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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Sooo all the useful legacy unlocks are not in 1.2, but 1.3?!


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You guys play too much. If you didn't play so much you wouldn't be bored. I been so busy this week I had no time to play, but maybe tomorrow I will have a small window. However, the next couple weeks I will be even more busy with work.
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Yeah, I know they have a bunch of other stuff to do, but travel is a huge timesink, and adding the speeder at lvl 10 adds a lot of replay value.


Besides what I think is by the time they finally decide to add it, most of us will be already tired of rolling alts, it will be pretty much a wasted feature by then.


It'll at least benefit future generations. Some people already filled up all 8 character slots.

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Well I'm not really making a threat to go to GW2. Because I am going to play GW2 for sure.

I actually plan on playing both SWTOR and GW2 at the same time since GW2 lacks a sub fee :)


I just mentioned it because there will be a lot of people that are going to be switching to GW2 and making GW2 there only game.


They will be just as unhappy with that as they are with this.

For a game supposedly coming out within the next couple months, it sure is a mess.

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They will be just as unhappy with that as they are with this.

For a game supposedly coming out within the next couple months, it sure is a mess.


the main difference being we don't have to pay monthly to play that mess unlike this game.

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About the legacy crap. So isn't it unfair if people who brag about millions can just buy everything? I know on some there is a legacy restriction but what about people who have high legacy and millions? I'm at legacy 6 and 150k so if there are combat perks say in pvp wouldn't that make it even more unbalanced and unfair? I just don't like this at all. Especially that extra sprint speed boost does that apply in pvp? You'd never catch someone. All I see are a bunch of unfair advantages and making the game even more unbalanced. Granted people deserve perks but I don't know whatever.
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If I had "demanded" a PlayStation for Christmas, I would have gotten a smacked arse and no dinner, and probably grounded, but if I had requested one, and politely explained the reasons why, as well as understanding if it wouldn't happen, then my parents were very willing to compromise, ending up giving me and my brother one to share.


You're comparing Christmas present demands of your parents, to a relationship between a software development company and paying subscribers? Having orange text and a bad attitude doesn't make that comparison any more logical.

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Some of the things that I expected to happen in 1.2 was increased experience from warzone/flashpoints etc, because questing has lost its fun. Also the increased sprint speed and anything that would be actually useful is in 1.3?


This was kind of the last straw for me as well. A smack in the face.

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Well I'm not really making a threat to go to GW2. Because I am going to play GW2 for sure.

I actually plan on playing both SWTOR and GW2 at the same time since GW2 lacks a sub fee :)


I just mentioned it because there will be a lot of people that are going to be switching to GW2 and making GW2 there only game.


ohh GW2 , the overhyped stuff i heard everday.. with legions of fanatical fans that think GW2 is the 2nd coming.. take off the hype and its just another fantasy based pvp thats didnt improve much over GW1 ..


Btw Funcom is busy emailing everyone on The Secret World preorder.. why dont you go there too ? and blizzard is offering free Diablo III if you subscribe WoW for 1 year, thats a good deal for you, no? and theres Tera online with its arcade combat.. why not switch to Tera?


Lot of ppl going to GW2? says who ? you got the data or just putting in random stuff just to sounds legit?

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It will get a bit in 1.2, but looks like 1.3 is where its at.


The proverbial carrot on a string. They string things out not only because of development time, but also because if they drop all they have planned, then in a few months you will be here whining again about a lack of content.

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I know you guys wanted ths game to be "great" but come on guys... These guys are clueless and it's very clear that they are disconnect from the game, they can't even remember what the names of features are or the names of professions in the game.. Legacy is the worst idea in this mmo and they are spending so much time into it it's ridiculous.. This game is not wortha $15 sub atm, maybe $7.50 but def not $15.


You wouldn't pay 60k for a Camaro would you?


Camaros are very pretty, very sporty and look real fast but they are not worth what a Benz(Real MMO) is worth.. Because a Benz offers you a hell of a lot more bang for your Buck.


Now go nerd-rage and when you're done holler at me cause I have a bridge I want to sell you.

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I am extremely disappointed in the 1.2 legacy system. Everything is SOOOO expensive. Also, everything that I was excited about and was told was going to be in the legacy system (and I assumed 1.2 because it is called the "legacy patch") is not going to be in until 1.3?


Some of the things that I expected to happen in 1.2 was increased experience from warzone/flashpoints etc, because questing has lost its fun. Also the increased sprint speed and anything that would be actually useful is in 1.3?


IDK..... i'm losing faith guys :(


What do you all think?


(borrowed from another post)

the Coming Soon in 1.3 section starts around 2:40




So a GTN on your ship is totally not useful... right... okay.


Get out.

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So a GTN on your ship is totally not useful... right... okay.


Get out.


It's not a regular GTN. It's a neutral GTN. And this is not useful. Why? Go to Nar Shadaa. Check out the neutral GTN. See anything? No? :o How shocking!

And to make it worse, very few will have this on their ship so it won't improve the usefulness at all.

If it was a regular GTN it would be useful. Then I could live on Belsavis/Corellia and I'd never have to go to fleet again. I was grinding money for this GTN, but then I realised it's useless so I stopped. At 7 million credits.

Edited by Averran
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It's not a regular GTN. It's a neutral GTN. And this is not useful. Why? Go to Nar Shadaa. Check out the neutral GTN. See anything? No? :o How shocking!

And to make it worse, very few will have this on their ship so it won't improve the usefulness at all.

If it was a regular GTN it would be useful. Then I could live on Belsavis/Corellia and I'd never have to go to fleet again. I was grinding money for this GTN, but then I realised it's useless so I stopped. At 7 million credits.



I have to go do RL stuff now. Was fun arguing with kids. Always is.

When everyone has a neutral AH on their ship... You shall see how useful it is.

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When everyone has a neutral AH on their ship... You shall see how useful it is.


Daniel said it is very high on the legacy level and accessible only to the upper tier ppl. So there won't be a lot of people using it.


Though I don't understand why they are giving us neutral and not just the main GTN.

Edited by ConradLionhart
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Yap Yap is all I hear when a BW person opens their mouth..


"We have so much planned for this game this year it's going to be incredible"


Really? like what? Legacy? LOL if I wanted to Force choke I would have rolled a Jedi Knight..'

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When everyone has a neutral AH on their ship... You shall see how useful it is.


I can't see it being all that useful really. I'm not going to drop 5 million credits just to have a shot to sell to republics. They are probably mostly broke since they have a smaller population. On my server if you look at their gtn it's pathetic how little is on there. Now that may mean they are starved for something to buy but for it to be worthwhile I not only have to be able to sell for more than I can now but it has to be enough that I make back my 5 million investment in a reasonable amount of time. I think this will be more useful for republic than it is for empire on most servers.

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Yeah. um... you should go play on the PTS. Is only 25 legacy lvl or 5million credits.


So pocket change or low legacy level.


25 is pretty high. I only have 10, though I started playing on 1st March.


Anyway casuals would be no where near there to use it. Only the upper tier people will use it.

Edited by ConradLionhart
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25 is pretty high. I only have 10, though I started playing on 1st March.


Anyway casuals would be no where near there to use it. Only the upper tier people will use it.


If you do dailies every day 20 comes pretty fast. Slows down a bit after that.

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We have recently had to clean up a number of posts in this thread that were in violation of our Rules of Conduct and wanted to remind everyone to stay on topic while avoiding the following:


  • Personal Attacks or Insults.
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Please remember to keep posts on-topic! This thread is about legacy unlocks and when they will be released.


We appreciate your cooperation in this matter and will continue to monitor the conversation. Above all else please remember that we are here to help with issues that come up, you need not respond to them and extend the argument. In short, flag don't flame. This thread is not being closed, please feel free to carry on so long as you abide by the forum rules.

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All this legacy stuff should have been in at launch, people are totally entitled to nerd rage over it.


I love this argument... EVERYTHING should of been in at launch, including the future 5 expansions should of been in at launch...... and all the content they add to this game 10 years from now should of been in at launch....


Yet the people who make this argument are the same ones that were screaming for Bioware to release the game because they didn't want to wait any longer....

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