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In organized PvP CC is out of control


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Bnol you don't appear to have much experience in organized PvP because you're acting like an armchair PvPer.


Listing how to counter each ability, be it stealth via scans, DPS via healing or whatever doesn't qualify as a means of balance. Only because people can walk out of Sweep Bombs, doesn't make them balanced either.


Adding an overpowered ability isn't balanced by adding anther oberowered counter-ability. That's not how balance works.


PvP is an ever-changing dynamic environment and even the idea that you could "theorycraft" in such situations is ludicrous. And that's exactly what you're doing.


You have no idea of my PVP experience, so you shouldn't comment on it, especially considering you didn't appreciate players commenting on your PVP ability. No, I have not been in full 8-man premade versus full 8-man premade in voice client. I have been in double 4-man premades (or at least I assume it was premade with the same guild tag) of quality players on both sides, and it is a lot of fun.


You are bringing up a particular problem (CC, in particular CC combined with hazards and catwalks) and saying Bioware fix this problem that I can't overcome, instead of trying to figure out a way to solve the problem yourself. The fact is that there are multiple avenues available to you towards addressing the problem, yet your only argument is "you guys just haven't experience the PVP I have experienced".


PVP is about adapting to an ever changing environment, but that does not mean strategy and figuring out ways to overcome things theoretically have no place. As I posted before, I have regularly used stealth scan in obvious locations in Huttball to reveal stealth players so that my team or I could deal with them, so this is not just theorycraft, but actual practical experience. You dismiss these things out of hand without even trying them based on one night of playing PVP with your guild, which is not necessarily a balanced (especially tanks/healers)/skilled/geared pvp team.

Edited by Bnol
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i like it its fun when two teams go all out and it either ends 1-0 or 0-0 with a hold for the win i think the cc is about perfect in this game all i want is a 2 sec immunity on my stunbreak so its usefull outside of full resolve. all over the world people play soccer and the game ends with very little points gained i think of it much the same with this there will be some things that have to be ironed out when rated comes round but i dont think the amount of cc in total will be a point of contention. wow was way worse 3 people could cc you for the rest of time in the universe if your teams dr's didnt clash sap,sap,sap,stun,stun polyX3,fearX3,thief vanish,sap.......


This is absolutely true... diminshing returns is a dumb system that allows for true "chain CCs" because it can be rotated in a way that can make a player permanently CC'd.


Resolve fixes that issue by making all forms off CC invalid when bar is full. Soon roots will be affected by resolve as well and when it happens I bet we'll see less complaints about the amount of CC in this game.


Personally I feel the amount of CC in the game is great, there's lots of options to CC someone but it absolutely has to be done in a coordinated way to maximize the effeciency. I think we've all seen moments where someone has filled a resolve bar at the wrong time and we're left unable to CC someone at a moment when it truly matters, such as in the fire/acid instead of in the middle.

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Shadow is better for defense, guardian however is far and away the best carrier though. 4 seconds of cc immune after leap, extra damage mitigation, a second leap to friendly, and defensive cooldowns? No class carries like a guardian. Bring one sentinel to transcendence for the guardian and you have a monstrously difficult to stop carrier. If a guardian with good reaction time gets pulled into the fire he can actually warding call it and survive quite easily.


You're specifically talking about hybrid Vigilance/Defense Guardian tanks. Pure Defense Guardians don't have the CC immunity (Unremitting), Focus Guardians have neither Unremitting nor Warding Call.


Not sure what my point is, just wanted to clarify.

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My analogy works for my intents and purposes. Fouls are a part of Soccer we've all come expect. They are lame but a strategic part of the game. Same applies to pulls/pushes and knockbacks.



Your analogy doesn't work. Fouls are against the rules in soccer, they are punished with giving an advantage to the fouled player, be it in a freekick or even resulting in sending the offending party off.

And if you mention tactical fouls- those are always punished with a yellow card (if you destroy the advantage of opponent in a fast counterattack e.g.). I don't think I have ever been send off after grappling someone twice.


All you are basically doing in this thread is telling everyone that you think you are better than them, you provide no actual arguments, no grasp of ingame knowledge at all. You even insulted a player who has in his text shown that he has far more comprehension of the PvP mechanismns in this game than you will ever have (bnol) without him resulting to unimportant rank claims and useless pve progress.


If you have to post things like "trust me I know how stealth scan works, and you can't find good stealthers" you really should take a step back and consider your skills and those of your team.


So please, countless people have said "thats highlevel pvp, you have to THINK before using an ability (on an 8man pre you'll have an average of maybe 3 hostile pulls, with say two sages on your team who can rescue... so save the rescue for the pull and thank the opponent for whitebaring you with harpoon+stun). THINK about counters, they are there.


So for gods sake, take a step back before you make an even bigger ... of yourself.

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