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To-Do List Before 1.2 Comes Out On Thursday


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I have geared as best I can but to be honest I have just unsubed. Reasons below:


1) Our server has such bad population that HM flash points are difficult to get groups for (I'm a healer i have a friend who tanks and another DPS friend, plus other options not including our guild, yet one of us is always re-specking to play!)


2) Sages are now not going to be viable healers in PVP due to long cast times so my only option for PVP is also to re-spec hybrid (I have healing PVP gear)


3) Repair bills are expensive when combined with frequent re-spec and dailies are the only (albeit boring way to gain cash)


4) Artiface has got better options in 1.2 but to be honest whats the point when I no one is buying anything much on the server.


5) Diablo 3 comes out soon and TBH with all of the above I'd rather be spending my time (and no subs) on that.


This wasn't a rant just the bitter disappointment of finding your class has no continual use unless farming credits combined with a poor server population. I really like the appearance of SWTOR but as a frequent MMO player all i can say is the dev team have let us down by offering less important improvement first rather than the things that actually matter.


Additionally, I know my class was OP before but for any who say 'Nerf now! Haha' you have to realise that the choices in PVP healing options are awful. And yes PVE in 1.2 will be viable but who cares if half the time there are not enough geared players to play with... Only MMO I have ever played where we are short on DPS!

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Devs posted on PTS. On the PvE side of things Rakata etc gear is not changing to the new stats after all. So no need to swap the mods. =/


All I care about is moving those damn mods to gear I actually want to wear, my Marauder looks stupid in the rakata gear.

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Lawl! You wouldn't stand a chance against my Shadow, especially as a Marauder.


Torhead came through for me: http://www.torhead.com/items/catg/2/subcatg/1/slot/7


Just select your piece of gear and they have the listed mod sets. Spent 400K last night remodding to original set configurations. The Devs still blow.

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There's a lot of stuff on my to do list before the patch on Thursday.


Unfortunately they all take a back seat to top thing on my to do list, which is to replace my fried motherboard. The new one won't get here until Thursday, so by the time I Have the computer back up and running 1.2 will be live.


Just this once I would have prefered for the patch to take longer to come out.

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So much complaining...


1) Dev's dont give us new content

2) Dev's don't fix bugs

2a) Dev's fix bugs and introduce new ones

3) Dev's nerf away your over powered class

4) Dev's intentionally do maintenance to screw with your personal schedule

5) Dev's hate baby jesus

6) Zoeller is doing all this just to piss you personally off



I hate to say it but I would be on the forums a hell of alot more if you haters would just go play your other games and leave us in peace. All this energy being spent on telling the community how much you hate a game when you could be happier somewhere else.


All games have problems, welcome to the internet now go L2P.


My prediction is that the update will have, omg, more bugs. Accept or move the F on. Personally I like the game and intend to stay for a long time but these forums are almost useless to players because every other thread is OMGWTFBBQ and productive topics like what do we need to do to get ready for 1.2 are hijacked and turned into rants about how your epeen isn't being stroked enough, as if the dev team only thinks about that one player. Just play the bloody game or **** ffs.

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So much complaining...


1) Dev's dont give us new content

2) Dev's don't fix bugs

2a) Dev's fix bugs and introduce new ones

3) Dev's nerf away your over powered class

4) Dev's intentionally do maintenance to screw with your personal schedule

5) Dev's hate baby jesus

6) Zoeller is doing all this just to piss you personally off



I hate to say it but I would be on the forums a hell of alot more if you haters would just go play your other games and leave us in peace. All this energy being spent on telling the community how much you hate a game when you could be happier somewhere else.


All games have problems, welcome to the internet now go L2P.


My prediction is that the update will have, omg, more bugs. Accept or move the F on. Personally I like the game and intend to stay for a long time but these forums are almost useless to players because every other thread is OMGWTFBBQ and productive topics like what do we need to do to get ready for 1.2 are hijacked and turned into rants about how your epeen isn't being stroked enough, as if the dev team only thinks about that one player. Just play the bloody game or **** ffs.


ere ere

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Of my beloved characters, I must ask one to to commit suicide in order that I may make my sith Jedi. :(


Deciding which one is hard!


I would think that the design team would realize that the new options for characters would excite players to create at least one new character and that folks who truly loved and played their game would have a full roster. Not adding in at least one new character slot with this patch is a huge oversight on their part. :confused:



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I'm ready, mainly because it adds very little of interest to me. Will do the new corellia quests once and won't bother with them again. Hopefully one day Devs will find a better way to gain endgame pve stuff that doesn't involve repeating the same damn quests every frigging day.


I'm not a big fan of the daily quest model either. However I have no suggestions as to what should take their place. Some people say dynamic events are the way to go. However after playing Rift for awhile... the dynamic events weren't that dynamic. It was the same thing over and over.


Anyway, I have no idea what to suggest in their place, so I don't complain about them too much. I don't do my dailies everyday. I only do them probably once or twice a week. I actually haven't done any dailies for the past 3 weeks aside from the PVP ones. I PVP quite a bit - first MMO I've like PVP in.

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