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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

PvP servers: pointless?


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trust me PVE player have no reason at all to roll PVP server


a) PVE population tend to last longer they are less easily bored and tend to repeat stuff over and over with no problem


b) they are "cooperative" more then PVPer they tend to help eachother as they see an advantage in having u stronger


On PVP server should be the same since it's faction PVP but with huttball and new warzone beeing same faction as well I dont know how "cooperative" people will be there is always the "I am better then you" or "u sux" "u made us loose" argument or "LTP" or "u didnt heal me" when most probably was not just 1 person fault


c) PVP have attitude tend to be more rude it's a very generic feeling and it's full of expection of very cool pvp player but that doesn't make it less true


so why in the world a PVE player should roll PVP?

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I dont usually see the other faction on my server(Ven Zallow) open world either. To be honest, Im not going to say the game is dead or dying as that is beyond the scope of this discussion, but there just aren't that many republic players, or even empire players really, out in the open world. The starter planets may have about 30 people on em, but after that populations of players tend to drop to high teens to mid 20s for most planets. Then the space stations hold 40-60 repub and about 90 imperial.


The game is far too fragmented, and reliant on the space station. Pvp'ers now tend to want more reward than the old fashioned go out and kill for fun. Open world pvp gives no rewards outside of Ilum, and that too is gone now. So, people sit on the station, or in their ship, and grind warzones.


Open world pvp may as well not be an option in the game for now, no individual rewards or even faction specific goals are around. This wont change until they do a massive revamp on the system, and I am not sure they really care enough to worry about open world pvp despite numerous posts for it(as pvpers make up a larger percentage of posters, but probably a vastly smaller percentage of total players)

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Actually, I like the way leveling is set up, but they should have phased every planet once you reach max level to allow you to world pvp in every planet. Though, a game option to phased into the only 50 zone or leveling zones is a must. Personally, I don't call world pvp when you gank or get gank by a character who is max lvl in a leveling zone. Edited by Knockerz
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I don't even know how to go find the enemy's area.


Explore the full map of each planet. If you find no enemy bases, there's no chance for PVP. As the previous posters mentioned, I got my first taste on Tatooine around your level, usually at a >10 level odds. It gets better.



I know I don't want to be ganked all day when I am leveling, but it IS supposed to be a PvP server.


SWTOR has the gentlest penalties for dying in PVP I've ever experienced and has tons of alternatives (crafting, exploring, space battles, canned PVP warzones and Huttball) in case some area in your mission-rail is infested with the enemy.


Don't wait for them to find you, hunt them down. It will be more enjoyable for both sides, win or lose.

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I dont usually see the other faction on my server(Ven Zallow) open world either. To be honest, Im not going to say the game is dead or dying as that is beyond the scope of this discussion, but there just aren't that many republic players, or even empire players really, out in the open world. The starter planets may have about 30 people on em, but after that populations of players tend to drop to high teens to mid 20s for most planets. Then the space stations hold 40-60 repub and about 90 imperial.


The game is far too fragmented, and reliant on the space station. Pvp'ers now tend to want more reward than the old fashioned go out and kill for fun. Open world pvp gives no rewards outside of Ilum, and that too is gone now. So, people sit on the station, or in their ship, and grind warzones.


Open world pvp may as well not be an option in the game for now, no individual rewards or even faction specific goals are around. This wont change until they do a massive revamp on the system, and I am not sure they really care enough to worry about open world pvp despite numerous posts for it(as pvpers make up a larger percentage of posters, but probably a vastly smaller percentage of total players)


Google the guild q n a. From March and listen you guys just need to be patient or leave. They answered all of these posts in the QnA.

Edited by vsalcedo
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I would love to play on PVP if people wouldnt be so immature to camp and kill over and over the same person because is rude PVP or PVE server rude is rude

I haven't really seen much rudeness or immaturity on Jung Ma. There is probably some about, but it doesn't seem particularly prevalent (at least pre-50).


Open world PVP is sometimes common and sometimes not, but I run across enemies pretty regularly on most of the higher level planets -- Voss is the busiest planet for it, but Hoth, Quesh, Belsavis all have PVP too. Sometimes meeting an enemy will result in combat, sometimes we might just go our separate ways, cautiously.


The level separation means that you run into very few higher level (or lower level) players as you quest, so most people that you run into will be in range for you to fight.


Once in a while you will get groups attacking bases or roaming the countryside, but it is seldom enough to be a interesting diversion rather than an annoyance.


Since there is no penalty for PVP, even if you do die, you don't really lose anything except maybe a few minutes of questing.

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The Master Dar'Nala PVP server/community is atrocious, most of the time while questing all I ever see in chat are arguments or people who just want to abuse others. It's always "cu** this" and "cu** that" constantly. I enjoy PVP, I just find it sad that the only PVP server for oceanic is full of such immature nonsense. When I see a guild trying to recruit in chat it is usually followed by players saying that guild sucks, or just targeting the person who posted the recruitment with abuse.


Don't get me wrong there are good people around but it seems the PVP title on the server ensures a lot of immature people join the community. It's almost like when they can't find lowbies to gank these players do their PVP in the chat window, or at least some variation of it.


As for open world PVP well it usually consists of groups of players ganking one or two people trying to quest or higher levels initiating the attack cause they know they can't lose. I was chased half way across Tatooine by a level 50 and his buddies, I eventually got caught and slaughtered due to having a slower mount and having to avoid the natives.


I enjoy high level open world PVP that is why I picked this server but from what I am hearing the only open world PVP is what I have already experienced, have people gotten bored of Ilum or something?


Anyway I have since moved on to another server in search of a better community, it seems to have paid off. I just worry a little cause EA do not seem to enforce any rules to control the community on any server.


One last note to all you people who seem to think age denotes maturity. In an MMO you will find that a lot of the people hurling abuse, trolling, or just wanting to annoy others are usually a lot older than school age. They are faceless in an MMO so they do whatever they like, I would assume most people should know this already.

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