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James Ohlen: Game Update 1.2 Coming Next Week

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There's still Thursday but I think we are waiting to next week. Why would they bother correcting James slip if they actually were releasing this week?


Maybe because they didn't correct James? They were correcting the text in the Novare Coast warzone video which said April 10th. Also, if you read the post Stephen Reid made, it explicitly said " We won't be launching game update 1.2 next Tuesday." They didn't say they weren't launching it next week. Only next Tuesday.

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I could care less about the late comers...heck I am one of them.


I am just ready to see this game be what it was all hyped to be and 1.2 should by all counts be it.


Then let the real updates start!!


What hype? Oh, that stuff that forum posters generate so that when things come, they can be disappointed because it didn't live up to their expectations.


I thought you meant something Bioware was doing. All they've done is told you what the patch is supposed to entail. Which isn't hyping, it's sharing information.

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It's not a major update at all. They're releasing stuff which should have been released at launch (*cough* legacy) or 1.1, adding one WZ, one OPs and one FP.

Generation entitlement? Please. I loved this game. Fact is that they're taking too long with releasing a MINOR update. This isn't 2004. Game companies ought to know how to make good MMORPGs these days, and they ought to know what gamers expect from an MMORPG in 2012.


They under-estimated the players; those who raid got tired of raiding the same two ops, week after week, back in February. This one new ops isn't going to keep the raiders playing. The PvPers are sick and tired of the same WZs, the lack of competition and the lack of challenge from the oh so tedious and old fashioned tab-combat. They're all waiting for ranked WZs, just like the raiders are waiting for the new ops. These things will be interesting for a week (all new things are), then people will feel it's not enough and cancel their sub.


I've prepared well for 1.2. I did my dailies EVERY single day. I crafted my butt off to sell implants on GTN. I even leveled alts, just so I could get the super buff and max out other crew skills. I HATE leveling alts. I'd rather dig a hole in my head with a rusty spoon than level alts. But I did it in preparation for 1.2. Because apparently it was going to be huge and everything would be wtfpwnawesomesauce!1


After a few weeks of this tedious grinding, I got bored. And tired. I realised after some research that the legacy stuff wouldn't actually be worth what I was doing. I wanted credits so I could get the neutral GTN on my ship, then I actually went to Nar Shadaa to check out the GTN and lo' and behold: there was nothing there. So no point in having a GTN on my ship.

The huge nerf to BH healers was a smack in the face. Then I found out that only the NEW tier items will have the set bonus attached to the armoring. Seriously?! I bought fancy armor in FEBRUARY because I wanted to look awesome. It's the most ridiculous patch notes I've ever seen, and it shows that BW has no idea what they're doing.


The hype around this patch is ridiculous. The ones who still are excited are the ones who a) Still aren't level 50, b) Are casual level 50s, still running around in blues and oranges and have barely stepped foot in an ops, and c) Role-players.

The ones who have been 50 since January (Cue "Oh my gawd you rushed the game!1 Get a life!" from type a, b and c -- oh please) and enjoy PvP and raiding, the ones who were Battlemaster and War Hero before the valor changes and without Ilum farming; the ones who have attended Every. Single. Raid. and done their dailies (PvP and PvE) Every. Single. Day. since January -- the ones who have rakata geared companions because every guildie is decked out (This is what happens when you raid 2 days in a week), the ones who supported this game since Beta, who bragged about it to their friends and told everyone that it's awesome -- these people were excited in February and March. Now they've logged out. Because they actually realised how little this patch will offer to endgame. They realised it won't change a damn thing, and a week or two after patch the situation will return to what it's like now: deserted servers, people jumping around on fleet because they have nothing better to do, and no challenge.

On the bright side, it will now take guilds 3 days to clear the ops instead of 2 - so that only leaves 4 days where they have nothing to do! Yay!


My guild had 25+ people (active people) sign for raids in March. Now my guild has 6 signing.

A minority of these people will keep their sub for 1.2, because they have faith. MAYBE the new ops WILL be ridiculously hard. MAYBE the rewards will be worth it. MAYBE this game will be fun again. MAYBE the crew skills will improve the trade market. MAYBE I will have as much fun as I had back in January/February, before my blinkers came off and I released how shallow, linear and badly designed this game is. The type a, b and c (oh sorry, you prefer being called "patient players") players have yet to realise this. They're still having fun leveling and exploring the so-called endgame (which they still believe exists).


Generation entitlement? Please. 4 months is too long for such a minor update. It won't make the game wtfpwnawesomesauce, but it might make it a little less boring for a week or two. At best.


no one will remember you after you leave...



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Apparently you missed my point. In todays games, MMO's included, the standard is higher. You are still compairing an outdated model. Sure in it's time maybe 2 dungens in 4 months time was concidered great. Today the standards are much higher. With the way gamers consume content today, that 1 flashpoint and 1 warzone should have already been there to begin with, at launch.


Bioware has been in the gaming buisness for some time. They know todays gamer has higher standards and expectations, they burn thru content like a jack rabbit on a hot date. They should of known that there wouldn't of been enough at end game. This can and has caused them subs.


Couple this with 70 some odd low server populations and a few other things... a reciepe that can easily fail. Just because u throw a starving dog a bone (1.1 and 1.2), dosen't mean the dog is fed properly.


Wrong, Cap'n, the complaint that TOR's LFG tool is poor and needs to be replaced is a valid complaint, and nobody says (or at least nobody should say) "but WOW didn't have a LFG tool for several years" because it's a necessary feature of an MMO. Same goes for an Auction House (which WOW didn't have until patch 1.9 in 2006) - and in fact TOR *did* release with the GTN, and 1.2 significantly improves it.


What I was pointing out was that as far as CONTENT goes, both games released with similar content, and both games added CONTENT at a similar rate. Going forward, TOR will continue to release CONTENT in their monthly game updates. It is NOT reasonable to say that TOR should release 7 years of content at launch, because that isn't how MMOs work.

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What hype? Oh, that stuff that forum posters generate so that when things come, they can be disappointed because it didn't live up to their expectations.


I thought you meant something Bioware was doing. All they've done is told you what the patch is supposed to entail. Which isn't hyping, it's sharing information.



Bioware should know better than to try to share information with this community


Epic Fail ( chuckle )

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Well, technically it is the correct word, it is just that it has come to be used as a pejorative in our culture now.


Entitlement means you have done what is necessary to gain access to something and are thus....entitled to its benefits.


They do the same thing with people collecting unemployment or living on social security. After spending a lifetime of paying taxes into the system, you collect some benefits that you are entitled to. But when certain news outlets discuss people worrying about it going away, they put a snide emphasis on the word and make it sound like a bad thing that people want the service they already paid for to work properly.


They mean to be saying "a false sense of entitlement."


However, in this case, it was correctly pointed out we pay for the service and therefore have every right to form expectations and benchmarks about whether it's performance meets our standards.


One person's standards might be higher, but that doesn't make them "entitled" in the insulting sense of the word.


Otherwise I could just fire back how I'm tired of "Generation Pay Money for the Privilege of Bending Over and Taking It Without Objection."


My god, someone with grasp on reality. Say it isn't so!


It's not unreasonable to expect certain things to be provided at launch of the game (especially when the expectation was set for it), and it's easy to see a Dec. release as premature and the result of wanting to hit a peak release date (read: $$$), then charge customers for months while you finish the game as it was intended to be released in the first place. But it's done, and now you have to either be patient or put your money where your mouth is ;).


Bioware isn't the first company to do this, and it's generally due to pressures above them. But they are working hard to give us what we want, so I'm willing to support them for a while longer.

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Sundays really the 1st day of the week, that must be why the iOS calender, the win 7 calendar, the couple of paper calenders I have lying around all have it as the last day.


Ok I just have to say this is the most ABSURB thing I've ever heard of. If your iOS device and Windows 7 calendar is set to show Sunday as the last day of the week it's because you cutomized it that way... YOU... not Microsoft or Apple.


All my Windows 7 machines, my iOS 5.0.1 iPhone, my Android 4.0 smartphone, and every single cell phone I've ever seen (I've worked for a large service provider for over 7 years) default to show Sunday as the start of the week in the monthly calendar view.


To boot... goto your local superstore and buy a monthly calendar... you know one made of paper? Guess what day is at the far left hand side of every week in the #1 position?


EDIT: Now that I think about this I'm speaking as someone who lives in North America... perhaps it's different elsewhere in the world. But that seems silly too... it should be standardized.

Edited by Jakyre
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My god, someone with grasp on reality. Say it isn't so!


It's not unreasonable to expect certain things to be provided at launch of the game (especially when the expectation was set for it), and it's easy to see a Dec. release as premature and the result of wanting to hit a peak release date (read: $$$), then charge customers for months while you finish the game as it was intended to be released in the first place. But it's done, and now you have to either be patient or put your money where your mouth is ;).


Bioware isn't the first company to do this, and it's generally due to pressures above them. But they are working hard to give us what we want, so I'm willing to support them for a while longer.


It's called being an early adopter. If you have those types of expectations for games then I'd suggest not buying anything until 6 months after release, as none of them will ever live up to what you think it should.

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Ok I just have to say this is the most ABSURB thing I've ever heard of. If your iOS device and Windows 7 calendar is set to show Sunday as the last day of the week it's because you cutomized it that way... YOU... not Microsoft or Apple.


All my Windows 7 machines, my iOS 5.0.1 iPhone, my Android 4.0 smartphone, and every single cell phone I've ever seen (I've worked for a large service provider for over 7 years) default to show Sunday as the start of the week in the monthly calendar view.


To boot... goto your local superstore and buy a monthly calendar... you know one made of paper? Guess what day is at the far left hand side of every week in the #1 position?


EDIT: Now that I think about this I'm speaking as someone who lives in North America... perhaps it's different elsewhere in the world. But that seems silly too... it should be standardized.


"But that seems silly too... it should be standardized." Oh yeah, so if you guys have it that way, it should be standardized so everyone uses your system. Just like you guys adopted the metric syste...oh wait.


Anyway as an European living in South America I can confirm that Sunday is the first day of the week in Europe as well as South America too.

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At this rate it seems like 1.3 might come before 1.2. Im curious how Bioware intends to keep subs when they keep delaying content? I would suggest releasing patches before everyone leaves the game and my guild falls apart because of lack of content. Additionally some communication from Bioware concerning the release of the patch would be helpful and make people subscribing feel as if the company actually cared about those playing the game (even if they dont).



"Constructive criticism is a well-meant critique intended to help someone improve." I feel this standard has been met.

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EDIT: Now that I think about this I'm speaking as someone who lives in North America... perhaps it's different elsewhere in the world. But that seems silly too... it should be standardized.


"According to the International Organization for Standardization ISO 8601 Sunday is the seventh and last day of the week."


ref: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunday


I think that is standard enough


about 1.2 patch my money is on this thursday

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