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Are the Sith more powerful than the Jedi?


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The Sith are FAR more powerful than the Jedi. It is just that in life, the lesson has to be that good will eventually triumph over evil. Let's say that they ended the star wars movies at The Empire Strikes Back. Then evil would triumph and there would just be a bunch of angry fans. The Sith truly should be stronger but that will never happen. And, Bioware has gone crazy trying to even them out, but in PvP the Republic always seems to win, no matter the abilities thay have already attained or ahven't attained.


Warning Darkside Fanboi alert.


See we can do it too!


People think the Dark Side is stronger because it has more displays of raw 'power' IE blowing things up, killing people, tearing planets to shreds. See destruction to people seems to be the only measure of power, hence why any arguement of the two sides being equal or the lightside being stronger are doomed to failure. Because these people will be like

"No way, Dark Side lightnings you to death! No defense! Nevermind what Yoda did! No defense!"


Also the first encounter Tyrannus did not beat Obi-wan and Anakin at the same time. Anakin was too emotional and was not fighting as a team and got KOed briefly, then it was Dooku versus just Obi-Wan and he won because Dooku was simply more skilled not because the Dark Side is 'more powa!' He then thrashed and trashed anakin after beating Obi Wan because Anakin was not nearly as good as he thought.


Remember Yoda showed up and pretty much trashed Dooku the same way he trashed Anakin and Obi-Wan. Dooku ran because he knew he was going to lose you can see it on his face as he is clashing blades with Yoda.(Yoda used the Light Side defensively to counter his Dark Side Attacks and later did the EXACT same thing to Sidious, he made Sidious's lightning explode in his face and just before you could see the bloody surprised look on Sidious's face.)



Sidious Beating several Masters in seconds....does not mean the Dark Side is more powerful all that means is Sidious was personally more powerful and skilled than the Jedi Masters.



P.S to the person that said you can never be afraid to face someone you beat, in reference to Satele being afraid of facing Malgus again. Yes you can, you can face a true monster and beat it back and be terrified of facing it again because it is a Monster not a true person in your mind.

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The Jedi and Sith even out, though the Sith would come out on top overall if, during the days of the Sith Empire, they actually stopped slaughtering each other alongside their entire command of forces.


It's one thing for the Sith always competing to be the next best thing, but IMO, it's another thing entirely when they get their own troops killed for their stupid Sith politics. Bad enough you have Sith killing each other, worse when the Sith take their men with them.

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Like good and evil it all depends on your point of view. It also depends on your definition of powerful. What is powerful to one person may not be considered powerful by another. I don't think this is a question that can be answered. Everyone can voice an opinion on the subject but opinions do not equal facts.
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I'd suggest investigating that particular 'fall', it was extremely brief and almost all Jedi have gone through that rite of passage if you will.


There is nothing to investigate. Luke made the conscience choice to become the clone Emperors apprentice in order to try and destroy the Empire from the inside. He underestimated the Dark Side and fell to it. Leia appealed to the good in Luke and redeemed him.


Your claim that almost all Jedi have gone through a similar rite of passage is absurd.

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There is nothing to investigate. Luke made the conscience choice to become the clone Emperors apprentice in order to try and destroy the Empire from the inside. He underestimated the Dark Side and fell to it. Leia appealed to the good in Luke and redeemed him.


Your claim that almost all Jedi have gone through a similar rite of passage is absurd.


Actually, no it isn't that absurd. ALL Jedi were tested against the Dark Side, and some even briefly gave in to it. Others fell for a time and were redeemed as well. One reason why Luke became the greatest Jedi Grandmaster in the history of the Order was because he had known both Dark and Light.

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Actually, no it isn't that absurd. ALL Jedi were tested against the Dark Side, and some even briefly gave in to it. Others fell for a time and were redeemed as well. One reason why Luke became the greatest Jedi Grandmaster in the history of the Order was because he had known both Dark and Light.


To be tested against the Dark Side is one thing. Just being a Jedi with all that power and responsibility is a test. To be the apprentice of the most powerful Sith Lord is another. Yes, other Jedi have fallen to the Dark Side and have been redeemed. That is not in question here. You can't compare being test against the Dark Side at the Temple/or just the general temptation of power to being an apprentice to a Sith Lord.

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There is nothing to investigate. Luke made the conscience choice to become the clone Emperors apprentice in order to try and destroy the Empire from the inside. He underestimated the Dark Side and fell to it. Leia appealed to the good in Luke and redeemed him.


Your claim that almost all Jedi have gone through a similar rite of passage is absurd.


Qui Gon, Obi-Wan, Mace Windu, Ki-Adi Mundi, Aayla Secura and many of the prequel Jedi, the Golden Age of the Jedi order, all of them went through some varying degree of Dark Side use, they all became much stronger and wiser when they had finally understood what the Dark Side was and how it drew you in, you are far more prone to fall to the Dark Side for good if you have never been tested against it.


Perhaps you should understand this singular fact: Once you have tasted power and been brought back out of it's illusion, you won't be nearly as tempted by it anymore, because you have seen how empty such 'power' is.

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Neither is more powerful then the other. Force balances between the two. Whether one side is more powerful for a time or not in the end there is a balance between both Jedi and Sith in the long run.
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To be tested against the Dark Side is one thing. Just being a Jedi with all that power and responsibility is a test. To be the apprentice of the most powerful Sith Lord is another. Yes, other Jedi have fallen to the Dark Side and have been redeemed. That is not in question here. You can't compare being test against the Dark Side at the Temple/or just the general temptation of power to being an apprentice to a Sith Lord.


My point is that quite a few briefly fell and returned on their own as well. Yes, Luke fell for a time, and was still actively working on a way to end Palpatine once and for all. I honestly don't think he fell all the way, and he still retained enough of himself to grab onto the lifeline back to the light when it was offerred to him.


Qui Gon briefly fell when his lady was killed as one example. Dass Jennir actually murdered two men and brought himself back. It was simply the most practical thing to do. With the slaver, it was to keep him from warning Dezono Qua, and he murdered Dezono Qua because of two reasons. One, to save his friend from having to do it, and two, because the guy was unrepentent about eating a child. He was basically above the law, so it had to be done. There are other examples as well, going all the way back to Ulic Qel-Droma. He came back to the light after realizing that he had just murdered his own brother.

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Lucas says Jedi are more powerful.


Kyle Katarn is a Jedi.


All your arguments are now invalid.


Yet, here we are with the movies with a Sith Lord, Sidious, taking over the Galactic Republic, transforming it into the Galactic Empire, and annihilating the long hated Jedi Order.


Did it starting out with no armies, no navy, no government to command. And he did it right in front of the Jedi, as he smiled to them during day to day discussions at Coruscant.


No way the Jedi are more powerful.

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Yet, here we are with the movies with a Sith Lord, Sidious, taking over the Galactic Republic, transforming it into the Galactic Empire, and annihilating the long hated Jedi Order.


Did it starting out with no armies, no navy, no government to command. And he did it right in front of the Jedi, as he smiled to them during day to day discussions at Coruscant.


No way the Jedi are more powerful.


I know, I was trying to cut back...


But Kyle Katarn was only 3 years old at the time. :)

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Yet, here we are with the movies with a Sith Lord, Sidious, taking over the Galactic Republic, transforming it into the Galactic Empire, and annihilating the long hated Jedi Order.


Did it starting out with no armies, no navy, no government to command. And he did it right in front of the Jedi, as he smiled to them during day to day discussions at Coruscant.


No way the Jedi are more powerful.


And then Sidious got schooled by Luke over and over.

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Sorry, but you kinda sound like a Jedi fanboy, or girl, just saying. Darth Tyrannus beat a Jedi Master (Kenobi) & a Jedi Knight (Anakin) at the same time, & even beat Kenobi again aboard The Invisible Hand.


Sidious slew FIVE of the Jedi Order's best Masters/council members in mere seconds, then proceeded to (ultimately) defeat Windu.


I can still go on. I couldn't care less that Lucas saved to societal pressure & said the 'good guys' are supposed to win. Every creator does that blah blah b;ah. Not really opinion here either. So Ima stand by what I said.


couple post above that some one also said maul defeated jedi master qui gon

he was not a master and thats a poor character to draw from


secondly the quoted poster Windu Defeated palp and would have dispatched him if it wasn't for Anakin's (horribly scripted) betrayal


and just to quote movies as instances is crazy especially the 1-3 episodes..

lucas just isn't all there maybe he never was but anyways


Yoda conceding because he touched the senate floor?? how does that makes sense?

and to top it off now i have to go to dagobah and live in exile for 20 years? WHA!


lets not use episode 1-3 as examples to why sith are strong


satelle was never a full fledge jedi when she fought malgus once and was just a new knight in alderaan and she staved off the sith best Darth's

Doesn't look good for sith especially since its known that light path is slower so eventually she should surpass him


lastly well lets just use Luke as being able to best palp and vader at the same time and he hardly had proper training


Light side wins!


no i dont think that either. I think the neutral side would win if they didn't keep to themselves so much. Using light and dark seems like the true winner

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It's just story line.



The heros always need a uber tough bad guy to over come.



So there is always a uber ZOMG he is going to kill us sith that needs to get pwned.


In the middle arc he will pwn the heros and they end up getting owned at the end of the story

Edited by Lt_Latency
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Yet, here we are with the movies with a Sith Lord, Sidious, taking over the Galactic Republic, transforming it into the Galactic Empire, and annihilating the long hated Jedi Order.


Did it starting out with no armies, no navy, no government to command. And he did it right in front of the Jedi, as he smiled to them during day to day discussions at Coruscant.


No way the Jedi are more powerful.


again this is just lucas poor story telling coming through again

but really what youre suppose to get out of that story isnt that palpatine was almighty sith because there were plenty of more powerful ones before him.


The overall point of the story and holds true in the game, in KotOR, heck in life.

when something is big and powerful with no real threat than things get stagnant and they slack off or their skills are no longer honed in.


Thats what happen in ep 1-3 .. Jedi werent fooled because the sith were more powerful. it was because for so many generations they havent had to deal with the sith and no longer had the edge to detect their presence, their influence . they became arrogant and soft which made a seductive invasion easier.

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again this is just lucas poor story telling coming through again

but really what youre suppose to get out of that story isnt that palpatine was almighty sith because there were plenty of more powerful ones before him.


The overall point of the story and holds true in the game, in KotOR, heck in life.

when something is big and powerful with no real threat than things get stagnant and they slack off or their skills are no longer honed in.


Thats what happen in ep 1-3 .. Jedi werent fooled because the sith were more powerful. it was because for so many generations they havent had to deal with the sith and no longer had the edge to detect their presence, their influence . they became arrogant and soft which made a seductive invasion easier.


That is so wrong, Palpatine was the strongest sith lord ever PERIOD. No sith can out do him, he clouded the jedi's mind including that of Yoda's who was the strongest jedi at the time this was why he was able to do what he did. The jedi are also in their prime during the PT, so their skills didn't slack.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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How quaint. Do you know the difference between discussing what is written about Star Wars and arguing about something that isn't real, can only be settled by someone else and only if that someone just randomly decides it? The depicted power of a Stih or a Jedi is completely irrelevant because the Jedi always win, because someone, somewhere, decided it to be so. You can have a million Sidiouses and they would still lose because Lucas said so, crying or arguing doesn't matter at all and your opinion is completely and utterly worthless because of that fact.


Now, again, why are people arguing? It's an exercise in futility and can only dampen ones enjoyment of the franchise. Unless you roam the internet, looking for that next thing be angry about.


Just because you can't touch, see, feel, hear, or smell it with your body doesn't mean it's real. That's it, I'm changing my signature. :(

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