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How do Sith Marauders do in PvP?


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Im thinking about making one but I want to make sure that they are effective. I want to be able to deal a lot of damage and also want a Force-User so Im thinking the marauder would be a good choice. Any insight would be appreciated.
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they are a force to be reckoned with. my main is a sentinel (republic version) and u can completely melt faces. the catch is, they arent a 1-2 button spam class. if u play watchman/annilation spec, u have CDs to track and dots / centering to manage as well as dealing damage.


alot of people will say "the class is hard". it really isnt once u get used to it. but its definitely harder than a sorc or tracer spamming merc.


the question to ask urself is this: are u willing to take the time to learn the class? the class sorta sucks in the lower lvls cuz u dont get all ur cool abilities till 30+ (camo is 30, guarded by the force 38 i think, awe 42, dispatch 46).


in huttball, u have to forever be positioning urself to avoid being knocked off. u dont have a stun (other than statis which prevents you from moving, and awe is an aoe mez which is great but breaks on damage). u have to play smarter than other players. save ur leap for when u get knocked back, learn to use statis at clutch moments like right when a sorc is about to sprint away..etc etc.


i find this class to be the most rewarding. its so good that i cant even find an alt to play cuz every time i make a new class, im bored and just go back to the sentinel. thinking of making a marauder so i can replay the same class but see a new story.


gl to you

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They are easily in the top 3 of damage, survivability and utility. Some would say #1 in all of those.


A good rated group will always have at least 1 in the group, if not more.


I would say try it out, play it if you like it, don't if you don't like it.


The game could always use more good Mara/Sents.

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Marauders have the highest skill cap in the game. If you're good at managing key binds, rotations, and cd's then a marauder would be right for you. Since marauders have a high skill cap, they're often regarded to the uninformed as a bad class. But in actuality, marauders are perhaps the best pvp class in the game when put in the right hands. Why? They are debatably the best class to take down a healer single handedly without being constricted to situational tactics, such as an operative needing to be in stealth. They are also the only class with a healing debuff- meaning a healer's heals won't be as effective. They also have two interrupts on a very short cool down, making them a caster's worst nightmare. They also have abilities like healing the entire ops group over time, make the ops group move so fast that people will come to the forums thinking it was speed hacks, and making the marauder immune to all damage for 5 seconds, invisible and invincible for another 4 seconds, and damage reduction for up to 30 seconds. The list goes on and on and freaking on.


Tl;dr version: if everyone were good at being a marauder, I'd probably unsubscribe because they're so damn op when played right.

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Marauders and Sentential are like a Ferrari, if you know what you're doing and can handle doing 5 things at the same time, you'll fly around laughing at everyone else, wondering why thy aren't Marauders. If you don't know what you're doing just like a Ferrari, your a detriment and a danger to everyone around you.


Unlike other classes your "rotation" is much more fluid. You are constantly dumping and generating focus, trying to build stacks of centering, building stacks of your saber form, and managing dot applications. Not to mention applying a debuffs, routs, all while trying to use skills that bring up your dots again. While running, leaping, and keeping track of you and your opponent's health.


On my sent I work with at least 12 buttons per engagement. If you use a mouse to click on your skills in pvp, you're probably not going to be getting the most out the class.


I think it's the most active and fun class to play that said. I disagree with some of the other posters. I don't think it has great utility, they don't have a lot of intangibles. No, knock back or pull, The rout is also a self rout, the CC break and group stun have long cool downs. The group stun breaks on damage, either inflicted by you or someone else. You have poor mobility most of the time. The defense also have long cool downs. Which makes the Sents/Mards not the best base caps or defenders.

Edited by Mrtheox
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They aren't as hard as people try to say it.


A clicker can still top DPS with that class. You just have to know when to pop your cooldown, and oyu have a lot.



I'm really suggesting you to play one. Once 1.2 come out. if you arent a Sent/mar or a Sin, you are prolly dead. :)

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Can't really be a clicker and do decent playing Mara, there's just too many abilities you need to use and use fast. Don't listen to people who got beaten by Maras and will tell you the class is easy to play because it's not.

Plus with the amount of knockbacks, snares and roots in this game it's not that easy to stay on target especially since almost every WZ is Huttball.

The funny part is with all the crying about marauder's buffs next patch there's alot people rerolling them now. Most will fail and go back to their ranged mains because they are easier to play.

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they are hard to play. i have 28 buttons hot keyed and i use all of them.


Honest !


Combat standard rotation its 12 keys split in focus generating, focus spender and instant cast abilities, then kick, dispatch, leg slash, saber ward, saber throw, defensive cast, pacify just in case its 8 more + guarded by the force, camouflage, awe, trascendance, zen its + 5 more and last but not least oportune strike, pommel strike, disable droid its +3 more and the best of all, valorous call is + 1 more


If im correct its just 29 keys, maybe im missing a couple because i just dont use often :)

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So less then 30 Keybinds is considered hard to play now?


One of my Guildmembers says he likes his Shadow because he only needs like 10 Buttons.


Who needs over 50 Binds like in this other Game. I demand this Game to be balanced for Clickers(keybinds are way to hard for Casuals to learn).


Oh wait allready happening :confused:


I tried to map F1-10 but this wasnt working so well, i had a confusing thought about using buttons next to my fingers but i quickly got back to clicking.


I really love this Game, finally a Game where i can play competetive.

Edited by Fenomen
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They aren't as hard as people try to say it.


A clicker can still top DPS with that class. You just have to know when to pop your cooldown, and oyu have a lot.


what do you actually mean "can still top DPS"?


Melees are the least recommended classes for a clicker.

Edited by atreyuz
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So less then 30 Keybinds is considered hard to play now?


One of my Guildmembers says he likes his Shadow because he only needs like 10 Buttons.


Who needs over 50 Binds like in this other Game. I demand this Game to be balanced for Clickers(keybinds are way to hard for Casuals to learn).


Oh wait allready happening :confused:


I tried to map F1-10 but this wasnt working so well, i had a confusing thought about using buttons next to my fingers but i quickly got back to clicking.


I really love this Game, finally a Game where i can play competetive.


Ah and besides all that i posted above i just remembered, stims + medpacks its 2 more :) so its 31 keybinds at least


But i love my Sentinel :)

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So less then 30 Keybinds is considered hard to play now?


One of my Guildmembers says he likes his Shadow because he only needs like 10 Buttons.


Who needs over 50 Binds like in this other Game. I demand this Game to be balanced for Clickers(keybinds are way to hard for Casuals to learn).


Oh wait allready happening :confused:


I tried to map F1-10 but this wasnt working so well, i had a confusing thought about using buttons next to my fingers but i quickly got back to clicking.


I really love this Game, finally a Game where i can play competetive.


What game needs 50 keybindings in a combat situation.

Edited by Lt_Latency
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What game needs 50 keybindings in a combat situation.


They say WoW Arena needs so many, but i dont know. I played mostly free mmos, im really good at those. Cheap MMOs is where the competition is, you really learn to pvp in those Games.


All this Talk about Keybinds, i dont need them and i pwn everyone on my Warhero Sin since Early Access.


I even learned about all my skills and Talents, now i know 1 of 8 Classes, thats gives me a huge edge in pvp. Thats why im also very good at commenting about Class Balance.

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What game needs 50 keybindings in a combat situation.


No idea, but an MMO who requires that many keybinds is a ****** one.



Difficulty in a game shouldnt be about "pressing 100 buttons instead of 10".


I played mostly free mmos, im really good at those. Cheap MMOs is where the competition is, you really learn to pvp in those Games.


Cheap mmos (especially the asian ones) is where you learn how to grind 24/7.

Edited by atreyuz
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This might sound idiotic, but i can easily say that im one of the best sentinels on my server (Basilisk Droid PvP) and i DON'T USE ANY KEYBINDS. Ok lets admit it, i have medpac on "V" and adrenal on "Shift+V" Why? Probably because im used to playing without them, and they are kinda useless to me, oh and by the way i have an ordinary mouse with 2 clicks, so you wouldnt think i own a naga or something. If you think you will like marauder/sentinel, take them, and get used to ****** casters :D
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This might sound idiotic, but i can easily say that im one of the best sentinels on my server (Basilisk Droid PvP) and i DON'T USE ANY KEYBINDS. Ok lets admit it, i have medpac on "V" and adrenal on "Shift+V" Why? Probably because im used to playing without them, and they are kinda useless to me, oh and by the way i have an ordinary mouse with 2 clicks, so you wouldnt think i own a naga or something. If you think you will like marauder/sentinel, take them, and get used to ****** casters :D


Im trolling this thread allready, cant you find one of your own??


Best on Server as a Melee without Keybinds? Maybe i wasnt trolling and this is some alternate dimension where everything is possible.

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Im trolling this thread allready, cant you find one of your own??


Best on Server as a Melee without Keybinds? Maybe i wasnt trolling and this is some alternate dimension where everything is possible.


Is he playing from soviet russia?

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This might sound idiotic, but i can easily say that im one of the best sentinels on my server (Basilisk Droid PvP) and i DON'T USE ANY KEYBINDS. Ok lets admit it, i have medpac on "V" and adrenal on "Shift+V" Why? Probably because im used to playing without them, and they are kinda useless to me, oh and by the way i have an ordinary mouse with 2 clicks, so you wouldnt think i own a naga or something. If you think you will like marauder/sentinel, take them, and get used to ****** casters :D



probably cuz ur server is dead. easy to say ur good when there are probably 5 other people to play against who are also clickers, backpeddlers etc.




anyone who says they are a good / great pvp and admits to being a clicker...yeah, i dont believe you.

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This might sound idiotic, but i can easily say that im one of the best sentinels on my server (Basilisk Droid PvP) and i DON'T USE ANY KEYBINDS. Ok lets admit it, i have medpac on "V" and adrenal on "Shift+V" Why? Probably because im used to playing without them, and they are kinda useless to me, oh and by the way i have an ordinary mouse with 2 clicks, so you wouldnt think i own a naga or something. If you think you will like marauder/sentinel, take them, and get used to ****** casters :D


what server is this?

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people ITT are making out anni/watchmen harder to play than they actually are. If you have average reflexes and remember all the moves you have, they are by far the best 1v1 class in the game. I play a marauder decked out in centurion/champ as one of my alts and i do almost as well on it as i do on my nearly full BM geared focus guardian.
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