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post 1.2 - you still planning on healing?


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this isn't meant to be a facetious post, but honest curiosity - because sometimes, the vocal minority skews reality.


having said that, I personally do not plan to heal anymore after 1.2, due to the changes to Bounty Hunter healing, which, in my opinion, makes the class un-interesting to play. Thus, I have made the necessarily adjustments to level and gear up a powertech tank to play.


do you plan to keep healing post 1.2? if so, what class, and why?

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I'd like to continue healing but if the changes to marauders and jugg's go live there will be no point unless the change to expertise was incredibly effective.


To be honest, closed PTS is terrible - I think it's ridiculous that they seem intent on hiding information about how the game works from the players.


It makes me think that there are some glaring balance issues and they dont want us to know about them because they aren't sure how to fix them...so instead of being honest about it, Bioware deprives us of any data so all arguments that the game is unbalanced are subjective.

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I have already switched to tanking as Shadow for my guild.


I was already planning to level a Smuggler up anyway for Legacy reasons. I decided to make him a Scoundrel since I prefer Sniper to Gunslinger for reasons of feel (sniper rifles are cool, firing guns akimbo is idiotic). I may heal alt-runs with my Commando or the Scoundrel once he is leveled...maybe.


The bigger question for me is becoming "Will you still play SWTOR at all in 1.2?" I haven't logged in except for our scheduled raid night for two weeks now, and I'm not really missing it or feeling gamer-withdrawal.


My 6-month sub is up mid-July, so I'll probably try and level one of each base class up between now and then to see the story and "get my money's worth" from the sub, but unless they make some drastic changes in Community Relations, healer mechanics/design/balance, and general design philosophy between now and then I won't be sticking around.


Between this travesty and the ME3 ending I will also be seriously reconsidering buying any BW game in the near future. No more pre-ordering by default, gonna be waiting for reviews and player feedback.

Edited by RuQu
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The bigger question for me is becoming "Will you still play SWTOR at all in 1.2?" I haven't logged in except for our scheduled raid night for two weeks now, and I'm not really missing it or feeling gamer-withdrawal.


My 6-month sub is up mid-July, so I'll probably try and level one of each base class up between now and then to see the story and "get my money's worth" from the sub, but unless they make some drastic changes in Community Relations, healer mechanics/design/balance, and general design philosophy between now and then I won't be sticking around.


This is about where I am, too. Our guild runs 8 mans, and we literally only have two people willing to heal - myself and a Sage player. We've discussed the incoming patch on our forum and the general consensus is that everyone agrees healers in general got needlessly hurt, and Commando/Merc changes seemed somewhere in the realm of "wildly ignorant", "vindictive", or some cross between the two. I've mentioned I'm not interested in healing on my Commando anymore, and might go level a Scoundrel or Sage so we don't lose a healer.


I asked if anyone else wanted to step up and heal with one of their alts, and the responses were all to the tune of this - "Sage and Scoundrel might be decent still, but what about a month from now? It's obvious BW has no problem completely shaking up a whole healing AC as if we're still in beta. No thanks." I find myself compelled to agree.


So yeah, I'll probably finish up all the class storylines just because I think many of them are interesting (my Guardian, Sorcerer, Powertech, Gunslinger, and Operative are all mid-levels). But maybe not. I'm pretty much only logging in to raid now because, again, if I don't go, the raid don't go. I did the "play the most-blamed and least-rewarded role in the game but keep going just for your buddies" thing for awhile in WoW, and I'm not too keen to keep that up much longer here.

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Hard to say at this point. Story/rant time:


One day I was having SWG withdrawal and decided to check the net and by net, I mean Google, since Google IS the internet now, for a new Star Wars MMO. Seeing the link and without even clicking on it, I had an epic reaction, what that reaction was, well, you are all gamer's, so I'll leave it to your active imaginations to ponder what it was.


After eagerly opening the the gates to heaven, I shoved the virtual St. Peter aside and entered. There were some angels touting about divine screen shots and video's. Not caring for any of that, I searched the misty clouded world for the classes section. "Attack of the Clones" was my favorite of the 3 newer films, and I always wanted to be a soldier wearing that armor (with more status than just a generic clone mind you).


Once I found out I could roll a soldier type class, that was almost half enough of a reason to get me into the game. Now, at this point I have found a new Star Wars MMO with a class I want to play. I could not be any more blessed than this, right? Well, Zeus (this is a heaven where all faiths are accepted (because it's on the internet)) threw one of his glorious lighting bolts at me as if saying. 'but WAIT! there is more!' This is when I found I could heal with the same soldier class.


I wanted/want to explore the entire game through the eyes of a healer, but I'm none too confident about the 1.2 nerfs. My guild does have a few other healers, but if they start to troll my lack of "skill", I'm going to tell them to shove it and roll DPS.

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No more healing here.


My Marauder and Assassin are too much fun to put up with the crap the devs seem intent on force feeding us.

But hey, no use crying over a plateful of crap, as the devs will only respond to that by "sharing the love". :rolleyes:


I feel sorry for the rest of you healers though, at least my Operative is a beast when it comes to ninja-ing gathering skill nodes in the world. :cool:



You have 100 days of play time remaining. When your play time runs out, you will no longer be able to play. Please sign up for a recurring subscription plan or redeem a Game Time Code.


Just unsubbed. Tired of dealing with these people.

Edited by Xaearth
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I am on the same boat as RuQu.


Definitively no more healing.


My merc is almost as well geared for dps as he is for healing...but I don't find dpsing with a merc much fun, so this might be it for me.


I have 2 or 3 weeks remaining on my sub. Most likely I will not renew.


Will have to wait, until Guild Wars 2 launches...

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I think to continue healing would be a vote of confidence I'm not prepared to give. The loss of flexibility will just make PVE too painful (having just come from a game where as a tank healer pretty much 80-90% of what you did was cast a 3s heal I don't want that tedium again). It means you can't make fights that test healers doing healing. I'm not guilded (waiting for the Oceanic transfer, have been able to complete HM content in PUGs) so at least I won't be pressured to do something in 1.2, but on the flipside it will make it hard to get into anything on a new server after 1.2 (as the transfers are supposedly end of month).


I may PVP, but raid marks you can see from the other side of the field and the fact that I PUG (it probably won't happen in 1.2 but at the moment there are lots of problems on my servers with 4-5 healer random groups that just don't do enough damage to claim objectives) probably mean I'll give up on that pretty quickly.


To be honest, the only thing I am looking forward to in 1.2 is levelling a Scoundrel. Not for the healer, but for the fact that I can buy my way to a Sith Pureblood one, who can treat Corso in a fashion he so richly deserves.


I have a 6 month sub, so I guess I can just see the 8 stories (and while some are better than others, so far I've found gems in each of them).


It'll be interesting to see what happens in the healing forums post 1.2.

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having just come from a game where as a tank healer pretty much 80-90% of what you did was cast a 3s heal I don't want that tedium again




I can't see myself playing again, as things stand. That's partly down to this exercise in class design that is 1.2 - but also down to low pops, difficulty drumming up groups for Heroics/FPs, disappearing guilds, bugs that have been around since beta and although story line is fun to have, I've found them to be a little obvious.


Guild Wars 2 is coming of course. The Secret World is shaping up to be a really good, twisted story-line driven MMO. I have a mate who's in beta, and from what he tells me he's only done a few levels and it's already more interesting from the game-play and character development point of view.... and there's a bunch more MMOs coming through at the moment.


It's always been my position that this seems like a perfect storm. The time they've chosen to seriously nerf healers, deeply nerf many hybrids, make nasty changes to PvP etc... is also the time when there are deep server population issues, people are realising how repetitive most of the story-line content is, some people just level past early level Heroics/FPs, there are many bugs around since beta that are really annoying etc. And all of that comes on top of a natural lull in players that happens around 3 months after a games starts... it's that point when people are done with the novelty of it and are settling into the normality of it and deciding whether to stay.


The legacy stuff is all very well.. but basically seems like fluff. I don't think that it's really going to affect my game-play much. Fun but Fluff.


I dunno... it seems a shame. I took a 6 month subscription after playing beta, because I thought it was a decent MMO with average game-play but with a decent story-line to bind you into the game - and it's Star Wars for heaven's sakes! I looked forward to enjoying it a great deal. As it turns out, my servers are dead (I've been the only one on a planet more than once), the content feels more repetitive than I'd imagined, many of the classes are rather dull to play and the ones I was still really quite enjoying (Sage/Sorc) are being made dull too.


I'll see how it plays when it comes out, but I needed game-play to improve in 1.2, not get worse. I can't see that happening really.



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When I first read the nerfs, and thought about how drastic the changes would be, I decided to go on the PTS to see if they were really as bad as they looked. Then after some more reading, I realized that I couldn't go onto the pts with my medic, or a premade medic.


So, I wrote an email to my guild, explaining the situation, and how I didn't think I would be viable in 1.2 as a healer. I said that I'm willing to try it out, but that it would be better if we had another healer, and I could go dps.


Unfortunately, none of the other 50's seem interested in healing (we have another commando, and another sage, but the commando would be in the same boat I'm in, and the sage hates healing). I started leveling a sage, because, even with the nerfs, I expect them to be much better than commando (scoundrel may be good, but effective aoe is always a nice thing to have).


However, I just can't get into leveling my sage. I enjoyed the planet quests the first time, but now I stop playing after 5 minutes. I tried to go healer and dungeon level, but it's so hard to get a group together.


On the plus side, recently our guild leader leveled a sage to 50. However, I think he's probably our best dps (most of us come from WoW, and he was always a really good dps, and that's all I have to go by, lol), so having him switch will put a lot of pressure on me to step it up as a commando dps.


Mostly though, this wasn't what I wanted. I wanted to play a commando medic. I thought we were getting an AoE healing buff, not a nerf to everything, including our AoE healing (I think, in this forum, I don't have to explain that). I always thought Blizzard did class balance with a sledgehammer, but their imprecision has nothing on Bioware's.

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Ofc i will continue, because CM\BG is leet.

And what actualy a point in this thread? Another way to threat BW with quiting\rerolling? :)

All healing classes have weak and strong sides, while hps is prety equal after 1.2.

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Ofc i will continue, because CM\BG is leet.

And what actualy a point in this thread? Another way to threat BW with quiting\rerolling? :)

All healing classes have weak and strong sides, while hps is prety equal after 1.2.


Some people will go on healing, some people will reroll since the nerfs will sap the fun for them, and some people will quit. I am not sure why you feel it necessary to question the point of the thread when you seem to know the point of the thread since you provided an answer.

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I don't know. While I finally found a new enjoyment in an mmo as a healer, I just can't imagine it will be any fun for me with the changes. Like others have said, I want a challenge, not stress while playing.


My guild isn't a top progression guild, but we are 3/5 nightmare ev, and 9/10 hm (bah Soa). While I have had the worst rng as a BG for Rakata gear, I just can't imagine playing post 1.2 as is. I know my guild isn't perfect, and right now the healers are able to heal up those mistakes that we all make from time to time. We/I won't be able to do that anymore.


I am the guild leader and an ops leader, and I don't know if I would allow myself to go for the sake of my guild. I have started leveling both a Sorc and Agent, but I just can't get into leveling them. I hate alts just for that reason. I can't stand releveling just to have to regear, etc.


So, tl/dr. Not sure. Most likely will as its what I enjoy, and we are already short on healers.

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I'm not sure about my Commando. Patch 1.2 will bring some ugly changes to PvE healing, but he's a PvP healer. I don't think his performance will change very much.


To me, the player community is a bigger concern. About the same time the patch notes came out, my server's PvP community turned really ugly for healers, especially Commandos and Sages. It's like the Republic decided that any loss could be blamed on the other Empire's healers. So, while we were getting focus-fired into oblivion by coordinated teams and working very hard to keep our teammates alive, we were listening to things like "They have three healers, good luck winning this," "Healing is so OP," and "Enjoy it while it lasts, healers. I can't wait for your nerf."


Hey, pal, we have three healers too, and I have a strict "Don't whine about healing while I'm keeping your sorry backside alive" policy. Could you spend less time complaining and more time breaking up this focus-firing Death Star that marked me at the beginning of the match and would really like to see both of us dead? Maybe you could try focus-firing their healers too.


As the...ahem...dialog between Bioware and the healing community deteriorated, the toxic atmosphere got worse. Or maybe I got less patient. Either way, I stopped playing my Commando and started messing around with a Shadow tank.


I really like my Shadow. After nearly a decade of MMO gaming, this is the first time I have PvPed with anything other than a healer, and it's about time I tried something new. But, like a junkie, I also really miss healing. Heck, my server's republic faction really misses healing. In many of my warzone matches, the tanks do more protection than the healers do healing. We would be so much better if someone would lay back and dedicate themselves to keeping those health bars rosy and full.


So there's a very good chance that I'll go back to healing, but I'm not sure I'll use my Commando. I have a level 40 Scoundrel who hasn't been played in months. Stealth would be a lovely counter to focus-fire. We'll see how it goes.

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I'm not sure about my Commando. Patch 1.2 will bring some ugly changes to PvE healing, but he's a PvP healer. I don't think his performance will change very much.

interesting sidebar on pvp. Since i stopped playing my Merc Healer, I finished leveling my Shieldtech (yes, my only 2 lvl 50's, are both BH). both are rakata geared, but BOTH PvE and PvP are much more enjoyable as a tank.


in PvE, i have a lot more utility, charging / grappling lose adds that make toward the healers, i can juggle guard around to help the raid mitigate damage (like on lighting orb targets on Soa).


In PvP, it was night n day. I had never pvp'd as a tank before (in wow), so i was completely surprised and thrilled when I found out that PvP in tank spec meant i had all the utility i have in PvE, and taunt works. and not only that, people leave me alone to do my job! I don't get focus fired down like on the merc. between quell, runaway-charge, runaway-grapple, electro-dart, i can completely shut down one healer, or stop 2 healers from being able to save someone - not to mention taunting and then pole humping.. :D


in comparison, merc healing just seems dull. it's a good thing this game doesn't have macros. if it did, you can probably write a macro for healing that involves spamming 1 button.. :mad:

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What I find the most depressing proposition...


... the Devs who are about to ruin this game, won't lose their jobs, and will simply move onto another game.


I was really looking forward to dual spec, having invested in both DPS and Healer spec gear for my BH/Merc. What a waste of time that effort has been.


There are just so many things wrong about this game. 1.2 was a chance to fix but instead the patch seems destined to make things worse.


Thing that might really bug me the most ... why such a credit sink to set up a Guild Bank?


600 k credits to activate the guild bank and first tab

2nd tab costs 1 million,

3rd tab costs 2 million,

4th tab costs 3.5 million,

5th tab costs 7 million,

6th tab costs 15 million,

7th tab costs 30 million,


Total 60 million for all 7 tabs.


REALLY? BW/EA must own some of the credit farming sellers.

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interesting sidebar on pvp. Since i stopped playing my Merc Healer, I finished leveling my Shieldtech (yes, my only 2 lvl 50's, are both BH). both are rakata geared, but BOTH PvE and PvP are much more enjoyable as a tank.


in PvE, i have a lot more utility, charging / grappling lose adds that make toward the healers, i can juggle guard around to help the raid mitigate damage (like on lighting orb targets on Soa).


In PvP, it was night n day. I had never pvp'd as a tank before (in wow), so i was completely surprised and thrilled when I found out that PvP in tank spec meant i had all the utility i have in PvE, and taunt works. and not only that, people leave me alone to do my job! I don't get focus fired down like on the merc. between quell, runaway-charge, runaway-grapple, electro-dart, i can completely shut down one healer, or stop 2 healers from being able to save someone - not to mention taunting and then pole humping.. :D


in comparison, merc healing just seems dull. it's a good thing this game doesn't have macros. if it did, you can probably write a macro for healing that involves spamming 1 button.. :mad:


I'm tempted to do the same thing on the Republic side. The Vanguard looks great, and the only thing that's holding me back is the desire to see a new story and a new set of companions.


Your PvP tanking experience sounds a lot like mine. It's just a little bit like healing, but with a lot more options for disrupting the other team. It is so nice to have a little breathing room, too. I don't miss the focus fire. Can't blame the other team for doing it, but I'm happy to let them pick o someone else for a while.

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Yes, I will. Nerfs mean little to me because they happen all the time. You just have to adjust your playstyle and roll with the punches. I don't see it as such a big deal personally. Just use to it I guess. Granted the way the darn Sith Assassins roll over folks I may have to change *laughs*. Naw. I'll with what I enjoy and just go with the flow. If I get creamed so be it. I'm there to support my team and keep them on their feet and I get something out of that which no other class will provide but a healer.
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The bigger question for me is becoming "Will you still play SWTOR at all in 1.2?" I haven't logged in except for our scheduled raid night for two weeks now, and I'm not really missing it or feeling gamer-withdrawal.


This is where I'm at as well. I tried the alt train and couldn't do it. My sub ends on the 23rd.

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Yes, I will. Nerfs mean little to me because they happen all the time. You just have to adjust your playstyle and roll with the punches. I don't see it as such a big deal personally. Just use to it I guess. Granted the way the darn Sith Assassins roll over folks I may have to change *laughs*. Naw. I'll with what I enjoy and just go with the flow. If I get creamed so be it. I'm there to support my team and keep them on their feet and I get something out of that which no other class will provide but a healer.

Same. I like my sage and nerfs, sadly, are a part of playing mmos, and if the responses in this post are any indication healers will be in even higher demand.

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