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Remove laser beam of death from Hammer Shot!


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That visual effect is the whole reason im healing. It's ez to avoid death, and hell I can heal thru 3 or 4 people on me pretty well. And every healing class has a come kill me button or ability, channeled heals, aoe heals, the buffs and de buffs, umm oh ya the big vast bar that says " casing healing probe/deliverance/underworld medicine" etc etc. healers get focus fire, live with it or dps.


In a swirling PvP environment, a big green neon beam that points right to you is a detriment, regardless of action bars or other heal types. Every little bit helps, but the biggest point is that the counterpart gets the same stuttergun heals as the attack, while Commandos get a painfully obvious solid beam. We simply want the same exact animation such as the BH gets.

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i would like it if it were simply disabled in pvp or only people in your team (or just yourself) could see it


i understand this would probably take a lot of coding for what amounts to a cosmetic fix, but it really is a detriment. so much so that i pretty much never use hammershot when i'm healing in PVP

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It's irrelevant. You should be marked as a healer within a few seconds of the WZ anyway and the big Flame / Hilt / Gun / whatever your head is more visible than your green laser.


No. Simply just NO. If I position myself near a pillar you will not see me or the mark above me. Same thing behind the stairs on central Alderan or behind the side of the bunker in NC. And that tactic is very effective against range DPS in particular. Some melee will spot me but if they decide to come for me they will lose LOS with their healer and could easily be picked by my teams range DPS.

As I stated previously it's not a big deal but big enough to make a difference when you encounter competent PvPers.

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In a swirling PvP environment, a big green neon beam that points right to you is a detriment, regardless of action bars or other heal types. Every little bit helps, but the biggest point is that the counterpart gets the same stuttergun heals as the attack, while Commandos get a painfully obvious solid beam. We simply want the same exact animation such as the BH gets.


Ok, but here is the thing... even if you shot the same as a merc nothing would change. Here is the check list for a competent PvPer if looking at a merc/commando. Remember that everyone has class icons since 1.2 so we already know you are a merc/commando.. not matter what armor you have on or what gun you use.


1) Does the merc/commando have the heal buff active? If yes... it's a healer. Obvious sign 1. Mark as healer and call out in Ops group.


2) Does the merc/commando shoot their own team with bright green bolts that are clearly healing energy bolts? If yes... it's a healer. Obvious sign 2. Mark as healer and call out in Ops group.


3) Does the merc/commando cast healing abilities visible on their cast bar? If yes... assuming you missed the 2 most obvious signs... then it's a healer. Mark as healer and call out in Ops group.


How does changing the healing animation prevent step 1 and 2 at all? It doesn't. Mercs get singled out just as fast as commandos because of the healer buff alone. Which you have to have other wise you can't even shoot the bright green healing bolts to begin with. So even out of combat... sitting there minding your own business... we know you are a healer even before you cast. You are the only healing class to have a healing stance. You are the only class to be able to shoot your own team mates. Changing the animation won't matter at all. At most even if you shot the same color energy bolts as your crystal and had ther merc animation any competent pvper will still cycle through the merc/commandos checking for the healer buff and then mark you.


Oh and I'm not against the change because of not playing the class. My commando is actually my main leveling character right now. I am in combat medic spec and I know all about the green beam. I don't see how it will change the PvP environment at all by changing the animations.

Edited by DarkDruidSS
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Ok, but here is the thing... even if you shot the same as a merc nothing would change. Here is the check list for a competent PvPer if looking at a merc/commando. Remember that everyone has class icons since 1.2 so we already know you are a merc/commando.. not matter what armor you have on or what gun you use.


1) Does the merc/commando have the heal buff active? If yes... it's a healer. Obvious sign 1. Mark as healer and call out in Ops group.


2) Does the merc/commando shoot their own team with bright green bolts that are clearly healing energy bolts? If yes... it's a healer. Obvious sign 2. Mark as healer and call out in Ops group.


3) Does the merc/commando cast healing abilities visible on their cast bar? If yes... assuming you missed the 2 most obvious signs... then it's a healer. Mark as healer and call out in Ops group.


How does changing the healing animation prevent step 1 and 2 at all? It doesn't. Mercs get singled out just as fast as commandos because of the healer buff alone. Which you have to have other wise you can't even shoot the bright green healing bolts to begin with. So even out of combat... sitting there minding your own business... we know you are a healer even before you cast. You are the only healing class to have a healing stance. You are the only class to be able to shoot your own team mates. Changing the animation won't matter at all. At most even if you shot the same color energy bolts as your crystal and had ther merc animation any competent pvper will still cycle through the merc/commandos checking for the healer buff and then mark you.


Oh and I'm not against the change because of not playing the class. My commando is actually my main leveling character right now. I am in combat medic spec and I know all about the green beam. I don't see how it will change the PvP environment at all by changing the animations.


You assume you see me and after that you are correct. But as you know assumption is the mother of all the screw-ups :cool:. And give it a bit of time, you'll hit the big league, then you'll notice the difference yourself. When your team is light on healers you can't afford to use Hammer Shot against competent players. Even if they don't see you your GBoKMN (green beam of kill me now) will hint your enemies about your position.

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You assume you see me and after that you are correct. But as you know assumption is the mother of all the screw-ups :cool:. And give it a bit of time, you'll hit the big league, then you'll notice the difference yourself. When your team is light on healers you can't afford to use Hammer Shot against competent players. Even if they don't see you your GBoKMN (green beam of kill me now) will hint your enemies about your position.


So... did you miss my signature where I have 2 level 50s already? You're assuming that I haven't seen level 50 pvp. While I don't have a 50 commando I do play the role of killing healers frequently. Both classes are easy to spot at a distance and you don't even have to see them shooting to figure it out. The green beam is really a non-factor. I can spot merc healers just as fast as commando healers. Either way you are shooting a green bolt that is brighter than any green crystal which gives your position and if you aren't shooting anything and just standing there... you still have the healer icon on your buff bar.


All this thread boils down to is a "the grass is greener on the other side" argument and like most situations with that type of thought... once you get there you find out it isn't any better. That's all I am saying. If commando gets a change then great, but you won't notice a difference against good players.

Edited by DarkDruidSS
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It's exactly against good players you'll notice the difference. You don't have to be good to see that commando sitting in plain sight with his hand up to his helmet and figure he's a healer. But you need to be good to figure someone is receiving heals and go find the healer. More so if you spend 10-15 seconds to figure that out is time I gain. Well, except if I'm using my GRoKMN in which case you just need to follow it to find me. I wasn't implying you are inexperienced I was just saying to have patience to see how other experienced players use that Hammer Shot animation against you.


Well that's all I had to say about the matter, if that is not enough then.... good luck to you all and enjoy the game. I know I will, GRoKMN or not ;).

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i would like it if it were simply disabled in pvp or only people in your team (or just yourself) could see it


i understand this would probably take a lot of coding for what amounts to a cosmetic fix, but it really is a detriment. so much so that i pretty much never use hammershot when i'm healing in PVP


They did it with AoEs (friendly AoEs are now coloured green, non-friendly AoEs are red)...

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You are also assuming all PvPer's are "good". There are "bad" PvPer's out there that would normally fail to mark a healer until you smack them in the face with the evidence. The GBoD is just such a smack.


If they don't want to remove the GBoD, then make sure everyone has a GBoD so that everyone gets attacked by the "bad" PvPer's.

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I must say I just rolled a commando healer and as if we don't stand out enough without the beam its ridiculous how much of a pain it is it basically says " HEY LOOK COME ATTACK ME IM A HEALER AND IM RIGHT AROUND THIS CORNER FOLLOW THE GREEN BEAM RIGHT TO ME!". Sucks too because if I could get away with not using it I would but its a must with how bad resource management is.
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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

What I'd like to see them do is make the assualt cannons use different animations depending on the type.


So small barrel or mulri barrel will do the standerd bolt animation with the beam O death being changed to a bolt style.


Large barrel weapons will use constant laser beams like Beam O Death for most attacks and large energy bolts for abilities like chatged bolts/grav round, and keep the Beam O Death the same.


This way it'll make it harder innately to pick out the healer especially if you use a green color crystal. While giving players alittle effects choose.

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Do not remove the GBOD (Green Beam of Death), it is now our badge of honor. I have two commandos and do not want to part with it.


As a heads up, they are shooting at you because of the target marker over your head, not because of the green beam but rather because you have the capability to use the green beam.

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Do not remove the GBOD (Green Beam of Death), it is now our badge of honor. I have two commandos and do not want to part with it.


As a heads up, they are shooting at you because of the target marker over your head, not because of the green beam but rather because you have the capability to use the green beam.


How do they know to mark you? Oh yeah, the green beam of death.


Yes, they can eventually figure out that you're a healer by you throwing out AMP and MP it's just the green beam makes it far easier for them to do so.

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  • 2 weeks later...
The thing about the GBoD is that it moots any attempt to heal discreetly from behind a pillar or ramp or up on a platform, or out of sight on the side of the bunker etc. If I'm healing a hard fight I have no choice but to use it (especially if I'm the only healer at the node). The trade-off should be that we can somehow cast it on ourselves. :D The other side of the coin is that players in PUGs need to remember to look around and peel for their healers like it's part of their rotation, regardless of the GBoD.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I do not play PvP whatsoever.


/signed. Even though I don't, it's the most horrible looking thing i have ever come across. My first commando got to 15 and i dropped her because of the stupid thing. I have flashbacks to barney and other such things when it pops out of my huge gun. I blow things up....unleash torrents of destructive blaster fire...and shoot a green lazer out of my gun?


Seriously, just give us a shot like the mercs have. let us save face among our trooper brothers. the vanguards laugh at me every time I enter the barracks!

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