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Hardcore Huttball


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  • I like the idea of an optional HARDCORE Huttball.
  • Grabbing the ball is a 3 second channel. -- Idea Removed. Would cause too much battling in the middle.
  • The huttball throwing circle is reduced by half.
  • To catch the huttball you have to hit your huttball ability within 2 seconds of the catch.
  • The outer thirds of fire hazards deal 5k damage per tick.
  • The center third of fire hazards ignore all defensive cooldowns and results in instant death.
  • The poison pit does 3k damage per tick.

    Abilities while carrying the huttball
  • You can no longer be the target of pulling abilities (both enemy and ally) while carrying the huttball.
  • You can no longer use any type of force leap ability while carrying the huttball.
  • While carrying the huttball, you no longer benefit from any player speed enhancement abilities.
    Holding / Camping with the Huttball for long periods
  • After 30 seconds of carrying a huttball by a single player, the ball deals 2k damage every 2 seconds.
  • After 45 seconds of carrying a huttball by a single player, the ball explodes, resulting in death of the player.
  • Respawn timer increased by 15 seconds. The "opening to exit" between respawn timers reduced by half.


Yay or Nay?

Edited by UnderatedNoob
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I think it would take more skill. Require players to pass the ball a lot more. And largely take away from the huge class imbalance in this gametype.


This doesn't even sound like fun to me, though.


Maybe take out half of the penalties and I'd be game.

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I like the idea of an optional HARDCORE Huttball.


  • Grabbing the ball is a 3 second channel.
  • The huttball throwing circle is reduced by half.
  • To catch the huttball you have to hit your huttball ability within 2 seconds of the catch.
  • The outer thirds of fire hazards deal 5k damage per tick.
  • The center third of fire hazards ignore all defensive cooldowns and results in instant death.
  • The poison pit does 3k damage per tick.
  • You can no longer be the target of pulling ability (both enemy and ally) while carrying the huttball.
  • You can no longer you any type of force leap ability while carrying the huttball.
  • While carrying the huttball, you no longer benefit from any player speed enhancement abilities.
  • After 30 seconds of carrying a huttball by a single player, the ball deals 2k damage every 2 seconds.
  • After 45 seconds of carrying a huttball by a single player, the ball explodes, resulting in death of the player.


Yay or Nay?


would be a field day for snipers, as that ball would be at middle reset for most of the game... :D


basically instead of huttball, you'd have team death match in the middle

Edited by wessik
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Sounds like a recipe for a huge cluster-frack in the middle with the winner being the 0-0 team that picked up the ball with about 20-30 seconds left.


Reckon goal scoring would translate to either


A.Going up against a bad team where you can position a 4 person pass chain without anyone being disrupted


B.One person stands at the edge of the pit, stealther goes to the other edge and try for a quick pass chain that way.




Aside from that all the advantage goes the defenses way. Pretty much negates tank carrying, healing, pulling/leaping is out despite knockbacks/grapples remaining. If you want to ramp up the difficulty scoring that's one thing, but this basically puts ever single edge in the defender's court. I want my game to finish with a hockey or baseball score, not a soccer one.

Edited by paul_preib
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3s channel to grab the ball is too long. 0.5 or 1s would be good though, means people have to stop to grab it.


Boosting trap damage would also be bad. Just provides extra incentive to pull people into the fire to kill them.

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Against coordinated teams huttball is hard enough with 0-0 games being very common.


Huttball is fine, if you think it's too easy then it's your competition. In 1 day join some 8v8 rated warfronts and see how easy it is to score against coordinated teams.

Edited by Orangerascal
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[*]To catch the huttball you have to hit your huttball ability within 2 seconds of the catch.





I like this idea, it would also allow for better intercepting/covering pass recievers. The rest- not so much.

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Against coordinated teams huttball is hard enough with 0-0 games being very common.


Huttball is fine, if you think it's too easy then it's your competition. In 1 day join some 8v8 rated warfronts and see how easy it is to score against coordinated teams.


Ya against even teams, it's always going to be difficult to win. It's not about it being easy per se, but I want it to be more hardcore.


Sorry, no 8v8.


Also, I took away the 3 sec channel huttball idea. After seeing everyone's comments and thinking about it, I agree that it would cause too much battle in the middle.


I also added a more consequential respawn timer. Hopefully to allow coordinated scores to be easier considering scoring will be gimped by the other changes. Also to penalize death more in general.

Edited by UnderatedNoob
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