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It doesn't bother anyone that there are so many Marauder/Sentinel?


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Guardian and Juggernaut are the 4th least played class on both factions whereas Sentinel are the most played class on the (lol)Republic.


First off, "Sentinel" were for the most part non-combatants and focused on stuff like stealth, medicine, and computer. But disregarding all that arbitrary title mumbo jumbo, dual wielding lightsabers is supposed to be a rare sight.


Just seems weird that single saber is so iconic yet seems relatively uncommon compared to the other options in this game. Could it be that the Giardian DPS is so lackluster or the fact that Guardian is advertised as a tank class without much mention of its DPS capabilities from the start?




I'm just speaking from a pure aesthetic / lore stand point. It just looks weird seeing so many lightsaber dual wielders. They should still exist but imo all jedi/sith classes should have incentive to going single lightsaber and dual wielding should have a niche but relevant role. That or they could just make Guardian DpS more appealing and market it as such.

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Maybe but got to remember it is a game and not every one is going to care if having two light sabers in a room full of light sabers is going against lore. Most people are going to go with what they think make them look the most Coolest. Only then that could be done to counter this is to remove dual wielding all together but that would bring about even more angry people for both camps, the people that want more lore and the ones that want to look cool. Edited by LordRichardEW
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Because pretty much everyone thinks Lightsabers are cool. What's better than a Lightsaber? TWO Lightsabers! The class could be completely worthless and people would still play it for no other reason. I've always preferred a double-bladed or a single-hilt myself, hence I play an assassin and a juggernaut. 1.2 can't come fast enough though, I'm tired of looking like a robocop on my juggernaut >.>
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I find that chart interesting that the Inquisitor is the most played profession.... You know the class people have been saying since beta is OP in healing, damage and versatility, basically the Alpha class in SWTOR....


I will bet that when the leader board for Warzones comes out the Inquisitor profession will dominate the boards even with the minor nerfs they get in 1.2



back on topic: What lore are you basing this one? the Movies? Because in The Clone Wars series they show a lot of Jedi who duel wield... And given this time period where there are lots of Jedi/Sith running around, I'm not sure how duel wielding is going against the lore.

Edited by Monoth
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i find it strange to hear there is so many marauders/sentinels, when i first started my first toon was a a marauder. and i remember every1 saying they were the most under loved class. i expected there to be more in 1.2 after the buff, maybe ppl are going them now to get ready but either way its just a flavor of the month thing.


as for duel wield i kinda see your point. maybe they should have a "hide off hand slot" so you can keep the advantage of our second lightsaber without having to look like you use 2. not sure if this would me OP feel any betters as i'm sure most would choose to look like they use 2. but extra options are always nice

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DPS is the easiest to play, that's why there's so many of them. In a MMO that's drawing in people who may not be traditional MMO gamers but came for the Star Wars Experience, it's not only natural that those players would gravitate to the easier classes in order to learn the game a little before moving on to the classes that are a bit harder to master, but actually probably for the best as you want the more seasoned players taking on the more important roles.


For instance, this is my first MMO. My first character was a Gunslinger. I figured, "Point & shoot, how hard can it be?" My second character was an Assassin. That time I went Melee damage spec. My new character is an Operative healer because I feel comfortable enough with the idea of doing something different and I've learned through experience how to properly run the class and spec. I figure I'll get to tank (such as the guardian or juggernaut) last because in my mind tanking is the hardest thing to learn and has to be done right or else you're no good to the group at all.

Edited by MCesca
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Quite honestly on my server, the healing classes are the most popular in PVP, especially republic side. Empire side I would say its heavy on BH's and Ops and Juggs. Mara's and Sents seem to be rather moderate to light depending the time of day you do PVP.


PVE, seems to be heavy on Sorcs and BH's and Jugs over Mara's

Edited by Blloodbane
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For instance, this is my first MMO. My first character was a Gunslinger. I figured, "Point & shoot, how hard can it be?" My second character was an Assassin. That time I went Melee damage spec. My new character is an Operative healer because I feel comfortable enough with the idea of doing something different and I've learned through experience how to properly run the class and spec. I figure I'll get to tank (such as the guardian or juggernaut) last because in my mind tanking is the hardest thing to learn and has to be done right or else you're no good to the group at all.


There is no need to be scared by it. Tanking in this game is very simple because you only have like 4 abilities you use to keep agro with no real rotations apart from always using taunt and backhand when they are up. AoE tanking is even simpler. On Assassin and Juggernaut you have 2 abilities+AoE taunt with one of them having a long cooldown, meaning no rotation is even possible. On Assassin you spam trash until you get 3 procs and then use lightning, saber discharge whenever it's up and Dark Ward whenever it's up. No real rotations there either.


I've tanked everything on jugger and assassin on hard, some on nightmare and compared to past games, tanking isn't about skill, it's about hoping stuff gets off cooldown before people pull agro. Try it, it's fun! :D

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There is no need to be scared by it. Tanking in this game is very simple because you only have like 4 abilities you use to keep agro with no real rotations apart from always using taunt and backhand when they are up. AoE tanking is even simpler. On Assassin and Juggernaut you have 2 abilities+AoE taunt with one of them having a long cooldown, meaning no rotation is even possible. On Assassin you spam trash until you get 3 procs and then use lightning, saber discharge whenever it's up and Dark Ward whenever it's up. No real rotations there either.


I've tanked everything on jugger and assassin on hard, some on nightmare and compared to past games, tanking isn't about skill, it's about hoping stuff gets off cooldown before people pull agro. Try it, it's fun! :D


I've done a little bit of tanking with my Assassin in groups where we couldn't find a true tank spec and it worked ok, so I'm not completely foreign to the idea. I tanked all of Athiss, and a few group heroics that way. So I'm not "scared by it," just want to make sure I fully understand how everything works before I jump into tanking full boar since it is "traditionally" the hardest thing to do. Luckily even the DPS Assassin gets a couple of aggro abilities.


Also, my goal is to play through all 8 classes, doing opposite advanced classes for the opposing factions. So as I noted above, I played Gunslinger and Operative. I'll probably do Marauder and Guardian, when I get to the Warrior/Knight classes. Ideally, I'd like to see it all eventually.

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Honestly, my Sentinel is based off an old SW d20 Character I used to have back in the day and dual wielding was part of his "lore". The abridged version; Adshe has about 6 years of personal history I draw upon and every single aspect of him I earned through many hours of blood, sweat, and tears (and botched rolls lol). So for me, it's not a matter of looking "cool" but a matter of being able to play a character that is as close to my "original" SWd20 character as possible. (Yes, I play on an RP server lol Kath Hound :) )
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Honestly, my Sentinel is based off an old SW d20 Character I used to have back in the day and dual wielding was part of his "lore". The abridged version; Adshe has about 6 years of personal history I draw upon and every single aspect of him I earned through many hours of blood, sweat, and tears (and botched rolls lol). So for me, it's not a matter of looking "cool" but a matter of being able to play a character that is as close to my "original" SWd20 character as possible. (Yes, I play on an RP server lol Kath Hound :) )


I think this is awesome, in part because I based my Assassin off of an NPC in a Star Wars table top game I used to run.

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Also, my goal is to play through all 8 classes, doing opposite advanced classes for the opposing factions. So as I noted above, I played Gunslinger and Operative. I'll probably do Marauder and Guardian, when I get to the Warrior/Knight classes. Ideally, I'd like to see it all eventually.


This is actually my plan as well, or rather was. Trooper just doesn't interest me at all. Currently done Jugger, Sin, Merc, Sage and in the process of Sniper. Tried sentinel but I don't know... just didn't feel like it, so made a Guardian instead. Will make a mara once 1.2 comes and can make it a twi'lek.

Edited by Jandi
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Apparently your new to forums,


This been posted like 600 times..lol Caused i posted 1 last week on the very same tropic


Since they announced a buff to mara/sent that what all the bandwagon players are jumping too.. its the latest and great so they gotto get on top so they can ego boost about pvp..lol..


I been checking around severs and the general starting classes for beginer worlds are sent/maraduars last nite on a server 19 players in Corscaunt 13 sent 2 shadows and 1 gunsligner, 2 troopers, and me

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This is actually my plan as well, or rather was. Trooper just doesn't interest me at all. Currently done Jugger, Sin, Merc, Sage and in the process of Sniper. Tried sentinel but I don't know... just didn't feel like it, so made a Guardian instead. Will make a mara once 1.2 comes and can make it a twi'lek.


Trooper is probably the lowest on my list as well. BH is pretty low as well. I haven't tried either yet as I like to get to 50 before I roll my next alt, and I also like to bounce back and forth between factions so the planet and side stories feel a little more fresh the 2nd (or 3rd, etc) time through. But Jedi/Sith is a pretty easy sell for any Star Wars fan. I tend to like to play "the rogue" so the Smuggler and Agent are also an easy sell for me. Trooper & BH, not so much. I may get there and really love it, but as for jumping into it.....it can wait.

Edited by MCesca
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The thing that I find funny about this list is that operative is so low on it. There are times that there will be about a dozen players on in my guild and roughly half are Operatives.


:confused: I'm calling BS on that too ..... never been in a WZ without at least 2 ops in it ... and have been in a few with no Sorcs (rarely).

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Trooper is probably the lowest on my list as well. BH is pretty low as well. I haven't tried either yet as I like to get to 50 before I roll my next alt, and I also like to bounce back and forth between factions so the planet and side stories feel a little more fresh the 2nd (or 3rd, etc) time through. But Jedi/Sith is a pretty easy sell for any Star Wars fan. I tend to like to play "the rogue" so the Smuggler and Agent are also an easy sell for me. Trooper & BH, not so much. I may get there and really love it, but as for jumping into it.....it can wait.


You really should give BH a whirl. It's like a Clint Eastwood movie, one of the good ones. Kicking doors down and shooting people in the face. The crew you get is also awesome. The best in my opinion, of the ones I've played at least.

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You really should give BH a whirl. It's like a Clint Eastwood movie, one of the good ones. Kicking doors down and shooting people in the face. The crew you get is also awesome. The best in my opinion, of the ones I've played at least.


My plan is to do Sage next and then I'm kinda open to trying things from there.

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:confused: I'm calling BS on that too ..... never been in a WZ without at least 2 ops in it ... and have been in a few with no Sorcs (rarely).


Well, I mean I realize that my single server experience within my guild is not indicative of the entire game experience, I just find it strange based on the limited data I would have seen - namely that the class is very popular in my guild.

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