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Just got to Lv50...


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So I just arrived at Lv50 Leveling exclusively from PvP Pickups... Why should I get rolled like crazy because of gear in PvP? In other words why should the game be boring for new players arriving at Lv50 for the first few weeks?


People tell me it's to make people 'stay in the game' to look forward for better gear. If that is so then they are patheticly wrong about PvP. You play PvP for fun and competition right? Gear grinding is for PvE is it not? Anyway cancelled my account 3 WZ isn't enough to keep me interested anyway. I've seen all there was to see. Can't wait for GW2.


Still dreaming for a game design with world PvP at it's core...

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So I just arrived at Lv50 Leveling exclusively from PvP Pickups... Why should I get rolled like crazy because of gear in PvP? In other words why should the game be boring for new players arriving at Lv50 for the first few weeks?


People tell me it's to make people 'stay in the game' to look forward for better gear. If that is so then they are patheticly wrong about PvP. You play PvP for fun and competition right? Gear grinding is for PvE is it not? Anyway cancelled my account 3 WZ isn't enough to keep me interested anyway. I've seen all there was to see. Can't wait for GW2.


Still dreaming for a game design with world PvP at it's core...


Your complaining about there only being 3 Wz's? the game is in its infancy You must have the attentions span of a child if thats your sole reason for leaving.


The gear issue i can agree with. but after 1.2 i hear the war hero armour is easier to get then the other BM armor

Edited by stephenalandavie
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His problem is that fact that he lv his char just by doing PVP..how on earth you did that i dont know..so now his burnt out..and now at lv 50 probs getting his *** handed to him as well...isnt helping :)
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His problem is that fact that he lv his char just by doing PVP..how on earth you did that i dont know..so now his burnt out..and now at lv 50 probs getting his *** handed to him as well...isnt helping :)


Leveled one of my characters thru WZ's wasn't an issue. Had full centurion in 3 days with a couple of champion pieces. another 100 or so matches after he hits 50 Valoor rank he'd be Battlemaster.

If he can't handle it he probably shouldn't play MMO's.

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So I just arrived at Lv50 Leveling exclusively from PvP Pickups... Why should I get rolled like crazy because of gear in PvP? In other words why should the game be boring for new players arriving at Lv50 for the first few weeks?


People tell me it's to make people 'stay in the game' to look forward for better gear. If that is so then they are patheticly wrong about PvP. You play PvP for fun and competition right? Gear grinding is for PvE is it not? Anyway cancelled my account 3 WZ isn't enough to keep me interested anyway. I've seen all there was to see. Can't wait for GW2.


Still dreaming for a game design with world PvP at it's core...


Why should you be allowed to play only 10-20% of the game and succeed as well as someone who plays 100% of the game?

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So I just arrived at Lv50 Leveling exclusively from PvP Pickups... Why should I get rolled like crazy because of gear in PvP? In other words why should the game be boring for new players arriving at Lv50 for the first few weeks?


People tell me it's to make people 'stay in the game' to look forward for better gear. If that is so then they are patheticly wrong about PvP. You play PvP for fun and competition right? Gear grinding is for PvE is it not? Anyway cancelled my account 3 WZ isn't enough to keep me interested anyway. I've seen all there was to see. Can't wait for GW2.


Still dreaming for a game design with world PvP at it's core...


You can gear up to about 400 expertise in about 3 days if you do it right.


That said, gear builds are not just for PvE, they're a staple of general RPG gameplay. Unfortunately, SWTOR has a basic vertical progression where you get tier 1 then teir 2 then 3 instead of multiple gear paths where you have to pick and choose the items that best complement your playstyle.

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So I just arrived at Lv50 Leveling exclusively from PvP Pickups... Why should I get rolled like crazy because of gear in PvP? In other words why should the game be boring for new players arriving at Lv50 for the first few weeks?


People tell me it's to make people 'stay in the game' to look forward for better gear. If that is so then they are patheticly wrong about PvP. You play PvP for fun and competition right? Gear grinding is for PvE is it not? Anyway cancelled my account 3 WZ isn't enough to keep me interested anyway. I've seen all there was to see. Can't wait for GW2.


Still dreaming for a game design with world PvP at it's core...


fresh 50's and new 50's get facerolled proberly 1 shot by BM players which will force mosto f them to quit the game and most already have lol.


its possible its going to be even worse in 1.2

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Why should you be allowed to play only 10-20% of the game and succeed as well as someone who plays 100% of the game?


Why shouldn't he?


See, I can make arguments based off questions with no reasoning or explanation either!


I think his point is (I share it with him) is that he doesn't like being at a statistical disadvantage that's not based around anything skillful. He still believes this is PvP, but it's actually GvG. Any game where someone can take down 3/4 of my hp in 2 seconds from a 10m range (It was the end of a match, so he probably didn't burn any large cooldowns), but I CAN'T using all the tools at my disposal means that theres something wrong.


OP, people in MMOs believe that PvP is a job that you do. And as you play longer, apparently it accounts to "Skill" (Sort of ironic how Expertise means skill when in fact PvP has little skill when based so much on gear), and makes you more deserving of a win, because they don't like being rolled on. In RPGs, it's about putting yourself at a statistical advantage, but that only works if it's an even playing field. Yes, you choose to stack crit or surge, but because of Diminishing Returns (Which I think are majorly dumb as they dumb down the game), the optimum efficiency that you can get is pretty much set because of math. For example, it's been pretty much established that 350 Crit and 350 Surge is where you want to be, then start stacking other things.


Diminishing returns throws out the window any strategy around gearing yourself with specific stats, when it's been proven with math that taking a certain number of each stat puts you at optimal efficiency.


But wait, there's more! Some people get more of it. That's right.


So what you have is a game that's... just... for fun. It's not competetive (And I'll laugh at anyone who things the PvP in this state is competetive...), and the only way it is is if they let EVERYONE have the same quality of gear. I'm not all for static "okay, everyone gets 1400 endurance and 1500 main stat, ___ percent crit, __ percent surge, etc. I want people to be able to change their stats accordingly. What I'm NOT for, however, are people with the same of everything but one stat that is larger, as it essentially puts them at a larger "Pool" of stats available to them


OP, PvP is for fun (Although I just dinged 50 last night, I've only played one game. Basically followed the zerg, and I wouldn't call it fun), don't let anyone else tell you otherwise.

Edited by Zunayson
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First of I'd like to thank all the none trolls that responded.


My point was just that from level 14 to 49 I could keep up with gear and have fun in WZ being competitve every step of the way. At level 50 I'm a burden to my team in each WZ and get faceroll not because I'm not good or people are better but because of the gear. And getting from 50 valor to 60 and having complete Battlemaster gear is long, tediuos and lets admit it not fun. So why make the game not fun for X amount of time and make all fresh level 50 a burden and having a bad first impression of End Game PvP (Which should in all logic be the the apotheosis of PvP in my oipinion)


Secondly, Having only 3 warzones is not much to go on. I do like all 3 but I need more to keep me want to login everyday then the gear grind and repetitiveness of thoses 3 same warzone over and over again.


Finally, I do want a goal or something work towards to. That's a very good and noble point. But I feel competitiveness through gear is not very enticing and is not the way to go in PvP. Frankly, it's just cut and paste from PvE, not very creative or fun.

My idea of a fun world PvP would be something in the lines of a 'Risk' game with multiple factions (not just 2 or 3 but as much a 6 or 8) where you must fight to control more and more zones to gain more rewards and where everyzone is like a vanilla wow Alterac Valley zone with 50 vs 50 population. Now that would be an epic MMO!!

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Your complaining about there only being 3 Wz's? the game is in its infancy You must have the attentions span of a child if thats your sole reason for leaving.


Hu, yeah what if an FPS comes out with 3 maps?


The guy is actually right on this one, how hard was it for a game designer to think of more than 3 maps ? considering that's all we got for PVP since there is no world PvP...


It's a real shame and it's almost unacceptable. You should be ashamed as a player and consumer to support this, it's not 2005 anymore where you can come out with a half product.

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Hu, yeah what if an FPS comes out with 3 maps?


The guy is actually right on this one, how hard was it for a game designer to think of more than 3 maps ? considering that's all we got for PVP since there is no world PvP...


It's a real shame and it's almost unacceptable. You should be ashamed as a player and consumer to support this, it's not 2005 anymore where you can come out with a half product.


can't compare


This game came with how many planets and quests for pve? even if you guys didnt like Ilum it was still there, add the three warzones, and then the 2 ops, all the flashpoints, thats more than enough content.


What you might feel like was half a product, others feel like is a whole product.

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Second post, to address TS issue :


If you went level 50 with no proper gear then you planned your character the wrong way.


It took me literrally 2 days to be competitive once I have reach 50. And I also did 10-49 ONLY in PvP.


What you needs to do is being biochem 400 by the time you hit 50, get a full modable gear and buy every possible purple mods to build a decent set once you are 50.


Then within a couple days you will get enough centurion and some champion to get a decent amount of expertise.




I guess you didn't think the gear would make such a difference but I did things that way on two characters and everything went better than expected.

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Your complaining about there only being 3 Wz's? the game is in its infancy You must have the attentions span of a child if thats your sole reason for leaving.


The gear issue i can agree with. but after 1.2 i hear the war hero armour is easier to get then the other BM armor


Agree, ppl complaining gear isn't handed to them, heaven forbid you actually do some dailies and try to gear yourself before you head into pvp and then cry about it, to the OP...


Also you have to have BM gear to get WH gear, so not so much on that note...

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can't compare


This game came with how many planets and quests for pve? even if you guys didnt like Ilum it was still there, add the three warzones, and then the 2 ops, all the flashpoints, thats more than enough content.


What you might feel like was half a product, others feel like is a whole product.


hu ? what ? it's very comparable.


We are strictly talking PvP.


That's 3 maps plus one open map that has no purpose and is poorly designed. There is also zero world PvP.


It's not what I feel, I actually have some funs for different reasons but I've been playing so many MMO I couldn't count them and I know what I am seeing right now.



It took them MONTHS to adress the ONE warzone issue, it's a real shame. All we do for now is huttball, that's about it, there is nothing else until the 1.2 comes out.

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can't compare


This game came with how many planets and quests for pve? even if you guys didnt like Ilum it was still there, add the three warzones, and then the 2 ops, all the flashpoints, thats more than enough content.


What you might feel like was half a product, others feel like is a whole product.


Yes Brole, from a PvE point of view this game is pretty cool and can be considered 'whole'. Story are nice, quests are nice. But forom a PvP perspective, it's and afterthought with 3 fun Warzone and nothign else. So for someone who preferes to PvP this game is lacking and is not intended by the producer to be a PvP in the first place. So Pvp'ers will move onto the next MMO hoping for the promised PvP Land. Maybe GW2? Probably not but should at least be a better PvP effort from them.

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So I just arrived at Lv50 Leveling exclusively from PvP Pickups... Why should I get rolled like crazy because of gear in PvP? In other words why should the game be boring for new players arriving at Lv50 for the first few weeks?


People tell me it's to make people 'stay in the game' to look forward for better gear. If that is so then they are patheticly wrong about PvP. You play PvP for fun and competition right? Gear grinding is for PvE is it not? Anyway cancelled my account 3 WZ isn't enough to keep me interested anyway. I've seen all there was to see. Can't wait for GW2.


Still dreaming for a game design with world PvP at it's core...


As for getting rolled like crazy in non PVP gear, I won't say that it doesn't make a difference, but I've held my own without it on fresh 50's. You just need to get as good a set as possible so that you maximize your stats and have your set built to maximize the capabilities of your talent build. They've had games with world PVP at the core, just not NA ones.

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Second post, to address TS issue :


If you went level 50 with no proper gear then you planned your character the wrong way.


It took me literrally 2 days to be competitive once I have reach 50. And I also did 10-49 ONLY in PvP.


What you needs to do is being biochem 400 by the time you hit 50, get a full modable gear and buy every possible purple mods to build a decent set once you are 50.


Then within a couple days you will get enough centurion and some champion to get a decent amount of expertise.


I guess you didn't think the gear would make such a difference but I did things that way on two characters and everything went better than expected.



Dude, I leveled through PvP. So I had 1000-1000 AND A champ bag ready. So I had the max centurion/Champ I could have from the get go. And my gear was optimal at level 49 for PvP. Ding 50 and all that gear becomes worthless and I hit like a barbie doll.


SO I ask : Why should I (and every new 50) be a burden to my team for 10 ranks of valor from 50 to 60 and be less competitive making all WZ I participate less fun for everyone until I get my full BM Set at valor 60 ? Do you guys like your PvP outcome to be determine by the number of fresh 50 in each team? Is that equates to fun for you guys? If you take the time to analyse the situation I'm sure everyone has more fun in a game where everyone is gear equally. I know I do.

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Dude, I leveled through PvP. So I had 1000-1000 AND A champ bag ready. So I had the max centurion/Champ I could have from the get go. And my gear was optimal at level 49 for PvP. Ding 50 and all that gear becomes worthless and I hit like a barbie doll.


SO I ask : Why should I (and every new 50) be a burden to my team for 10 ranks of valor from 50 to 60 and be less competitive making all WZ I participate less fun for everyone until I get my full BM Set at valor 60 ? Do you guys like your PvP outcome to be determine by the number of fresh 50 in each team? Is that equates to fun for you guys? If you take the time to analyse the situation I'm sure everyone has more fun in a game where everyone is gear equally. I know I do.


You're just impatient. You expect to immediately be on par with people who have constantly been pvping for months after level 50. And anyway, there isn't enough players to have so many layers of segregation in each WZ.


In any kind of competitive play, there is always a skill-based type and a gear-based type. Counter Strike and Unreal Tournament are skill based games. It's the same thing. Someone who has played for a month can't stand up against those who played for years. SWTOR is instead gear based. But the way i see it, any competitive game will require getting trashed...followed by continuous training or grinding.

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First of I'd like to thank all the none trolls that responded.


My point was just that from level 14 to 49 I could keep up with gear and have fun in WZ being competitve every step of the way. At level 50 I'm a burden to my team in each WZ and get faceroll not because I'm not good or people are better but because of the gear. And getting from 50 valor to 60 and having complete Battlemaster gear is long, tediuos and lets admit it not fun. So why make the game not fun for X amount of time and make all fresh level 50 a burden and having a bad first impression of End Game PvP (Which should in all logic be the the apotheosis of PvP in my oipinion)


Secondly, Having only 3 warzones is not much to go on. I do like all 3 but I need more to keep me want to login everyday then the gear grind and repetitiveness of thoses 3 same warzone over and over again.


Finally, I do want a goal or something work towards to. That's a very good and noble point. But I feel competitiveness through gear is not very enticing and is not the way to go in PvP. Frankly, it's just cut and paste from PvE, not very creative or fun.

My idea of a fun world PvP would be something in the lines of a 'Risk' game with multiple factions (not just 2 or 3 but as much a 6 or 8) where you must fight to control more and more zones to gain more rewards and where everyzone is like a vanilla wow Alterac Valley zone with 50 vs 50 population. Now that would be an epic MMO!!


Despite the overwhelmingly negative posts, I'd reckon most serious PvPers sympathize with you. It's one of the most desired changes coming with 1.2, the ability to buy entry-level PvP gear. As for the Warzone variety, it really hasn't bothered me quite yet. Then again, all I care about is the actual PvP and not really the aesthetics of it.


Edit: Do not post in the PvP forums expecting civility.

Edited by TurokDarkstar
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