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Sith Assassins do we suck?


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What lvl were you and what lvl were your opponents? While pvp does buff you to equivalent lvl 50, higher lvl players have upgraded skills and more skills, plus better gear. So they will destroy you assuming equal playing.


That said, I've noticed that assassins seem to be a bit weaker in pvp than other sith classes, but have encountered a few that were quite a handful(I'm a trooper).


It's probably a mix of player skill and class lvl. Once you learn to play your class more and lvl up and gear up you'll prolly find it to get better.

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Seems like in huttball I was getting destroyed easily xDDD


Once I got out of stealth it was a wrap for me lol.


the problem with huttball is that the fight a very rarely one on one and I've seen plenty of assassin go off on their own to try and start a one on one only to have someone come along to back the enemy up and 2 v 1 with your light armour is not good. With hutball stay close to your team and strike those who start fights with a team mate so your not on your own.


So basically think more defence as in sneaking up on an enemy already fighting and save your team mate.

Edited by deags
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Play like a rogue in wow and you will do fine, well better than fine


never got far enough to pvp in WoW



the problem with huttball is that the fight a very rarely one on one and I've seen plenty of assassin go off on their own to try and start a one on one only to have someone come along to back the enemy up and 2 v 1 with your light armour is not good. With hutball stay close to your team and strike those who start fights with a team mate so your not on your own.


So basically think more defence as in sneaking up on an enemy already fighting and save your team mate.



thanks this makes sense. :D

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I've had no problems as a Sorc, but it does seem like there are very few Assassins in PvP. I was just talking a buddy into rolling one today for that reason.


That said, might want to reserve judgment til level 50 for the same reason as above. At the lower levels you may get stat buffs, but your toolbox is a lot smaller. I'd wait it out and have faith. If it's not balanced, it will be eventually.

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I'm going to explain to you exactly why it seems like Assassins suck in PvP whenever you see them. Are you ready? Here it is:


Assassins are a stealth class. Noobs love to play stealth classes, and here is why:


1. Noob perspective: stealthers get to choose their fights. You can go in on weaker targets and take them by surprise when they are low on health and alone, and avoid biting off more than you can chew.


2. Noob perspective: stealthers are lone wolves who don't need to help their team and they don't need their team to assist them either.


But here is the reality:


1. Truth: stealthers aren't meant to be played as a class that just goes and assassinates a target with no health on the back lines as he withdraws to go heal. Stealthers are meant to create chaos and confusion on the front lines or capture/defend objectives (like setting up or defending the bomb/doors in Void Star, ninja capping or secretly defending in Alderaan, etc.)


2. Truth: stealthers are needed to be more team players than anyone, not lone wolves. When played right, they can be the difference between winning and losing. One non-stealther sitting on a cap might be approached carelessly by 2 attackers, but when 2 stealthers pop out and it's now a 3v2, you've caused the enemy to over-commit and have lured them into an ambush. Stealthers need to be focused on objectives. Stealthers need to be more aware of what target to attack than anyone else, as they should be able to assassinate priority targets on the front lines and get away if possible. Even if it means attacking a healer in the back JUST to stop them from healing their front lines, thus giving your team the advantage.




So you see stealthers are meant to be played more tactically than anything. Noobs play stealthers with the wrong idea of what their job is though, and therefore they don't contribute much to the team in general. People who are noobs are automatically drawn to stealthers. That's not to say there aren't good ones out there, but if there's one class you're going to see in SWTOR that a lot of noobs play, it's an Assassin/Shadow.


The class itself is not at all underpowered. I've seen them totally wreck face when played right, just like any other class. So, as usual, it's not a broken class... it's user error.

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Sins are fine in general, I had problems out of the gate in tank spec, heals being non-existent unless your in a premade makes tank spec questionable (until force pull which is almost as ridiculously OP in huttball as force leap). Then I got into a match in Alderaan where i guarded a healer and he healed me and we where able to to win 2vs4 fights with steam to spare. When a healer and tank work together they are almost impossible to dislodge without an organized effort.


When I switched to burst spec I immediately went from middle of the pack damage to toping the scoreboard. The secret to playing good burst on sins is to not go lone wolf, this is not WAR stealth classes don't insta gib ppl in two or three cooldowns. More often than not when i see a sin fail it's bc they are trying to do everything on their own and end up getting screwed when their 1v1 battle ends up a 3v1 when reinforcements arrive for their victim. Also, force slow makes life easier when you get it.


Going to try madness spec in couple of levels and see how that fairs

Edited by kainsec
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I'm going to explain to you /snip


Basically this!

Although i do not count myself as a 'noob' i usually end up with the least damage output but the most objective points and that's because i am either;


- Ninja Planting

- Positioning myself for a superb pass to score

- or capping a turret and sitting in stealth defending it.


Our role is to do these types of things, yes we can wreck face because we have the element of surprise but i must admit, being on Freedon Nadd (so called Competitive PvP Server) more or less 70% of Empire i group with are noobs and are not willing to listen to anything i say.

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I have absolutely no problem destroying anyone I face, as Tank/Deception hybrid spec.


I've survived/distracted against multiple people at once for extended periods of time while my group capped points. Sure I died in the end but I bought valuable time for everyone else.


Just gotta learn the classes strengths and work with them. Assassin is very, very strong.

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Assassins seem really weak to me in pvp. Low armor, low dps and no way to restealth in combat (at least at level 14 where I am) makes them sitting ducks in places like hutball, where ranged classes can just stand up on the gantries picking off everyone below without any fear of being attacked.


I'm giving up on pvp with this and going pve only with it. Useless at the moment with totally OP ranged classes. (I played a rogue in wow for 5 years, btw, up to 2300 arena rating, so I DO know how a stealth class is supposed to work ;-) )


I'm not going to whine about it though - just rolling a ranged class for pvp until Bioware work on the balance a bit.

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Assassins are great, in fact, played it in beta but decided to roll operative instead now because my friends already are assassins.


Assassins feel squishy until they get dark charge, use that when u think u might take some damage, it's your tank "stance".


IMO, assassins are borderline OP especially at lower levels, u have an amazing amount of tools at your disposal at low lvls, most of them are inquisitor base skills, yes, sorcs imo are the most powerful especially at lower lvls:


-(ranged) stun, whirlwind (sleep), force lightning (range can be boosted for 2 casts) which also snares, PBAOE knockback at low CD (very sick)


-taunt (30£ dmg debuff when they don't hit you), Guard (this hurts u but helps your team and might get you mvp!)

-15% runspeed (imo a must in the deception tree)

-low cooldown sprint ability

-OFFHAND shield, be sure to check this, you might have an offensive offhand instead

- easiest resource management in the game

these things are for an assassin at around lvl 16 only, there's more to come, there really shouldn't be any complaints about them. There are classes with barely any CC at this lvl, think the sith warriors or powertech BH.



I'm now an operative, lvl 16 and i feel nowhere near as powerful as my assassin did, i got to 20 with him in beta.

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I'm going to explain to you exactly why it seems like Assassins suck in PvP whenever you see them. Are you ready? Here it is:


Assassins are a stealth class. Noobs love to play stealth classes, and here is why:


1. Noob perspective: stealthers get to choose their fights. You can go in on weaker targets and take them by surprise when they are low on health and alone, and avoid biting off more than you can chew.


2. Noob perspective: stealthers are lone wolves who don't need to help their team and they don't need their team to assist them either.


But here is the reality:


1. Truth: stealthers aren't meant to be played as a class that just goes and assassinates a target with no health on the back lines as he withdraws to go heal. Stealthers are meant to create chaos and confusion on the front lines or capture/defend objectives (like setting up or defending the bomb/doors in Void Star, ninja capping or secretly defending in Alderaan, etc.)


2. Truth: stealthers are needed to be more team players than anyone, not lone wolves. When played right, they can be the difference between winning and losing. One non-stealther sitting on a cap might be approached carelessly by 2 attackers, but when 2 stealthers pop out and it's now a 3v2, you've caused the enemy to over-commit and have lured them into an ambush. Stealthers need to be focused on objectives. Stealthers need to be more aware of what target to attack than anyone else, as they should be able to assassinate priority targets on the front lines and get away if possible. Even if it means attacking a healer in the back JUST to stop them from healing their front lines, thus giving your team the advantage.




So you see stealthers are meant to be played more tactically than anything. Noobs play stealthers with the wrong idea of what their job is though, and therefore they don't contribute much to the team in general. People who are noobs are automatically drawn to stealthers. That's not to say there aren't good ones out there, but if there's one class you're going to see in SWTOR that a lot of noobs play, it's an Assassin/Shadow.


The class itself is not at all underpowered. I've seen them totally wreck face when played right, just like any other class. So, as usual, it's not a broken class... it's user error.



Thanks for this. I'm a noob. That's what I was doing wrong in huttball. Alderan? Sure, ninja cap and ninja hold. I'll try and hang around my teammates more or move to a platform to receive a pass (if teammates will learn how, which is difficult in PUGs I know)

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The warzones are geared towards both zerging and ranged. It's not really a place you should judge the class nor your ability to play it.


Get somone on their own and 9 times outta 10 you'll destroy them but the chances of that happening without a posse shooting you from every angle in there is slim to none. Wait till you get out in the open world and you'll enjoy the class more, they really shine in small scale encounters.

Edited by Kabaal
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No, you're doing it wrong. Maybe your level to talent ratio is gimping you, but your probably doing something wrong. Con/Inq have been strong for a while now. And assassin/shadow has also been strong for about same time. Would go into more detail but i am on my galaxy nexus.


Good luck out there and may the force empower me more.

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