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People who leave WZs when they're losing...


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This will always be a big server problem.


I have honestly never had or seen this problem. At most I have ever seen someone leave a WZ in the middle of the match and I couldnt tell if it was because were losing or the person had better things to do (that happens).


Maybe because I am on one of the decent standard servers that PVP Queue solo or by myself can take 5-10 mins that people don't choose to leave and instead want to get higher medal counts or scores for more comms. I remember a couple huttball games that the game was out of hand and everyone just spent time killing each other. That's fun too...


Of course I don't Queue constantly and I am usually doing quests or datacrons, so PVP is a pleasant surprise.


I am not that great a pvper myself, still a noob, but usually people that complain about their teams losing are the main reason that team is losing.

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While I'm not someone who leaves WZ's whether I'm losing or not, and am inclined to agree with the OP, but I think some of the reasons people leave warzones are due to the pvp system itself. Edited by Velnora
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I don't see why people leave. You need to play 10 games (win/lose) in order to get that daily done.


You just almost as much valor/comms when losing anyways, and it's so easy to get the min 4 medals. If the team pisses you off that much, get ur 4 medals and just mess around.

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So if I stay in a warzone where no one is trying to do what they should do, for example a hutball match where 6 of the players don´t giive a **** about the ball but try to zerg (andf are not even good at that), if I stay in such a warzone that makes me good?

honestly I´r rather say that would make me a masochist




A man can only take so much. The match is lost, no one cares, why should I stay for the gankfest?

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If anyone on my team abuses anyone else on our team, I leave immediately. And the abuser gets put on my ignore list. Yes, I've left war zones where we were winning. I'm too old to put up with that nonsense.


Also, if it's clear to me that our team is simply being farmed, I'll leave.


Otherwise, yes, I'll persevere in a losing effort. That's part of being a team. :)


I'm with you completely on that, only time I admit leaving a game, is with Huttball though, for like the 5th or 6th time in a row. I leave the cue anyway and try again in another 10 minutes. The system loves to spam me with that game.. Not all of us are Huttball fans.


If I see zerging, ganking, and any other kind of farming, I might leave if I am targeted too often with this. Not because I am a bad player, or that I am 'weak' or any other macho description of me you want to insult me with, it basically because being farmed is not fun. I have been on lots of ops where other players are getting abuse, and have also had lots of it myself from tards that think they are smart. I have them now on my ignore list. I actually rarely leave any warzone, and stay till the end, even the very bad ones. I hate to walk out on people, but if your up against a zerging team, you have no chance of being able to actually contribute anything to the zone at all anyway.

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When everyone is everywhere and so called leader of ops is in vent with their guild calling late in chat then abusing people for losing


When the behavior of certain guilds doing their premade thing is at the expense of others on the team I am happy to leave.. like healers only taking care of their own


When I get too many huttball matches I will try for another warzone


When we for one reason or another get farmed at spawn to the point that I am not the only one getting on screen warnings that I will get some penalty for not leaving spawn am happy to leave


When we are getting farmed and peeps are not even trying for objectives anymore I am happy to leave



I dont mind losing... I dont mind being killed alot ... Just certain things I dont find pleasant and wont put up with .. nor should I have to if its not fun... it is a game afterall

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There are plenty of valid reasons for leaving a losing Warzone. If you cannot at least recognize the benefits of doing so, then you are bad. If you know what you are giving up by staying in a losing game, but do it "for the lulz", or whatever personal reason you have, thats fine.


You must understand that under some conditions, it is sometimes more efficient to leave and requeue.


All of this is moot in 1.2 (2 days ahead) anyway...

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There are plenty of valid reasons for leaving a losing Warzone. If you cannot at least recognize the benefits of doing so, then you are bad. If you know what you are giving up by staying in a losing game, but do it "for the lulz", or whatever personal reason you have, thats fine.


You must understand that under some conditions, it is sometimes more efficient to leave and requeue.


All of this is moot in 1.2 (2 days ahead) anyway...


Just as many valid reasons to stay. ;)


Not leaving doesnt make you bad. It's statements like this that annoy the piss out of me. If anyone disagrees with something its always "you're bad".

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cant be that good if the their teams losing. most people on my server leave if one team gets 2 turrets and scores 595-595


Again, it doesn't have any correlation to their actual skill. I don't like these people - especially the ones who claim to be good - but that's how it is.

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You do realize that it's actually faster to yank the cable out of the wall/router or power cycle that router than click on "leave warzone" button, right?


lol, gotta save face.

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Cry more. I just left a warzone because I was losing and my team mates were all running around with their heads cut off. I'm an Immortal Juggernaut at the moment and I will not suffer 15 minutes because you think I should.



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Cry more. I just left a warzone because I was losing and my team mates were all running around with their heads cut off. I'm an Immortal Juggernaut at the moment and I will not suffer 15 minutes because you think I should.




So, you weren't having fun because you found your team mates incompetent? You must not like solo queuing.

Edited by vimm
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I'l be honest. I can't stand people who quit because they are losing but I have to admit that I am sometimes tempted to do so when I'm unlucky enough to be paired with a really bad team. And by bad, I don't mean inexperienced, I mean people who couldn't care less about the objectives (deathmatching in the centre of the Huttball field without even trying to pick up the ball or attack the carrier who passes right by them).


In that case, you know that whatever you do, whatever your skill and dedication, the odds are stacked against you and the next 15 mins are a waste of time.

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I solo queue all the time. Losing doesn't bother me, it's the lack of effort from other players. Sure, I can not solo queue, but I can also solo queue and leave games that aren't enjoyable to play. The result? I have fun. Your argument is that I'm ruining others' experiences, yet they're ruining mine. So who cares?


Further, as an immortal juggernaut, there's nothing fun about it. My damage output is one of the lowest, I have no burst, my utility without a healer drops considerably. In Huttball, if I am carrying and I have no one to leap to because everyone is playing mid and defense, then it's not fun and I'm not playing my class to its ability. I may as well be playing an operative walking to the goal line.


You don't like it? Too bad. I will do what I want, just as others do what they want. I'm not even "mad" at them; I used to be an awful player back when I was a ten-year-old too.

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I left a warzone earlier today. Here's why.


I am a healer. DPS were derping around in VS miles away from the doors trying to get kills. Not helping the team and ignoring me when I had 2 or 3 people on me (which I'd kite to them, right beside them) and still, not one would help me out.


I played 5 other warzones and watched in alderaan as 4 or 5 people sat in mid and refused to go help get another turret.


I done several other games of Huttball where my team would willingly sit down in the pits to "lolpvp" it up for kills instead of going for the ball, carrying it, supporting or attacking. I actually watched 3 of my team run RIGHT PAST the ball carrier so they could get back into the pit, thus allowing the other team to score, for the 4th time in a row.


After being stuck with these people most of the day, I got frustrated. I don't think many people could blame me. And I didn't trash talk the chat either, although I did politely ask several times for help, or for assistance with an objective. Of course, DPS were too busy with their tunnel vision to actually know what was going on.

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I left a warzone earlier today. Here's why.


I am a healer. DPS were derping around in VS miles away from the doors trying to get kills. Not helping the team and ignoring me when I had 2 or 3 people on me (which I'd kite to them, right beside them) and still, not one would help me out.


I played 5 other warzones and watched in alderaan as 4 or 5 people sat in mid and refused to go help get another turret.


I done several other games of Huttball where my team would willingly sit down in the pits to "lolpvp" it up for kills instead of going for the ball, carrying it, supporting or attacking. I actually watched 3 of my team run RIGHT PAST the ball carrier so they could get back into the pit, thus allowing the other team to score, for the 4th time in a row.


After being stuck with these people most of the day, I got frustrated. I don't think many people could blame me. And I didn't trash talk the chat either, although I did politely ask several times for help, or for assistance with an objective. Of course, DPS were too busy with their tunnel vision to actually know what was going on.




When your own team doesn't even try to win, I find it fair to let them fend for themselves.

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I suppose if the win is that important to you.
I can't speak for them, but the winning part isn't what matters. It's the part where it isn't fun to be the only person trying, or that you're wasting your time knowing there isn't anything fun about it.


I'll tab out -- like I am now -- to do something else. I'd rather leave a warzone if I solo queued and wait for the next pop than stay and be bored in game. There are other things to do.

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I'l be honest. I can't stand people who quit because they are losing but I have to admit that I am sometimes tempted to do so when I'm unlucky enough to be paired with a really bad team. And by bad, I don't mean inexperienced, I mean people who couldn't care less about the objectives (deathmatching in the centre of the Huttball field without even trying to pick up the ball or attack the carrier who passes right by them).


In that case, you know that whatever you do, whatever your skill and dedication, the odds are stacked against you and the next 15 mins are a waste of time.


This is pretty much how I feel about the situation. If they are inexperienced, I understand and would wrather help and offer advice. If they just don't care then it's frustrating when you are trying to win.

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If I'm on a bad team that isn't trying to win((Do the objective)) I just aim to be top of the scoreboard at the end.Its pretty funny when your entire team is at the bottem then their team and your just the lone guy up top,ussually get alot of mvps aswell:p.

Don't see any point in leaving a WZ because your teams bad,just try have as much fun as you can.Also you can troll the most annoying player on your team :cool:Its hilarious with the 'Rescue' Mechanic on Huttball,fires,acid you get the idea :p responces always make me laugh

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I can't speak for them, but the winning part isn't what matters. It's the part where it isn't fun to be the only person trying, or that you're wasting your time knowing there isn't anything fun about it.


I'll tab out -- like I am now -- to do something else. I'd rather leave a warzone if I solo queued and wait for the next pop than stay and be bored in game. There are other things to do.


There's almost never nobody trying. There are certainly times where an entire team will just sit on a node in Alderaann, but it's not that frequent. There are always people, such as myself, who continue playing until the end, and repeatedly see people leave warzones early. That is usually accompanied by a "this team is terrible except me" comment of some sort.


Sure, there is a leave warzone button for a reason, and I don't disagree with it at all. It allows another player to enter in your place, anyway. However, people who claim to be top pvpers will often leave people who see it through to the end, as their conditions are unmet. Claiming to be superior, but only conditionally, with a pre-made versus pickup groups.

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