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Does light side have a better story?


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I'm debating between a DS or an LS sith warrior...


It feels like LS has a better story because the people u spare can make a cameo appearance later on...


But with DS, I think u can be like Darth Vader and go around force choking everyone



Which side is better to go with and more fitting?

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I've seen dark and light up to 40 now. I watched my friend playing DS to 40, and I've played LS to 40 on a new character...


I've been preferring the LS story by far. They really follow up on people you spare/are kind to and it changes how quite a few events turn out in the story. Also, it's fun to insult Baras repeatedly and have him able to do nothing ^^


It might even be more your style...Like I myself couldnt stand the Jedi code and how restrictive it is, so I'd feel that I'd probably be a light side sith... I could still be good without all the restrictions.


"A chaotic good character acts as his conscience directs him with little regard for what others expect of him. He makes his own way, but he's kind and benevolent. He believes in goodness and right but has little use for laws and regulations. He hates it when people try to intimidate others and tell them what to do. He follows his own moral compass, which, although good, may not agree with that of society. "

Edited by rweiowjerwei
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I'm a light side fan all the way. personal pref, i have friends who like the DS.


I prefer the light side mostly. It gives you more options IMO to character decisions. I've even had multiple choices with light points on how to help NPC's. DS usually defaults to:


"I think ill kill you now"

"I think I'll shock you now"

"your going to die by my hand"


"oh...if i take this your family will die? good"


get's a bit boring after awhile. But, on the flip side, The Grey option really fits me best, but right now there are no real rewards for floating inbetween. sounds like this is changing a bit in 1.2, and will change moreso later on. But for now, LS is what I prefer. If DS had more depth to it, I may be interested.


but right not it's pretty much "kill em all" mentality, when I always saw DS as a much more devious approach to manipulation and control, with an odd need for companionship. what's this whole drive that sith lords have with having an apprentice? they that lonely? But it's there, and adds a unique twist to the "dark" sith in the legend. but when I go to the choices for DS, it's pretty much that persons gonna die. and my dark choices with companions is "I'm gonna shock you again" and "I don't care what you feel"...when a real DS would care a GREAT DEAL how their companions felt, because they want to manipulate it.


But DS is pretty much relegated to a psychotic murderer mentality. Just as much as the Jedi LS is a church school boy who never got out in the world. But For sith at least, LS gives you more flexibility then DS IMO.

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Come to the Dark side, we have free pancakes!



I like the dark side better, maybe its because i like being an A*hole but it's just so much fun to be a bad guy. my main is a sith marauder and i'm pretty much pure DS though i have made some LS decisions here and there but i'm pretty much a murderous scumbag. =D

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My suggestion, decide how you want to RP your warrior and turn off the alignment indicator. Base your decisions on how you want your warrior to respond and you'll end up with whatever story you want.


I found it better than just farming dark or light points, and honestly some of the light options made no sense to me as to how they could possibly be better than the dark ones; the most obvious one being the kill or spare the General in the Black Talon flashpoint.


That being said, I've played both a neutral-lightish warrior and a dark side warrior and the options for conversation during class cutscenes are very different, but they were both enjoyable. It was very amusing to see Jedi be confused about your light-leaning sith and diabolical in manipulating Jedi to kill the warrior's enemies for you.

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My suggestion, decide how you want to RP your warrior and turn off the alignment indicator. Base your decisions on how you want your warrior to respond and you'll end up with whatever story you want.


I found it better than just farming dark or light points, and honestly some of the light options made no sense to me as to how they could possibly be better than the dark ones; the most obvious one being the kill or spare the General in the Black Talon flashpoint.


That being said, I've played both a neutral-lightish warrior and a dark side warrior and the options for conversation during class cutscenes are very different, but they were both enjoyable. It was very amusing to see Jedi be confused about your light-leaning sith and diabolical in manipulating Jedi to kill the warrior's enemies for you.


I agree with you whole-heartedly :) I don't want to ruin the story, so I'll just say that the confused Jedi part was awesome! One of the few times I really felt a click with an opposing NPC to that degree. And I added a bit of manipulation into that one at the end....I love getting other people to do my dirty work! (one of the few times I did a dark choice).


On the grey thing...I'd prefer that myself with the exception that some end game items are locked out for you if your too dark or too light. or not enough. I got to 50 and grabbed a real nice relic I had found when leveling that i wanted to use...only to find out that it required light V, and because i did do some dark choices along the way. End result? I had to go back and do a "speed" run of BT to get some extra points. Yeah, it's easy. but sorta ruins the feel of the "moral" slider when you run a light/dark point slot machine to top off your "moral" tank.


Doh...i just got 100 dark points by assassinating a village. lets run BT in 5m and get 200 light points to make up for it. and the ships captain will be happy AGAIN for the 37th time that I spared his crew.


I think that they should either eliminate the end game items that have high requirements like that, or simply keep the requirements low. Like level I or II max. (i.e. cannot be used by dark II or higher, or cannot be used by Light II or higher). i could see a grey player being at least a level 2 in one direction or another.

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I agree. I went full on dark side 100% and the story rocked.

Up until the end... I feel kinda cheated. It was a case of fight, fight, FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT! small cutscene and done.


For the Inquisitor, you at least get to revel in your victory a bit.

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You can go DS and be this amazing bad man who throws people about, viciously kills without hesitation, or you can go LS and be an *** kiss and a boot licker.


The choice is yours, but I prefer to be a ****** so DS win.


Chuck Norris = bad man

DS = Psycho in a cool dress.


I'd take bad man, but DS is just "I'll keel yu nao!"

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I did find after having played through part of the story as a pure dark side character it was almost as rewarding but if you end up playing as lawful evil, especially as a character that looks out for the best interests of the Empire, you may not necessarily be a bootlicking kiss *** but you do tend to end up more gray than either light or dark. My character at 50 is sitting pretty much at neutral from the questing alone. I did find that if I ran instances I'd do another one and pick the opposite options to balance out the scale because I didn't want the slider to be influenced too much by the flashpoints.
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I have played both up until Tatooine and they are pretty much equally good imo. I'm enjoying being dark side a bit more though (I'm not 100% dark side though; more like 85%), it just "fits" better: I get the feeling that the story was pretty much designed with the thought that the player was going to be dark-sided. Some things you have to do regardless of your alignment just seem a bit awkward if you are a light-side Sith.


My character is pretty much a Star Wars version of Vegeta (before his redemption), lol. Really good.

Edited by Khyle
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I would not say that the LS Story is better, nor would I say that it is worse. The Pure DS Warrior story is that of a lone wolf, in many ways, a man that has cut a bloody swathe through the ranks of the empire and will stop at nothing for power and vengeance.


The LS Warrior is a reformist whose character choices advocate empathy and modernizing the archaic flaws in sith and imperial sociopolitical structure. I found it to be immensely satisfying and most certainly worth the time I put in to finish it.

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Here's my take.


I'm a light side player by heart. Playing dark side just goes against my nature. Still, I chose to play a DS Warrior, since I didn't want to be punished for going neutral and my inquisitor friend that I'm playing with is so deliciously evil that it would just clash too much if I went LS. Here's where it got interesting, though, and I'm keeping it vague so that it doesn't spoil anything. At one point in the story, in a very vulnerable moment, I was asked why I was the way I was. I answered, with obvious remorse in my voice, that it was in my nature. I was then asked to change my ways. I answered, again with remorse, that it was too late for me.


I was always repulsed by the things I did to people, and now finally, I realized that my character felt the same way. He reveled in the slaughter and mayhem, sure. As do I when I play him, but I still feel bad. At that one moment when he was forced to open up, it dawned on me that like me, he didn't want to be this way. He felt forced to, being born in this Empire, with his ancestry.


In him, the dark side is like a poison, a drug that he can't stop using, and it corrupts him more and more against his will. I could finally relate to him, and this was immensely satisfying. More so, I imagine, than going straight up light side.

Edited by dathmirx
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Here's my take.


I'm a light side player by heart. Playing dark side just goes against my nature. Still, I chose to play a DS Warrior, since I didn't want to be punished for going neutral and my inquisitor friend that I'm playing with is so deliciously evil that it would just clash too much if I went LS. Here's where it got interesting, though, and I'm keeping it vague so that it doesn't spoil anything. At one point in the story, in a very vulnerable moment, I was asked why I was the way I was. I answered, with obvious remorse in my voice, that it was in my nature. I was then asked to change my ways. I answered, again with remorse, that it was too late for me.


I was always repulsed by the things I did to people, and now finally, I realized that my character felt the same way. He reveled in the slaughter and mayhem, sure. As do I when I play him, but I still feel bad. At that one moment when he was forced to open up, it dawned on me that like me, he didn't want to be this way. He felt forced to, being born in this Empire, with his ancestry.


In him, the dark side is like a poison, a drug that he can't stop using, and it corrupts him more and more against his will. I could finally relate to him, and this was immensely satisfying. More so, I imagine, than going straight up light side.


Honestly the part you are talking about is one of my favorite parts of the sith warrior story. Plus in my opinion as people said before to me it seems that the story is more tailored to DS imo plus DS sith warrior gets lets say some really kick *** darth vader scenes.

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Anyone who thinks that the lightside choices are ***kissing obviously hasn't played them. My LS warrior has a smart mouth and it's obvious that if she weren't as strong as she was she'd have been killed a long time ago for back talk alone.
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Anyone who thinks that the lightside choices are ***kissing obviously hasn't played them. My LS warrior has a smart mouth and it's obvious that if she weren't as strong as she was she'd have been killed a long time ago for back talk alone.


No its cause the SW has plot armor. Thats the reason why you can smack talk your master I have not seen any sith in lore smack talk their master if they do it normally ends with them getting either shocked or choked.

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No its cause the SW has plot armor. Thats the reason why you can smack talk your master I have not seen any sith in lore smack talk their master if they do it normally ends with them getting either shocked or choked.


Baras almost seems like an exception, though. He's just not very imposing, and I find myself having no respect for him or his petty schemes. In my eyes, he's a coward and deserves to be treated as such. I wish we could have gotten a master we'd actually be afraid of pissing off. I don't know if I'll be able to, and no spoilers please, but I can't wait to murder him and take his place.

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I found it better than just farming dark or light points, and honestly some of the light options made no sense to me as to how they could possibly be better than the dark ones; the most obvious one being the kill or spare the General in the Black Talon flashpoint.


I've found it pretty hard to get Dark Side points consistently, seeing as I play my Marauder as a staunch supporter of the Empire first and foremost. The DS points have often required me to actively sabotage or damage Imperial efforts. Hmm... save lives on both sides and get a propaganda victory by letting the Reps surrender - or make them fight to the last man?

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I agree you need to define the personality of your Sith Warrior and play to that end. Going to either extreme feels artificial and stale to me.


My SW I've leveled up 44 as an Immortal skilled Juggernaut has been very fun to play. I decided I'd play him as someone who believes in the Empire and wants it to prevail. He won't just mindlessly kill everyone like most of the DS options are, if he believes the Empire(or himself) would be better served by sparing them, he might. Also, he respects honor and courage so he is more thoughtful towards worthy opponents and detests killing the weak or unthreatening. I have like 2500 Dark and 2200 light as a result.


One of my most memorable cutscene moments was defeating a Jedi Master, then allowing him to mediate and prepare himself for his end before delivering the killing blow.

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Nice to see I'm not the only "Lawful Evil" SW out there ;) My character is all about honor and duty, although he has a very bloodthirsty take on what to do when people behave "dishonorably". A previous incarnation of this character was big on the whole Vaderesque "Bring ORDER to the Galaaxy" thing and ended up for the most part barely Dark2 by the time I was on Tatooine and elected to reroll on a higher population server.


Now having played a pure DS Assassin to 50 I would like to say... bollocks with the alignment system. I'm not a fan of missing out on Relics, but I think I'd rather just forget the alignment system and play a character I enjoy even if it does mean I miss out on certain gear slots.

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