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Faction-based wince moments


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So there you are being all evil and Sith-like when along comes a quest where the 'evil and Sith-like' answers leave you feeling suitably ... crappy.


I've noticed a similar vein on my Jedi. Sometimes I eye-roll at her sanctimonious 'holier than thou' attitude when choosing the light response for factiony goodness.


I do love that Bioware have implemented this in an MMO, as you cannot reload when you get a huge clanger. Pure faction-based responses are often double-edged and do not always gain the response you were after. The light side may get you the faction, but perhaps not the loyalty you were after (RP-wise). The dark side Sith can often be ridiculously childish, rather than commanding.


So I ask you random gamers; what response has your character made, that made you wince, for the love of faction? (Please do use spoiler tags where needed!)

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I cannot remember any specifics, but early on I would choose pure light or pure dark (depending on the character) regardless of what it did. That led to sometimes feeling as you describe. Now, I do my best to choose as that character would. My Knight spares a lot of people. Including Sith. My Trooper will end a life if he feels that person could be a future threat to the Republic. My Sith is almost grey. He will not kill non-combatants. He will not kill for the sake of being menacing. He will however, slaughter an enemy or a threat without blinking.
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I cannot remember any specifics, but early on I would choose pure light or pure dark (depending on the character) regardless of what it did. That led to sometimes feeling as you describe. Now, I do my best to choose as that character would. My Knight spares a lot of people. Including Sith. My Trooper will end a life if he feels that person could be a future threat to the Republic. My Sith is almost grey. He will not kill non-combatants. He will not kill for the sake of being menacing. He will however, slaughter an enemy or a threat without blinking.


Yes, I love this. I've played a lot of MMOs, but I've never felt guilty about quests before. I'm not sure if it's the voice acting and the way BW pull me into a story. I've started a new character that will chose responses based on her (well my) belief in what is right, rather than what is light.

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Smuggler Dark Side ---

Killing Kixi



I wanted to try playing a dark side smuggler during one of my many re-plays on that series for beta, and I went all dark for kicks and did the deed and I actually had tears in my eyes afterwards. It was the worst dark side choice I think I'd ever done, it really struck me how horrifyingly mean and nasty my character was being.


There are certain things now, that I don't care how many force points it costs me light or dark, I won't do them simply because there has to be some limits darn it! That's one of them. Other stuff so far hasn't bugged me nearly as much as that one.

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The quest on Corellia to clear out the selonians out of the sewer (Empire Side) It just made me feel real bad, to have em all killed for a crappy 200 dark side points, I never took that that option again on my alts, I was seriously wrecked by guilt after that 1 time.
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I dislike the fact that sometimes your only options are 1. The practical thing to do (which gives you LS points) and something totally stupid and counter-productive (which gives you DS points.)


There really should always be an option to do the smart thing without getting LS points. I'm choosing not to kill the NPC because I see them being useful in the future, not because I'm opposed to killing!

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I had the reverse experience. As a republic I got dark-side points for the "reasonable" solution.


Taris bonus quest:



The quest with the force-using nekghouls. You have the choice of letting a slightly creepy holocron-jedi try to train them further into pacification or blow them up and end the threat adviced by an jedi prioner.


Letting them live and being trained by a slightly deranged jedi from a holocron was just to uncertain, so I ended the threat then and there.


Oh yeah, and then there's the sage class-quest where you can save a girl from flames or data that can potentially save millions of lives.



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I experienced this recently on my Imperial Agent and Smuggler, who I have to push to make evil. I usually feel terrible for picking dark side options that are "obviously evil" like slaughtering someone for no reason or leaving a group of orphans to die. I even feel bad picking the greedy-sounding dialogue options, but I do my best to stay true to how my characters would act.


I guess the moral is I'd be a terrible dark sider.

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Some lightside responses are pretty wince-worthy on my Jedi Consular. By picking a seemingly innocuous, "good Jedi" dialogue option I have accidentally had my JC offend both Zenith and a couple of senators on different occasions, which makes me cringe because I'd expect the actual dialogue to be more, shall we say, diplomatic. I mean, come on, my Smuggler has more tact than he does sometimes. xD
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Some lightside responses are pretty wince-worthy on my Jedi Consular. By picking a seemingly innocuous, "good Jedi" dialogue option I have accidentally had my JC offend both Zenith and a couple of senators on different occasions, which makes me cringe because I'd expect the actual dialogue to be more, shall we say, diplomatic. I mean, come on, my Smuggler has more tact than he does sometimes. xD


Have had the same with my Jedi Consular. Sometimes I think she is so utterly sanctimonious that I'm expecting my companions to leave me. The utter sheltered life of a Jedi in training doesn't make for good diplomacy.


My Consular has no idea about personal relationships, such as parent/child, or spousal love; as that is not the Jedi way. Even friendships seem a bit odd to her. I figure all her peers hated her ... a lot.

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I had the reverse experience. As a republic I got dark-side points for the "reasonable" solution.


Taris bonus quest:


This quest faction response was utterly ridiculous actually, I do agree. I didn't how the devs came about the light/dark choices.

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I dislike the fact that sometimes your only options are 1. The practical thing to do (which gives you LS points) and something totally stupid and counter-productive (which gives you DS points.)


There really should always be an option to do the smart thing without getting LS points. I'm choosing not to kill the NPC because I see them being useful in the future, not because I'm opposed to killing!


Yes, this. Sometimes there is a factionless response, but often you are asked to do something stupid (on both sides) for the faction gain.


Some of the quests could do with tightening up.

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I had it happen once while running my Bounty Hunter that in order to get the dark side points you had to kill this person who was begging for his life. Afterward, Mako looked at me and said that I didn't have to be so much like Taro Blood. That made me feel bad. I think the next option on the conversation was to basically apologize to her.
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I tend to let the actual wording of responses go, they are no worse than some of the lines in action movies. What gets me is choosing light side over dark side and things end up worse than they were before. Choosing LS on a mission on Balmora left me with dead imps chaos in the supply line and the person that pushed my light side choice in prison being tortured, if that doesn't make a person feel good for being "good", I don't know what will.
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