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Is 1.2 a healing nerf?


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The title being the question of is 1.2 a Healing nerf? This is a question i have been asking myself sense i read the notes. At first like most i took my trusty keyboard and let the QQ flow. but as i read a little more; i started to think. Is this a nerf? or is Bioware just simply trying to make our class play as intended?


Now before people start ragging my bu** for saying that, let me explain! In pvp my healer does about 100,000 damage and 300,000 healing (i dont know if its good im just stating my usual turn outs). now before this patch the most healing medials you could get (if im wrong dont hate) was 6. now, they are rewarding us for healing more, meaning we actually get more medials for healing(if im not mistake we get killing medials for our team-mates kills IF we heal them). Meaning Yes to do 300,000 healing im going to what's that.... stop the damage! BUT IM A HEALER!... oh wait thats my point, maybe bioware is simply telling us that we shouldn't be doing both.


Also the PvE utility of our class has not dropped drastically, the reason i say this is our AoE heal that use to only hit 3 now hits for, which yes seems like a minor buff in the big scale of things but to be honest, i feel they are just trying to make this game a little more challenging. Yah we dont vent as much heat from Supercharged and other stuff, but i feel any skilled BH will still not seem underpowered, but more.... on par.


Over all is 1.2 a nerf? The answer is yes, but if my predictions about what bioware is trying to do with our class i welcome it! because im playing a healer for a reason, Yah shooting missiles off my back is Awesome and frankly pretty BA, But alas if no one healed, there would be even more QQ.


And in conclusion i again would like to express the fact that these are mealy my predictions and my interpenetration of the patch notes. Just felt like everyone else is putting their input why not include mine :)

Edited by Foovie
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sorry cant compare it on "live experience", try to test it at PTR but I refuse lvl another BH till 50 (why lvl char on PTR when i can get another class at live server).


On paper its hard nerf, true story nothign to discuss there.


Now if you look from both perspective :


PvP :


1. The incoming dmg reduction and surival nerfs on % (percentage) from skills and talents are needed when you look on Expertise buff.


2. Heat : this looks like a problem when you are focused (this should happenig most of your time at wz) becouse we cant use rapid shots on ourselfs. I can predict, that when we reach the state,when we cant get down our heat we should just run away from objective and die to fast respawn ASAP.



1. this shouldnt be problem ,yeah we can lack it on hard progression where ever % counts but i thougt we can live with it..


2. Heat on PVE : i havent so much exp there(just clear raids at normal) but I can imagine that we should be use as direct Tank /vital objective healer at all cost, that should mean bring OP or sorc to raid healing and us to direct tank healing ..



So for you question :

PvE :

1.) it is nerf? yes

2,) can we shall unsubed ? No! we can live with this nerf..

3.) will be BH valiable healer ? for specific encounters yes, generaly who cares about BH bring OP or sorc they had beter tools for hard modes encounters...:)


4.) whats with pvp : deal with it,if it will be terrybad they will come with insta live changes during 2-3weeks (srew PTR BW will always act what ppls thought on live servers,i will do it the same). IF its ok or just little nerf pps will QQ 1-2 weeks on these forums


ps: sorry fo grammar english isnt my native language

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If life gives you lemons, Don't make lemonade! Get MAD! I don't want your damn lemons! What the hell are these?! I Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! WITH THE LEMONS! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that BURNS YOUR HOUSE DOWN!


On that note: They think 600k healing in PvP is to much, fine! I'll take the nerf and do 700k....with rockets! You won't see me walking away from a challenge.

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Many will call it a nerf. I call it an expected balance tweek. I play a merc healer, and am happy that my class is getting a balance tweek, resulting in the class being slightly weaker.


Hahaha, nice joke.


My friend had his 50 copied over, and let me try it out on the test server, and I can honestly say every single bodyguard who actually cares about healing is going to rage. Let's look at the major changes.

+ Cure costs less heat, down to 8 from 16

+ Kolto Missile now affects 4 targets

+ Cure Mind now applies a (very small) HoT

- Rapid Scan now costs 8 more heat due to the Critical Efficiency nerf.

- Cure mind no longer reduces the cost of cure

- Hired Muscle
. down to 3% from 6%.

- Kolto Missile's Residue now only increases healing by 3% instead of 5%

Supercharged Gas now only vents half the heat, gives half the damage/healing bonus, and the shield on the missile reduces half the damage.

The items that are of concern are highlighted in red, the biggest problem being the SGC nerf.


Did You Know:

That once 1.2 hits, a Bodyguard who never uses Supercharged Gas will do more healing over time then one who does?

It's true! While it gives you 2% more bonus healing then a stack of 30, the loss of healing during the time you rebuild your stack results in a net loss of healing.


So, basically our SCG is only good now for spamming heals. Honestly? Most of the nerfs I can deal with, but what they did to our SCG effectively removes our class' defining ability.

Edited by Solthar
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1.2 - BH Mercenary => now in 1.2 we're forced to play single spec (healer=full bodyguard, dps=full arsenal). Now there is no space for unique build according to each player's style (for example 25 skill points in bodyguard, 15 skill points in arsenal). Now there will be Bodyguard clones and Arsenal clones, every player the same... I'm just saying it's a pity that when 1.2 hits, there will be no individual playing style personalities, because now It's not gonna be effective.
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try healing hardmode or nightmare.... I dare you.... just did my first post 1.2 operation with my healer and for the first time ever we failed with our old setup..... EVER!


I'm already anticipating a massive flop on our raids this week. We do 16 man so my healing nerfs will be less noticeable. This isn't rebalancing, this is a straight up slaughter of our spec.

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Truth to be sad - healers overall were OP in PvP, partially because of the way expertise WORKED. Thanks god they changed that.


It was almost impossible to kill good healer / good dps pairs when they protect each other even when outnumbered. Killing equal geared healer 1on1 - forget about it, not gonna happen in 15mins the WZ lasts.


This was good change overall.

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