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Dps in Operations


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Madness > Deception in terms of DPS potential.


Deception > Madness in terms of practical expectations.


The reason for this is that the current UI is horrible for both tracking procs and tracking your own dots.


If your the only Inquisitor DPS in your raid go ahead and play Madness, but if your one of 3to5 which is normally the case depending on what raid size your are in good luck working out which one of the 5 Crushing Darkness on the boss is yours and not gimping yourself by refreshing it too early.

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boss aoe hit so hard if you use a melee dps they will take heals away from tank = fail

ranged dps is only way in ops.

running several HM ops now using only Mercs and PT,but it is nice to have a stelth to cc a few but we plow threw anything anyway.

imo sin dont do well in ops.

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I don't play deception myself but its entirely viable for ops as my friend is deception and does well in HM and Nightmare ops. I play madness and love the utility of the spec. Its a lot of steady dps on the bosses and allows me to attack cdrom both melee and range. I stay in for thrash and such for raze procs and then am able to back away when the boss frenzy's and still get off a few range attacks. Both are viable. It just depends on your playstyle and what you're looking for.
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I've been a healer for a long time and recently changed to a Madness DPS spec.


Nothing is easier than this spec when taking down a single target.

Just cast death field and pile on your three main dots.


Death Field > Mind Crush > Madness > Fear > Lightning > Repeat after cooldowns.


Forget the names. One's green, one's orange, and one's red.


Death Field puts on that beautiful damage bonus, stack on the three dots and watch your cooldown as you spam lightning from your fingertips with no cooldown time and a 2.7 sec channel. Watch in amazement as the Lightning lets your next attack require no preptime, and then instantly cast Death Field and your three dots on your hapless target as you rinse and repeat.


That's all you need as everything dies pretty fast underneath your salvo. For keybinds I have:

Death Field = G

Mind Crush (Red icon) = R

Fear (Orange icon) = T

Madness (Green icom) = Y

Lightning (w/ channel time) = Shift+R


That's it. Just cycle those keys and you're on easy street.

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I've been a healer for a long time and recently changed to a Madness DPS spec.


Nothing is easier than this spec when taking down a single target.

Just cast death field and pile on your three main dots.


Death Field > Mind Crush > Madness > Fear > Lightning > Repeat after cooldowns.


Forget the names. One's green, one's orange, and one's red.


Death Field puts on that beautiful damage bonus, stack on the three dots and watch your cooldown as you spam lightning from your fingertips with no cooldown time and a 2.7 sec channel. Watch in amazement as the Lightning lets your next attack require no preptime, and then instantly cast Death Field and your three dots on your hapless target as you rinse and repeat.


That's all you need as everything dies pretty fast underneath your salvo. For keybinds I have:

Death Field = G

Mind Crush (Red icon) = R

Fear (Orange icon) = T

Madness (Green icom) = Y

Lightning (w/ channel time) = Shift+R


That's it. Just cycle those keys and you're on easy street.



I think you meant to post this in the sorc forum. The OP is talking about sin dps.

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i am a 31/0/10 spec with full dps gear for pvping. eventually i want to put together 2 full sets of gear, one for pvp and one for pve tanking. this is going to take a while but until then i want to run HM flashpoints and Ops for the ingredient required for the rakata biochem items.


when looking for groups should i advertise myself as an off-tank, DPS, or both?

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i am a 31/0/10 spec with full dps gear for pvping. eventually i want to put together 2 full sets of gear, one for pvp and one for pve tanking. this is going to take a while but until then i want to run HM flashpoints and Ops for the ingredient required for the rakata biochem items.


when looking for groups should i advertise myself as an off-tank, DPS, or both?


what kind of pvp gear? If you are anything like myself, you have a mix of battlemaster/champ gear and a crap ton of centurion coms sitting there doing nothing.


Buy centurion survivor gear. I wouldn't suggest this strat for any other class, but the shield/absorb stats are extremely important to you, and not having any, is going to seriously hinder you even with a shield equipped.

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i should have mentioned that i am a fresh 50 so my gear is pretty much trash. i have been doing dailies on ilum and balsavis for the epic pve gear but for now i am using oranges with mods i bought using my commendations from the corellia. this is making pvp very difficult on the twin spears server because the republic always stomps on me and i can't contribute much. i can't even remember the last time i won a match against them. the only matches i win are hutball against other imps. i think the main problem is that my guild doesn't have enough 50s to put together pre made groups.


should i even bother trying to do hard modes yet or should i just focus on dailies and pvp until i get better gear? also when i am looking for pugs should i tell them that i am DPS until i put together a decent tanking gear set?

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i should have mentioned that i am a fresh 50 so my gear is pretty much trash. i have been doing dailies on ilum and balsavis for the epic pve gear but for now i am using oranges with mods i bought using my commendations from the corellia. this is making pvp very difficult on the twin spears server because the republic always stomps on me and i can't contribute much. i can't even remember the last time i won a match against them. the only matches i win are hutball against other imps. i think the main problem is that my guild doesn't have enough 50s to put together pre made groups.


should i even bother trying to do hard modes yet or should i just focus on dailies and pvp until i get better gear? also when i am looking for pugs should i tell them that i am DPS until i put together a decent tanking gear set?


if your going to dps play the tree thats most fun both trees dps is close enough that it wont matter since there aren't any extremely tight dps races in this game. However, don't expect to be awesome at dps in a pve setting as a tank spec just because you get a lot of damage in warzones from your aoes.

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