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No fratricide for Ranked Warzones please!


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Without a doubt, there are large guilds out there that make it their focus to PvP and be the best on the server. With the introduction of ranked warzones many of those guilds will have multiple 8 man teams running throughout the day. Here we run into an issue that's been bugging me.


Please do NOT allow same guild pre-mades in ranked warzones on the opposite sides. It's the ultimate goal of a hardcore PvP guild to establish itself on the server as the premium PvP guild, and for its members to all have high ranking and ranked gear. While playing against each other is fun and can provide valuable training in unranked warzones, I believe it should not be allowed in the ranked ones, for various reasons.


The main reason would be that it is counter-productive for the guild. If the guild is trying to get everyone in ranked gear, playing each other will inevitably push one team up and another down - this is unacceptable. If one team decides to quit once they figure out there are guildies on the other side they will get an automatic loss counted.


Further, even though you would expect guildies not to take a loss to heart against another guildie, people will get mad over losing ranking to same guild teams, heated words will be exchanged and people will quit guilds over it -- this will be unavoidable. Unless, fratricide is not allowed.


Please do this before 1.2 goes life folks! I'm sure you can already imagine the potential outrage that could come over this when 8-mans start playing each other and guilds start losing ranking to each other.


Thanks for consideration!



P.S. Of course this should also apply to smaller pre-made teams as well, and ideally no guildie should be pitted against a guildie in a ranked match.



Note: A copy of this post is also on the PTS forum in case a dev may catch it easier there. This one is for player discussion mainly.

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There will probably be win trading. Let's say a guild has 20 players online. 1 8man squad that needs rating, 1 squad that will lose to boost said rating.


Knowing bioware, achieving 1.6k rating will be super duper easy, and just like WoW, win trading will be possible somehow.


Besides, rating doesn't really matter once you get the rated gear, so thats when win trading will occur.




As for your topic : On low pop servers there's always 1 big guild dedicated to PvP. We all know this guild on our servers and it is highly likely there will be 8vs8 groups of that guild.


It is inevitable and the only fix would be cross server PvP (Which isnt coming for a long time knowing bioware) or server merges to drastically increase population.


Even then there are chances this might occur, it happens in every MMORPG, every arena environment.


Guilds themselves however, CAN prevent this by simply waiting to enter a warzone once another group is in.

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Very true, win trading would be yet another issue that I did not even go into but thanks for bringing it up.


It is also true that staggering our queue times may help avoid each other, although I believe the mechanic should be put in place to prevent this from happening in the first place, before the sky falls down. :)

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This could be a nice feature for people queuing with 5-8 people, but it would be dumb to automatically group people from the same guild who are solo queuing (and unnecessary for pre-mades of four or fewer). Edited by Lymain
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umm how about no.


There any many low pop servers with 1 or 2 giant PvP guilds on each side...people will actually want ques...


also each guild will have an "A" team and "B" team, ect


sad gamers these guys are

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Seconding the no


imo premades should have

- a separate queuing system vs other premades

- a max limit in general queues which forces them onto opposing teams

- the opportunity to have pre-set matches vs other pvp guilds within or cross server


But for the game as it stands now, these proposals are unfair. Why should every low pop server be dominated by a handful of PVP guilds with max geared skills/members? If anything that would destroy participation, particularly newer players. It's one thing to be highly ranked, another to dominate an area of the game to the point it's destroyed. What you are suggesting is a licence to farm anyone who steps into a warzone with less than a max team.


It's possible these refinements will come with time and we just have to bear with things a while, but I'd advocate promoting PUG vs premades right now as the game needs to gain commited members who want to PVP ongoing, not send them running for the hills.


The imbalance this would cause makes this argument redundant.

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Without a doubt, there are large guilds out there that make it their focus to PvP and be the best on the server. With the introduction of ranked warzones many of those guilds will have multiple 8 man teams running throughout the day. Here we run into an issue that's been bugging me.


Please do NOT allow same guild pre-mades in ranked warzones on the opposite sides. It's the ultimate goal of a hardcore PvP guild to establish itself on the server as the premium PvP guild, and for its members to all have high ranking and ranked gear. While playing against each other is fun and can provide valuable training in unranked warzones, I believe it should not be allowed in the ranked ones, for various reasons.


The main reason would be that it is counter-productive for the guild. If the guild is trying to get everyone in ranked gear, playing each other will inevitably push one team up and another down - this is unacceptable. If one team decides to quit once they figure out there are guildies on the other side they will get an automatic loss counted.


Further, even though you would expect guildies not to take a loss to heart against another guildie, people will get mad over losing ranking to same guild teams, heated words will be exchanged and people will quit guilds over it -- this will be unavoidable. Unless, fratricide is not allowed.


Please do this before 1.2 goes life folks! I'm sure you can already imagine the potential outrage that could come over this when 8-mans start playing each other and guilds start losing ranking to each other.


Thanks for consideration!



P.S. Of course this should also apply to smaller pre-made teams as well, and ideally no guildie should be pitted against a guildie in a ranked match.



Note: A copy of this post is also on the PTS forum in case a dev may catch it easier there. This one is for player discussion mainly.


It's just pre-season. When the reason season 1 starts it will be cross server.

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