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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Save the Republic; Save the game...


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Hello all! Everyone is well aware that Imperials outnumber Republic on most servers in orders of magnitude that will make Open World Pvp and even faction based Wz's impossible. Illium is a shining example of just this. I feel however this games mechanics and ip deserve better.


In order to create a more StarWarsy and functional Pvp game, and save Open World Pvp something drastic needs to be done.


I suggest that BW have a short term program that allows transfers from imperial to republic while retaining all gear/items/levels etc. I also suggest that those that do transfer are given multiple BM tokens or Credit equivalent at time of transfer. I feel that lesser items could be offered but only BM tokens would be taken seriously. This program should stay open untill balance is met on a server and then it should be closed without warning.


It may even be necessary to stop imperial characters from being created for a short time on servers.


I realize that many might feel this is over the top. However, given how badly outnumbered Republics are atm, becoming a Republic Player has massive disadvantages, including economic, pve and raiding. Forcing players to re-level under these circumstances is unrealistic. Untill the populations are brought into some mild sembalance of balance an aggressive free transfer with perks need to be brought to bare to address this pressing issue.


Im sure we'd all rather play a game with real Open World Pvp, better lore balanced Wz's and a more StarWarsy feel. If something isn't done then the trend of Pubs re-rolling Imperial will continue untill there is no more Republic. This is a disaster for the ip and also for Pvp.


Please support this idea before everyone is imperial.


If this is impossible Im sure all the Pubs would enjoy flat transfers of our character, no BM tokens necessary.



a very concerned republic citizen.


p.s. I don't mind being outnumbered but, 50 to 1 isn't outnumbered, it's time to re-roll or unsub.

Edited by VoidJustice
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They don't even have xfers up or the ability to copy a toon to the PTR but you want to add all these items ontop of xfer and such? um just wow...


As a DBA transfering data on demand doesn't seem as daunting to me as it may seem to you. Of course Im assuming professional relational design and Im sure EA/BW has that on lock.


If not... my salary requirements are reasonable :p

Edited by VoidJustice
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i just played 5 straight games where it was 6v8 or 7v8 the whole game because there isn't even 8 players on the republic side queuing.


can't wait for diablo 3, anything is better then this farce.


Then just go? why complain and add nothing of value to anything eh? D3 will be a paytowin but i'll still play it but im sure you will whine about that to come that day...

Edited by mordredz
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I agree with you. (look at sig...:D) Alot of opponents of this thread will most likely be imperial (on high imp pop servers). I would like to add: with low pop servers, move the republic players (if any) or imp players willing to "defect" like you stated, to servers with lower pub populations. two birds, one stone.
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Then just go? why complain and add nothing of value to anything eh? D3 will be a paytowin but i'll still play it but im sure you will whine about that to come that day...


Whats your beef? I guess you don't like pvp or open world pvp? Are you just in this thread to troll. This thread is an attempt to address a problem in a game that many of us care about. It's directly relevant to Pvp and would benefit both imperials and republic evenly.


As a profesional DBA and Developer Im telling you this change could be hashed out in a week by a pro at most, could be QA'd for a patch shortly after 1.3 and would require less resources from a development shop than anything else they've done in 1.2. It would also allow for the most requested features by all pvp'ers... OPEN WORLD PVP THAT WORKS.


I guess telling people to quit the game is your idea for a solution. However, it's not very intelligent as MMO's require MASSIVE amounts of MULTIPLAYERS.


Mordredz do you have anything constructive or even coherent to add to this thread or should I just ignore you right now?


p.s. Angel I have no beef with imps in general... hell I may be forced to level mine in earnest. I just would like to have Lorefull Wz's and Open World Pvp, and this is my best idea from getting from here to there. Also thanks for the quote bro... I wish it wasn't something I had to say... but truth and knowledge are the best weapons a Jedi has no matter what the cost of wielding them.

Edited by VoidJustice
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I wouldn't mind allowing this. As with real life, your outlook changes. Maybe you did like working for the empire early in your career but in your old age you think they are a bunch of turds (story example, of course). Why not be able to switch factions.


Also, i think there should be bonuses for playing a character on the weaker faction. Maybe bonus XP and loot based on the faction imbalance. Its just a little incentive to help nudge the factions to even.

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I wouldn't mind allowing this. As with real life, your outlook changes. Maybe you did like working for the empire early in your career but in your old age you think they are a bunch of turds (story example, of course). Why not be able to switch factions.


Those that feel compelled to bring balance to the force, protect life and bring peace are always welcomed by the Jedi Council and Republic regardless of past transgression.


So no lore issues there.


Also would be a great opportunity for any dark sith infiltrator sleeper branches... :p


and in general would promote world pvp, accessible Wz pops, and better republic Pve and Economics.

Edited by VoidJustice
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i just played 5 straight games where it was 6v8 or 7v8 the whole game because there isn't even 8 players on the republic side queuing.


can't wait for diablo 3, anything is better then this farce.


I'm only responding to this because it amazes me how much people whine about pvp in an Non pvp focused game. I'm not even going go go there with how busted pvp was in everyone favorite fallback MMO of note when the game was first released and even then that game wasn't pvp focused either. But as for your quote about waiting for diablo 3. By all means go but blizzard has already stated the pvp arena wont be released at launch so no pvp there for you. You will probably be on that forum as well whining about pvp in a non pvp environment.

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I'm only responding to this because it amazes me how much people whine about pvp in an Non pvp focused game.


Please note there are PVP servers. Those of us on them are always Pvp focused. We don't ask for things to be taken away from PVE, we like PVE also for the most part. However, there are LOTS of PVP'ers in this game, the base game play from a PVP perspective is fun for alot of us. It would be nice if there were less game breaking issues in Pvp such as Wz's starting with less than 8 people.


I realize many imps don't understand this but, many times Wz's start with less than 8 for pubs... This immediately causes 2 more to drop and then it's 4 v 8 for the beginning of the Wz. This happens quite a bit and is a show stopper for the Pvp focued... whom are legion on Pvp servers at least.


thanks for your understanding!


Also I'd like to remind you this is the Pvp forum so...

Edited by VoidJustice
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Ill be the first to say balance in pvp is important but evil sides look cooler and always seem to have more players then the "good" guys.. I personally loved Warhammer but chaos was dominant on most servers including mine. Annoying absolutely, but I still had some fun with it.

Its when they take things from the pve elements that it starts bothering me. I don't care if people want to pvp. that's not even the issue . I do care when they nerf pve for pvp sake.

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Population will balance itself.


There are no restrictions to making characters from both faction on same server, even pvp servers. I have 2 lvl 50 imperials, I'm leveling a republic character on the same server. I'll play whichever I feel like.


Patch 1.2 brings ability to send mail to your characters of different factions. There's already a neutral auction. This allows for synergy in many things like crew skills. It should be possible for my republic char for example will do armstech and cybertech, most of the gathering will be done by imperial characters with items sent over.


Look at the big picture. I already have a Powertech, who went through the entire bounty hunter line. I want to try Mercenary now, but I'd rather stick a fork in my eye and twist it than to go through the same story line twice. Solution is simple, roll a republic Commando. It's a direct mirror, with the exception of having a totally different story line. Eventually everyone will rub 2 brain cells together and figure this out as well.


The whole point of the legacy system is not only to encourage playing multiple characters, but to encourage people to play both sides. So in time, population will balance itself. Pretty damn clever of BW to be honest.


As to the solution of allowing people to convert.... that's ridiculous. Sure converting gear and stats is something a DBA can handle, but what about story decisions that will be missed. They don't play a huge role right now, but what about expansions later?

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Changing factions would be a pretty cool feature, especially considering the lore and the nature of the Force. Everquest 2 has a fully fleshed out 'betrayal system' where a player can disavow his/her faction and go into exile for a time before switching factions and classes.




It would take a lot of development work to implement it, but I'd agree that the faction pop disparity is a big problem requiring a big solution.

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i just played 5 straight games where it was 6v8 or 7v8 the whole game because there isn't even 8 players on the republic side queuing.


can't wait for diablo 3, anything is better then this farce.


from what ive read diablo 3 wont have pvp at launch. ZZZZZZZ

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Population will balance itself.




As to the solution of allowing people to convert.... that's ridiculous. Sure converting gear and stats is something a DBA can handle, but what about story decisions that will be missed. They don't play a huge role right now, but what about expansions later?


I disagree that population will balance itself. I truly believe the game will fail when newer shinier more balanced MMO's launch. MMO's have failed for less. Id rather not see another Starwars MMO fail due to a giant blunder that I am warning the dev team against, in ample time for them to fix it... *cough... SWG founder... (is this ip cursed...lol..)


Those interested in the stories should and can always re-roll. However, the population imbalance means we need a fast way to even the sides before this issue weakens the game to failure or at least failure of Open World Pvp and Wz's.


As for decisions affecting your character only Lightside, Darkside decisions and gear leave impacting long lasting consequences from progression. All of that should easily be ported over with your character.


Hopefully if the rewards were properly set for Imperial to Republic faction switching, this wouldn't be an issue once base population stabilization is achieved. So future content will be unaffected ONLY IF SOMETHING DRASTIC IS DONE NOW.


Please note the imbalance is ALREADY effecting BW's decisions on new Wz's forcing them to be Faction Agnostic, LIKE HUTTBALL.


thx again


anyway I see that no one agree's so I will leave this thread to die.


gl to all of you...

Edited by VoidJustice
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As to the solution of allowing people to convert.... that's ridiculous. Sure converting gear and stats is something a DBA can handle, but what about story decisions that will be missed. They don't play a huge role right now, but what about expansions later?


There's a pretty simple solution for that. You start at the beginning of your new class story quest. At level 50 with all of your gear, it should only take a day or 2 to run through all of the story missions, giving you the opportunity to make all of the choices you want and collect all of your companions. Of course, you would have to spend the time and resources necessary to gain companion affection again, but that's a relatively simple task.

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I'm only responding to this because it amazes me how much people whine about pvp in an Non pvp focused game. I'm not even going go go there with how busted pvp was in everyone favorite fallback MMO of note when the game was first released and even then that game wasn't pvp focused either. But as for your quote about waiting for diablo 3. By all means go but blizzard has already stated the pvp arena wont be released at launch so no pvp there for you. You will probably be on that forum as well whining about pvp in a non pvp environment.


indeed, whinefest2012...

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I disagree that population will balance itself. I truly believe the game will fail when newer shinier more balanced MMO's launch.


There has to be a balancing mechanism. SWTOR's is legacy system, no restrictions on character faction selection on same server, encouraged through experiencing different story lines. IMHO it's a great mechanism, that will work. Was just wondering what is a better mechanism that these "newer shinier" MMOs will use? Outside of telling you sorry you can't create a char of this faction on server, or the mentioned "betrayal" system which offers absolutely nothing new like experiencing a brand new story line.

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Ill be the first to say balance in pvp is important but evil sides look cooler and always seem to have more players then the "good" guys.. I personally loved Warhammer but chaos was dominant on most servers including mine. Annoying absolutely, but I still had some fun with it.

Its when they take things from the pve elements that it starts bothering me. I don't care if people want to pvp. that's not even the issue . I do care when they nerf pve for pvp sake.


Visuals is one thing Aion got right. Visually both sides were unique and alluring.

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Changing factions would be a pretty cool feature, especially considering the lore and the nature of the Force. Everquest 2 has a fully fleshed out 'betrayal system' where a player can disavow his/her faction and go into exile for a time before switching factions and classes.




It would take a lot of development work to implement it, but I'd agree that the faction pop disparity is a big problem requiring a big solution.

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i just played 5 straight games where it was 6v8 or 7v8 the whole game because there isn't even 8 players on the republic side queuing.


can't wait for diablo 3, anything is better then this farce.


Diablo 3 will have so many pvp mod hacks within 3 months that it will ridiculous. PVE should be sick though

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Nothing can save the PvP in this game. It's just an instanced hamster wheel. BW has no clue how to do real PvP.


Patch 1.2 will be the final nail in the coffin for the factions. Goodbye Pub. There will be no reason whatsoever to play Pub now, aside from alting to experience the stories. Even I have already rolled my new FOTM Marauder on another server.


RWZs are going to be a complete joke. Pre-Season...haha!


Not to mention that WZs themselves are just tired and played out. The only chance PvP in this game had was some sort of resuscitation of OPvP. However, OPvP with 1.2 is pretty much being eliminated and the extreme faction imbalance that will follow as a result of the WZ faction changes will be the final nail in the coffin for that option.


And with all the major and sweeping changes in 1.2, what are PvPers specifically getting? PvPers are getting two things in 1.2. A new WZ and a gear reset. Unfortunately, we can't filter out the other three WZs we have already played 1,000+ times to play the one that will be new and fun. And no real PvPer gives a lick about gear anyway, especially when crafted augmented gear will be superior. lawl


So much potential for this game and BW pretty much stunk it up as bad as a company can stink it up. Just a shame. I planned on playing this game for years. Instead, it will only be months...sub runs out in two weeks and I'm done.

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