterday just like everybody else and man some of that stuff is so sweet, I wanna go into a diabetic coma just thinking about it.


Just stay calm, understand it's an MMO and NOTHING is EVER carved on a rock in a temple somewhere. We have no idea what short term and long term mean. It is nice to see where it's going and I intend to enjoy the ride.


Man it's hard not to get excited about some of that stuff though.




Now I have one word that would make the game complete, for me anyway.



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understands that you have to temper your excitement in light of the meanings of SHORT TERM and LONG TERM.


short term and long term can be gleaned from the developer's response in Guild Summit.. there you will see the stuff they openly discuss as shortterm, and stuff that they admit on the design phase that will be long term =D


stuff thats on the drawing board dont count... everyting listed is already on design phase at least, the achievement system already in advance stages..






bioware got a term for this, i forgot.. kinda like a revenge or feud between 2 players

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More story quests and dailies for me but im pretty easy i dont mind waiting x amount of time for new content as i only have one toon so leveling up others would work for me, organic pets sounds good but as i keep saying in my guild i want a freaking taun taun to ride lol:p
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More story quests and dailies for me but im pretty easy i dont mind waiting x amount of time for new content as i only have one toon so leveling up others would work for me, organic pets sounds good but as i keep saying in my guild i want a freaking taun taun to ride lol:p


organic pet already in 1.2


its organic mounts that the dev promise in the future patch

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5. A huge speculation here, but a massive PVP warzone that only ticks off every few hours a lot like in WoW, but it's a large space battle with capital ships having to maneuver so they can attack the other ship. At least, this would be freaking rad, and yes, I know, rad is an old word, but I'm using it!


I wouldn't mind them scrapping trash Ilum for THAT! Large scale free-form PvP space battles!!!! Can it be done?!!?!? Please please do this Bioware!!

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Well if what James Ohlen said at PAX is true then we won't be waiting long for 1.3 as according to him the content updates will be rolling out month after month once 1.2 goes live. Link provided at the bottom.


As far as what will be in it? Well from what they've said their priority is to get an LFG tool and character transfers ready as soon as possible. So I would bet that at least one of those will be ready by then. From the datamined information we got back in February we'll also be getting a new set of dailies on Belsavis, a new flashpoint, new operation, and the HK-51 companion. Probably some additional UI functions and a Guild Calendar. We know we're getting more Legacy unlocks. I would be willing to bet on yet another warzone and then a few other things we didn't know were coming.




And the exact quote from that thread is the following:

"So the scope of our game updates in 2012 is going to be unimaginable. You're going to see so many changes and additions to the Star Wars Universe. It's going to be impressive. We have our Update 1.2 coming in the next week and then after that it's going to continue to roll out month after month. It's exciting."


People want to read that as saying, "Content patches like 1.2 will be coming out monthly."


The realists and/or cynics with their feet firmly planted on the ground read that as meaning "changes and additions will continue to roll out month after month" and then realize by looking at the patch history (http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes) that we've already been receiving changes and additions on an ongoing basis already.


If any of you truly believe that content patches like 1.2 are going to drop each and every calendar month you're setting yourselves up for disappointment and feelings of angst down the road.


Personally, I would be happy to get a generalized "road map" that does not have specific dates (I believe in releasing it when it's ready and not just to satisfy a due date) with some fairly solid indications of what's to arrive in the very next major patch and less solid indications of what they're looking to include 2-3 patches out.

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5. A huge speculation here, but a massive PVP warzone that only ticks off every few hours a lot like in WoW, but it's a large space battle with capital ships having to maneuver so they can attack the other ship. At least, this would be freaking rad, and yes, I know, rad is an old word, but I'm using it!


Whether its space or not, something like TB or Wintergrasp would be a lot of fun. Call to arms, so to speak.

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Whether its space or not, something like TB or Wintergrasp would be a lot of fun. Call to arms, so to speak.


I thought about that, but I think 1.3 will focus on space battles, so I kept with that theme. It also fits nicely with the start of the war as the first things that would happen would be space battles for each planet.

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I hope they don't even hint at a release date for 1.3 so the forums don't fill up with the "WTFBBQQQ They said it would be out by XX/XX/XXXX and it isn't, BW suxxorz, my life is ruined, my account is canceled WTFWTFWTF" BS again ....


stealing WTFBBQQQ haha

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I thought about that, but I think 1.3 will focus on space battles, so I kept with that theme. It also fits nicely with the start of the war as the first things that would happen would be space battles for each planet.


Yeah. I definitely like the idea of moving more toward the whole Sith vs. Jedi battles outside of warzones. I also think we should be able to invade starter zones/capital cities and such (organized PvP raids). Whether that's 1.3 or not is yet to be seen. But it would be epic.


Are we getting a sense that major updates 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 will have themes? i.e., 1.2 - Legacy. 1.3 = PvP? etc...

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- Expanded Legacy System: Character Advancement, Companions, Travel, Convenience and more, from what can be seen in


- (LFG) Group Finder: Confirmed in interview (Fourth question from the bottom)

- Character Transfers: Confirmed in interview (Fourth question from the bottom)


Those are the only confirmed things,

- New Space System

- Additional Class Story

- Guild Capital Ships

- Expanded Guild System/Guild Legacy

- Achievement System

- New Warzone/Operation

- New Flashpoint(s)

Edited by Dako
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Panda Jedi


Jedi DeathKnights


Both of the above made me lolz. :D But why pick on Jedi, shouldn't Sith get some love?



Sith already have that, turn on Sith Corruption...

Edited by Ujest
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Yeah. I definitely like the idea of moving more toward the whole Sith vs. Jedi battles outside of warzones. I also think we should be able to invade starter zones/capital cities and such (organized PvP raids). Whether that's 1.3 or not is yet to be seen. But it would be epic.


Are we getting a sense that major updates 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 will have themes? i.e., 1.2 - Legacy. 1.3 = PvP? etc...



No, no, no no open world PvP and definitely stay out of opposing faction starter zones. Some jerks will camp them.


Keep the Sith vs Jedi thing in War Zones, it is war but not total war.

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Mounts and mount training will be available at level 10

Questing grants more experience in order to reach level cap faster

Cross-server LFG and WZ

Flying mounts

Non-Jedi can wield lightsabers and Jedi can wield blasters

No same gender romance or any word on it yet

Datacrons will be laying on the ground outside the spaceport. Go wild

Healers nerfed

Class trainers and all vendors will relocate to your ship

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