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Why companions are unique for each class and there is no freedom of choice?


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lol you don't understand

i want to choose companions not because of girls, but just because it is better

i mean, logically, i am free to choose what companions suits me? what if i dont like khem , for example ? maybe if i would be really a sith , i would choose someone other? i mean that

companions shows what we like, and forcing player to have companions he dont want - it's not good

maybe i don't like andronikos charachter? maybe i hate people who use blasters? who knows?

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lol you don't understand

i want to choose companions not because of girls, but just because it is better

i mean, logically, i am free to choose what companions suits me? what if i dont like khem , for example ? maybe if i would be really a sith , i would choose someone other? i mean that

companions shows what we like, and forcing player to have companions he dont want - it's not good

maybe i don't like andronikos charachter? maybe i hate people who use blasters? who knows?


I'm sure it'd make a ton of sense to have Kira or Corso as companion as a Sith class.





It'd make no sense. You want companions you like better? Play the class that has them. This isn't choice, its whining. Its like saying "Why can't I double wield lightsabers as a smuggler?!"


If you don't like a companion, don't pay any attention to them whatsoever.

Edited by LX_Theo
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i want to choose companions not because of girls,

Really? Then you probably should not have started your thread with:

i am playing sith assassin and i have only one female companion, and she is not very cute :mad:


Frankly, you do have a choice. You currently have a choice of 6 companions if you are high enough level and if you count the annoying ship droid who I hear is a good healer when properly equipped. If you truly dislike all of your companions, you can play without one, though things will be tougher.


I understand what you are saying, but it would be a gigantic hassle because of the way we interact with our companions, their stories/quests and romances; that's a lot of added and unnecessary programming that can potentially ruin other parts of the game (because we all know one line of code can have a domino effect and kill something seemingly unrelated). I'm happy we have a choice of a companion at all because they could have given every class just one and been done with it.


Which is UNACCEPTABLE! As Sith Inquisitor you should have the oportunity to choose Kira or even better Elara as your companion! It would completly ruin their storyline and it would make no sense also BUT U R A SITH LORD, if u want to have a cute Jedi Padawan or a Soldier of the Republic you should be able to have them!


The female companion the OP is talking about, Ashara, is a goody-goody Padawan so, um, yeah.

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lol you don't understand

i want to choose companions not because of girls, but just because it is better

i mean, logically, i am free to choose what companions suits me? what if i dont like khem , for example ? maybe if i would be really a sith , i would choose someone other? i mean that

companions shows what we like, and forcing player to have companions he dont want - it's not good

maybe i don't like andronikos charachter? maybe i hate people who use blasters? who knows?


You're right, I don't understand. Because Khem doesn't enter in your story because he is a hulking giant that takes up half your screen, he enters into your story because he is needed to progress it. And you don't get Andronikos because he uses blasters, you get Andronikos because he progresses your story. I am not sure why you would not like a character for simply having blasters, but I guess that is irrelevant. So, lets say you decided that rather than have Andronikos' blasters all up in your face, you wanted to watch Vette's sultry lekku blasting a path across your screen. From an aesthetic point of view, sure, a reasonable demand. Vette is a cute and sassy chick. Story-wise, eh, not so much.


The Sith Warrior meets Vette on Korriban and, like Khem and Andronikos, she helps to drive the Sith Warrior story by assisting the warrior in a class-specific task. How does Vette, as an example, fit in your story as a Sith Inquisitor? You're talking about basically re-writing the game so that every class story/mission fits with any of the 40 companions, if I understand you correctly.

Edited by Dolcia
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guys why all are talking about storylines? i KNOW that companions are used in storyline, so YES i KNOW that giving a choice will affect that, and it's bad

i don't say it worth it

but in THEORY, if companions would not affect any storyline, and if siths/dark sided players could get only NEUTRAL / EMPIRE companions, and jedi/light sided NEUTRAL / REPUBLIC companion , it would be better to have a CHOICE

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i am talking about part, where you are interested in companions in role-play way, i mean relations/dialogues. and it is CRAZY that i don't have a choice! why i have to build relations with companions i don't really like ?

and romance too! why i can't choose someone i like ? i mean in relationship way, charachter way

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i don't talk about storylines, i don't care about it, but I KNOW IT and yes it is not possible, because companions are used in storylines - all knows that!


... uhm, what?


I'm trying to wade through the grammar/spelling errors to get the the heart of the point. This is what I've come up with and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong:


I know that it will not work with the storylines but I want it anyway and it is ridiculous that I can't have it.

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... uhm, what?


I'm trying to wade through the grammar/spelling errors to get the the heart of the point. This is what I've come up with and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong:


I know that it will not work with the storylines but I want it anyway and it is ridiculous that I can't have it.


Hit the nail on the head.


I think

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guys why all are talking about storylines?


Because thats the only thing the companions really affect.


i KNOW that companions are used in storyline


so far, so good.


but in THEORY, if companions would not affect any storyline, and if siths/dark sided players could get only NEUTRAL / EMPIRE companions, and jedi/light sided NEUTRAL / REPUBLIC companion , it would be better to have a CHOICE


First, sith/ Dark sided is not the same, it would make no sense if a dark side Jedi would have an Imperial companion. Because hes still a Jedi and if hes dark side then because he hates the Empire. Same story on the other side, a light side Sith is still an evil servant of the empire, he just dont want to accept that fact completly and act like he has a choice (like "no i dont kill you, you get arrested" (by the empire which is way worse then beeing killed)).


And it wouldnt be better to have a choice, Bioware spent a lot of work in Companion storys and Affection porgressing, it wouldnt be better to completly ruin it.


i am talking about part, where you are interested in companions in role-play way, i mean relations/dialogues. and it is CRAZY that i don't have a choice! why i have to build relations with companions i don't really like ?

and romance too!


You dont have to, and for a romance you need 2, if Vette, Kira, Elara, Mako and Kaliyo dont want to have a romance with u u cant have it.


sorry for my english

i just want to have choice of companions, because i pay big attention to relationship with them


My english is also not the yellow fromm the egg^^


If u could choose between 40 different companions Bioware would have to voiceover 35 Relationship and Romace dialogs for every Character (so *8) wich would be tons of work and even more expansive. U cant really want that them to do this, they should use their time and money for new companions, bugfixes and other content.

Edited by Timo
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i dont understand how you counted it

why each companion cant have the same dialogues, not regarding class of player?


Because the companions react to what your character is. It would be awfully odd having Revel calling a Smuggler a 'crazy Sith'. Most of the companion dialogues are tied in some way to what your character's class is so BioWare would have to add new dialogues for every class to get around this. All of the dialogues I have had with Zavros have been about her trying to understand me being Sith, excluding the one where she asked to fly my ship; I don't think she brought up me being a Sith in that one. Revel often called me a crazy Sith. I'm pretty sure Vette has called me a crazy Sith during our talks. Vector and Lokin call me Agent in our dialogues so that wouldn't work for a Trooper.


Then there's the problem of how you obtain the companions, that would have to be completely reworked as well. How is a Jedi Knight going to get Quinn when Quinn's an Imperial assigned to help the Warrior during the class quest on Balmorra?

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ok, got it

how about that: of bioware will add others companions in future ( now we don't have choice, but they could add, for example, 1 new companion for each class, and then we will be able to replace one existing companion with a new one; and when we will have like 10 companions for each class, i think it would be great to add a choice from 2 each time )

i guess even if it will be possible, it will take long time


but it could be easier to make same dialogues for all, not regarging the class, from the beginning + freedom of choice.. some small parts of dialogues could be different depending on class though


but i guess now it's not possible, so the first option is more real

but that will not happen soon that's for sure

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ok, got it

how about that: of bioware will add others companions in future ( now we don't have choice, but they could add, for example, 1 new companion for each class, and then we will be able to replace one existing companion with a new one; and when we will have like 10 companions for each class, i think it would be great to add a choice from 2 each time )

New companions are going to be added in the future, and at least some will be available to all player classes. The one we know of is an HK-series assassin droid; he was unintentionally leaked during beta, but quicky put under wraps once more. We have been assured he will return, but we don't know when. Possibly as soon as 1.3, though.


but it could be easier to make same dialogues for all, not regarging the class, from the beginning + freedom of choice.. some small parts of dialogues could be different depending on class though
If they had made the dialogue the same from the beginning, the companion characters would be lacking a lot of the personality that makes them unique; generic dialogue would make companion interactions one of the most repeated aspects of the game, and would quickly grow tiresome. Additionally, its the aspect that prohibits the choice of companions, the fact that they play important roles in your class story, that causes them to appeal to the players. Without that, they would be nothing more than generic NPC "pets".
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ok, your right

but it will be so long time to wait

i played wow and i am a bored of mmorpg, but i like the idea with companions.. guess will play swtor in some years when they will make enough companions :D

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