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Kind of disappointed in the races, really.


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The races are just skins, nothing more. There's no real advantages whatsoever in playing a different race. The social abilities are nothing more than gimmicks for RP-ing.


In World of Warcraft, the races were different enough both in looks and in stats to make a difference. You could also know who was the Human and who was the Worgen (in human form).


So. I'm just saying : it would be nice to make the races actually different. Right now, there's no real distinctions. We can roll anything we want, in the end, it's just a human with different kind of features.

Edited by SnapWolf
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yeah, its designed that way so you actually have a choice as to what race to roll. in wow, you really didnt thanks to the joys of min/maxing.


Yeah, but in WoW, the races had RACIAL abilities.


In this game, it doesn't matter and feels like... it's optional?

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Yeah, but in WoW, the races had RACIAL abilities.


In this game, it doesn't matter and feels like... it's optional?


yeah, which as i stated, is intentional. as soon as you tie abilities to race, they have a numerical value. wanting to roll a zabrak, and then feeling bad about it because human is "better" sucks. it gets even worse when later racial abilities get rebalanced, or changed for whatever reason.


race should be a choice, thanks to design intent we have one.

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There really are no "racial abilities" for most of the races chosen as playable races. Miraluka have innate Force Sight, don't really know what benefit that would give them in combat, maybe a higher chance to detect stealth in PvP.


Besides, Racial Abilities only lend themselves to making it advantageous to play X Race as Y Class leaving Z Race not played by any hardcore players. The way it is allows people to play the Race/Class combination that they desire, the decision isn't based upon which Race/Class combination is going to be the best suited for PvE or PvP.


My suggestion to you OP, break free of your WoW shackles and learn to play characters based upon what seems fun to play, not which is going to give you the best benefit in the WZs.


EDIT: In addition, being someone who plays on an RP server, having racial abilities would leave some people without the ability to ever find a group with which to go on FPs, HMs, or OPs. "LFG for BT HM." "What Race/Class" "X Race and Y Class." "Sorry, we're looking for Z Race and Y Class." It's bad enough that everybody and their mother wants to be DPS so the only hold outs for group action are Healer or Tank. "LF2M FE Story Mode" "I'll Join" "What Spec?" "DPS" "Sorry, We're full of DPS already. We need Heals and Tank."

Edited by Lewisgil
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The races are just skins, nothing more. There's no real advantages whatsoever in playing a different race. The social abilities are nothing more than gimmicks for RP-ing.


So, exactly like the Star Wars movies, then.


Well done, Bioware.

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So, exactly like the Star Wars movies, then.


Well done, Bioware.


Well done if you ignore the complaints, sure.


There's a reason why they are making more species options available to other sides of the factions. Most of the choices are pretty boring as is, save for one or two.


There's differences between them, outside minor cosmetic or aesthetic features.


I honestly could give a crap about racial abilities.

I'd prefer to have Species that look more distinct, rather than the bland choices picked.


Blindfolded humans.

Green or Blue skinned Humans.

Is Cyborg a species at all?


Were those species in the movies and universe?



Where they the best choices to ad variety to the game?

From the reviews and customer reaction, no.


Again, I'd love to see creative looking alien species being playable.


- DH

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Well done if you ignore the complaints, sure.


There's a reason why they are making more species options available to other sides of the factions. Most of the choices are pretty boring as is, save for one or two.


There's differences between them, outside minor cosmetic or aesthetic features.


I honestly could give a crap about racial abilities.

I'd prefer to have Species that look more distinct, rather than the bland choices picked.


Blindfolded humans.

Green or Blue skinned Humans.

Is Cyborg a species at all?


Were those species in the movies and universe?



Where they the best choices to ad variety to the game?

From the reviews and customer reaction, no.


Again, I'd love to see creative looking alien species being playable.


- DH


First off, that is completely irrelevant to the discussion. It's not about the races being boring and lacking in variety, it's about there not being any benefit to playing one race over the other.


The OP wants Twi'leks to have better grace in movement making their melee attacks more accurate or Zabraks having higher pain resistance giving them higher endurance or Purebloods having higher Force Sensitivity giving them higher Willpower. Just some random ideas of what it could look like but, those are the kind of differences he is asking for.


He wants there to be a game mechanic reason to pick a race/class combination rather than just picking your preference.


Who cares that FotM Race/Class Combinations leave people who are playing the game for fun and not a second job LFG endlessly? Who cares that FotM Race/Class Combinations lead to constant balancing acts? Who cares that FotM Combinations sometimes force a player to play a race they may not like so they can play their favored class and still be competitive? Not the OP.


However, if you want to talk about adding more Races, I would definitely suggest Voss and Gormak. Voss just look really cool IMO and would make great Sith or Jedi characters and Gormak look like they would make great BHs or Troopers.

Edited by Lewisgil
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The races are just skins, nothing more. There's no real advantages whatsoever in playing a different race. The social abilities are nothing more than gimmicks for RP-ing.


In World of Warcraft, the races were different enough both in looks and in stats to make a difference. You could also know who was the Human and who was the Worgen (in human form).


So. I'm just saying : it would be nice to make the races actually different. Right now, there's no real distinctions. We can roll anything we want, in the end, it's just a human with different kind of features.


that was the point in having no racial abilities. they discussed having them while in development, in the end they opted not to.


they did not want you to be forced to pick a species just because it would make or not make you roll a certain class.

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First off, that is completely irrelevant to the discussion. It's not about the races being boring and lacking in variety, it's about there not being any benefit to playing one race over the other.



In World of Warcraft, the races were different enough both in looks and in stats to make a difference. You could also know who was the Human and who was the Worgen (in human form).


Looks like he's asking for differences in both looks AND racial abilities.

So no...it's not irrelevant to the discussion. It pertains.


Who cares that FotM Race/Class Combinations leave people who are playing the game for fun and not a second job LFG endlessly? Who cares that FotM Race/Class Combinations lead to constant balancing acts? Who cares that FotM Combinations sometimes force a player to play a race they may not like so they can play their favored class and still be competitive? Not the OP.



Which is why they are broadening the horizons in terms of choices.


That also isn't relevant to my post.


- DH

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I have said it over and over, I will say it again.


As it is, Bioware has to create models and textures for...


Body 1 Male

Body 2 Male

Body 3 male

Body 4 Male

Body 1 Female

Body 2 Female

Body 3 Female

Body 4 Female


By doing the all human + skin races that currently exist, they cut down the sheer number of models need to be made per piece of gear. Now, let's take Wookies, Trandoshans, Ithorians and Mon Calamari.


Body 1 Male

Body 2 Male

Body 3 male

Body 4 Male

Body 1 Female

Body 2 Female

Body 3 Female

Body 4 Female





Body 1 Wookie

Body 2 Wookie

Body 3 Wookie

Body 4 Wookie

Body 1 Ithorian

Body 2 Ithorian

Body 3 Ithorian

Body 4 Ithorian

Body 1 Mon Cal

Body 2 Mon Cal

Body 3 Mon Cal

Body 4 Mon Cal

Body 1 Trando

Body 2 Trando

Body 3 Trando

Body 4 Trando



That is, if both genders share models for said races. Double that list if you want to give Ithorians, Trandoshans, Wookies and Mon Cal different models per gender.


I think that this makes it obvious why Bioware made this design choice.

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Looks like he's asking for differences in both looks AND racial abilities.

So no...it's not irrelevant to the discussion. It pertains.





Which is why they are broadening the horizons in terms of choices.


That also isn't relevant to my post.


- DH


Let's look at his actual question. You took a comment he made and took it to be part of his actual suggestion. Here is his actual suggestion.


So. I'm just saying : it would be nice to make the races actually different. Right now, there's no real distinctions. We can roll anything we want, in the end, it's just a human with different kind of features.


As to the relevance of the second excerpt from my post you quoted, I had moved on to addressing more of the OT, and then came back to your post. It's called a tangent. Tangential statements are often times used as interjections when someone is addressing more than one topic.


Your first post had no relevance to the actual topic of the suggestion being made. It addressed one of the ancillary points in his first post. Addressing a superfluous point is how discussion threads go off topic.


I was attempting to bring the the focus back to the actual topic while still giving your point due respect by responding to it as well.


Back on topic: Having Racial Abilities only serves the purpose of adding another dynamic to how groups and PvP work. It takes the focus off of the character and puts it on the toon. From the start, Bioware stated that one of the main foci of this game was to be the Story, meaning your character's individual story. If you take the focus off the character, then you take the focus off of the story. This game isn't WoW. It isn't EQ or EQII.


Each class has an individual story, each character should be as unique as the player wants it to be. It shouldn't be a cookie cutter carbon copy of everyone else that decided to play that particular Class/Advance Class. If I see other Zabrak Sorcerers running around, I know it is because that is what those other players felt like playing, it's not because Zabraks make the most mathematical sense as Sorcerers.


I'd much rather know that other people are the same race/class combination as me because they like that race and we have similar playstyles as opposed to it being the only way to be competitive with this class.

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