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1 v 2 against two healers healing each other...


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1. I'm an operative , so I can burst very well. Allowing me to surprise burst down a healer to about half way, flash grenade the other one, kick the original one, interrupt a heal... and finish the burst kill.


2. Some healers tend to get over confident and dps me more than they should. Especially when I get down under 50%, I'm able to slowing kill the healer the first portion of his health bar. When a healer sees his health at 60-70% and mine at 30-40%, he tries to kill me. That's when I unload my burst, while keeping the 2nd healer CC'd.


this strategy might work on bots or some really bad players.


you're telling that you will flash grenade one, kick the other one... but you're saying it as if they would let you do that.


you burst one down and the second will wait for your flash grenade? he will stun you, put some bubble, vanish hmself or maybe something else; and if you are stunning someone - they might break out of stun...



i'm not saying you've never killed 2 vs 1 (even i did it a couple of times on my scoundrel) but that is not an expected outcome on a general basis

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The only way to win this situation is hope one of them is undergeared or just plain bad. One competant healer is almost impossible to kill solo let alone two.


A single healer is very easy to kill. You just have to use interrupts and save your CCs to interrupt as well. You have to of course also be DPSing at the same time, apparently for a lot of people it is impossible to do all of that at the same time.


Healers are almost completely useless if your team is focus firing as it should be. Nobody can heal through damage especially on a focus fire, but even regular DPS should be able to outdamage through heals especially with that PVP trauma. If you can't, then your DPS just isn't up to par and you need to improve that.

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A single healer is very easy to kill. You just have to use interrupts and save your CCs to interrupt as well. You have to of course also be DPSing at the same time, apparently for a lot of people it is impossible to do all of that at the same time.


Healers are almost completely useless if your team is focus firing as it should be. Nobody can heal through damage especially on a focus fire, but even regular DPS should be able to outdamage through heals especially with that PVP trauma. If you can't, then your DPS just isn't up to par and you need to improve that.


We're not talking about a coordinated team, this is 1v2. Even with force leap and kick interrupts a merc healer will stand there laughing in your face self healing, while still healing his friends.

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EDIT: The purpose of this thread is to discuss the strategy to kill 2 healers as one dps.


Just ran into this for the millionth time trying to take a node in Civil War. I was able to kill a marginally geared operative. But while I was being CC'd watching them heal each other. It struck me...


I now refer to this strategy as the Dutch Rudder.


/end story


do not expect to kill 2 healers as a dps ad do not expect to kill 1 healer as a dps.


healing in this game is already lacking and gimped as it is with all the cry babys that cant kill a healer with there overpowerd class's because they cant play their class. healing is already getting the shaft because of you crybabys

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If you can kill a good merc/commando healer solo in the time it takes a warzone to end that doesn't just try to stand and tank your damage as anything other than a geared annihilation marauder/watchman sentinel, he's doing it wrong. It even takes those two classes a good 30 seconds(at least) if the shield is up, and they are straight built to beat down all kinds of healers by a large margin over any class in this game.


As an operative, you'd only have a remote chance against two sages in my opinion. Even an operative/scoundrel in the mix would be able to start spamming surgical probe (it's assumed you would have to stun someone to even drop him below 30% the first time).

Edited by Lina_Inverse
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If you can kill a good merc/commando healer solo at all ever that doesn't just try to stand and tank your damage in the time it takes a warzone to end as anything other than a geared annihilation marauder/watchman sentinel, he's doing it wrong. It even takes those two classes a good 30 seconds if the shield is up.


As an operative, you'd only have a remote chance against two sages in my opinion. Even an operative/scoundrel in the mix would be able to start spamming surgical probe (it's assumed you would have to stun someone to even drop him below 30% the first time).



dont even go there


operatives/scoundrels can still kill my commando healer before the 1.5 scond knockdown is over.i thaught they was hacking at 1st but nope its operatives/scoundrels being super OP still.


and before you say im undergeared my commando healer has 5k armor nearly 18k hp and nearly 700 expertise.



maurauders/sentinels dps needs nerfing scoundrels/operatives still need nerfing and healing needs buffing.

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do not expect to kill 2 healers as a dps ad do not expect to kill 1 healer as a dps.


healing in this game is already lacking and gimped as it is with all the cry babys that cant kill a healer with there overpowerd class's because they cant play their class. healing is already getting the shaft because of you crybabys


Wait hold on lol. You go from saying don't expect to kill a healer with our overpowered classes then go to healing is underpowered. Which is it?

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We're not talking about a coordinated team, this is 1v2. Even with force leap and kick interrupts a merc healer will stand there laughing in your face self healing, while still healing his friends.


You're not supposed to win 1v2s, this has been covered before.


And indeed, if you can't 1v1 a healer, the healer is just better than you. I have zero issues killing healers, I usually hunt them down since they're so wimpy. This is a definite L2P issue, sorry. The vast majority of MMO players are bad players. If they weren't, it would be really hard to actually distinguish yourself in this game, since the skill cap is so low.

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You're not supposed to win 1v2s, this has been covered before.


And indeed, if you can't 1v1 a healer, the healer is just better than you. I have zero issues killing healers, I usually hunt them down since they're so wimpy. This is a definite L2P issue, sorry. The vast majority of MMO players are bad players. If they weren't, it would be really hard to actually distinguish yourself in this game, since the skill cap is so low.



I don't think anyone is talking about suppose to be winning 2v1 against 2 healers. The original question is can 1 DPS kill 2 healers and by and large the answer is no they can not.


As it's been said there area lot of variables and if one of the healers is wearing sub par armor then a OP/Scoundrel may be able to burst one down. But the example here is 2 GEARED healers against a GEARED DPS. In this case the DPS IMO doesn't stand a chance.


I have witnessed 5 people beating on a Operative healer with a Sorc healer in support and it took forever to kill. It was only after 2 people started to interrupt the Sorc healer theat the Operative died.


Healers need to be robust and hard to kill I get that. But they shouldn't have a potentially unlimited pool of force/power to draw from.

Edited by Ceasaigh
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We're not talking about a coordinated team, this is 1v2. Even with force leap and kick interrupts a merc healer will stand there laughing in your face self healing, while still healing his friends.


lol if you cant kill a commando or merc heals as a sent/ marauder then you def need to reroll.

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do not expect to kill 2 healers as a dps ad do not expect to kill 1 healer as a dps.


healing in this game is already lacking and gimped as it is with all the cry babys that cant kill a healer with there overpowerd class's because they cant play their class. healing is already getting the shaft because of you crybabys


1.I do not expect to kill 2 healers as a DPS. I give me about a 3% chance. Only because I've done it once.


2. I do expect to kill 1 healer as a DPS. I win 1on1 battles vs healers probably 75% of the time. The other 25% they run away or are just too tough. Actually the only time I feel I can't kill a healer is against a couple very good Mercenary healers on my server. The other times they kite me, and run away.


3. I never cried. I just wanted to share the new term for a heal on heal team up. The Dutch Rudder.


this strategy might work on bots or some really bad players.


you're telling that you will flash grenade one, kick the other one... but you're saying it as if they would let you do that.


you burst one down and the second will wait for your flash grenade? he will stun you, put some bubble, vanish hmself or maybe something else; and if you are stunning someone - they might break out of stun...



i'm not saying you've never killed 2 vs 1 (even i did it a couple of times on my scoundrel) but that is not an expected outcome on a general basis


Yes of course it doesn't work every time. Actually in an earlier post I said that against 2 good healers you have no chance... Implying that they have to be average players at best. Yes, the healers are going to fight back, I put down a very simplified plan for killing them, and usually you have to adapt. But sometimes when the healers don't have their CC breaker, it can be that easy.


I also said I win 2on1 30-40% of the time, which I stand by, but thats against other dps. You have to account for fresh 50's and other things. I'm not saying I'm twice as good as most players.

Edited by UnderatedNoob
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wait why would you ever put 2 healers on a node for defense?


Don't you want healing for the second node you need to get/hold? Or does this group have 4 healers lol.


That's not the debate. It's pretty silly. But people do it sometimes. It just happened yesterday, but I'm not sure how many healers they had. I know they had 3 at least, maybe they had more.


For it to be possible a win 1 vs 2, they would need to suck bad, or have worse gear than you (shouldnt be happen).


This is a common misconception. And I'm not saying your bad at the game, but I have won 2v1 against two battlemaster geared opponents. I'm not talking about some guys with 13k health. Obviously the better geared / better skilled my opponents the less of a chance I have of winning.


If I go up against 2 poorly geared 50's, I expect to win a 2on1. If I don't, I feel like I failed my team.


Point is, they don't necessarily need to suck bad. I feel with a little luck, my skill, and a mistake or two from my opponents, I can beat 2 good players in a 2 on1. And I feel that it has happened. Sometimes even good players use the wrong moves at the wrong times.

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Why are you 2v1ing anyone? Do you really expect anything you do to be effective against two of any class? Your only hope is if they're undergeared and dumb - and that goes for 2v1 anything.


Yes. Yes. Yes. I can (and other good players) win 2 on 1's fairly consistently. Enough to make it worth trying for to cap a node.


Sometimes they are under geared, sometimes they are dumb. A lot of the responses are this. DO YOU GUYS NOT Realize that a lot of the player base at 50 is either under geared or dumb?... THIS is not a stretch.


The better geared / skilled the two opponents are, along with the class makeup, the less of a chance I have of doing any good. That's common sense. But I win 2on1's quite a lot, especially on Alderaan civil war.


EDIT: I'm not sure why this thread turned into "Why do you even attack people 2on1, you're stupid". 1 v 2 wins are not some rare thing, they happen a lot. This thread is to make sure we all know what to call those 2 healers sitting together healing themselves... as simple as that.

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Yes. Yes. Yes. I can (and other good players) win 2 on 1's fairly consistently. Enough to make it worth trying for to cap a node.


Sometimes they are under geared, sometimes they are dumb. A lot of the responses are this. DO YOU GUYS NOT Realize that a lot of the player base at 50 is either under geared or dumb?... THIS is not a stretch.


The better geared / skilled the two opponents are, along with the class makeup, the less of a chance I have of doing any good. That's common sense. But I win 2on1's quite a lot, especially on Alderaan civil war.


EDIT: I'm not sure why this thread turned into "Why do you even attack people 2on1, you're stupid". 1 v 2 wins are not some rare thing, they happen a lot. This thread is to make sure we all know what to call those 2 healers sitting together healing themselves... as simple as that.


You contradict yourself non-stop. You swore that you can take out 2 GOOD DPSers, now suddenly it's "dumb." Make up your damn mind.

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Why is it in threads like this no one ever considers the fact that, while you shouldn't be winning against the 2 healers, they shouldn't be winning either? :rolleyes:


The node is irrelevant. Either the enemy's main force needs one of those healers, or one or both teams is overly saturated with healers and your team needs your DPS.


Either you're wasting their time or they're wasting yours. Since you're the one initiating the engagement, whether you're the one "winning" or they are falls solely on you.

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You contradict yourself non-stop. You swore that you can take out 2 GOOD DPSers, now suddenly it's "dumb." Make up your damn mind.


You're wrong.


I've said more than once that being dumb / under geared makes it easier, but I have beat 2 good players. Obviously I win a 2on1 against 2 good players way way less than against undergeared/ dumb players.

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Should have baited the operative to use their CC break and killed them both after resetting with vanish and waiting out resolve;). Of course that does depend on the squishiness of the other healer and ability to drop them in 10 seconds on re-engagement. AKA sorc yes good merc no.
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Yes. Yes. Yes. I can (and other good players) win 2 on 1's fairly consistently. Enough to make it worth trying for to cap a node.


Sometimes they are under geared, sometimes they are dumb. A lot of the responses are this. DO YOU GUYS NOT Realize that a lot of the player base at 50 is either under geared or dumb?... THIS is not a stretch.


The better geared / skilled the two opponents are, along with the class makeup, the less of a chance I have of doing any good. That's common sense. But I win 2on1's quite a lot, especially on Alderaan civil war.


EDIT: I'm not sure why this thread turned into "Why do you even attack people 2on1, you're stupid". 1 v 2 wins are not some rare thing, they happen a lot. This thread is to make sure we all know what to call those 2 healers sitting together healing themselves... as simple as that.


I never called you stupid, chill.


My point is you shouldn't be expecting to win a 2v1. It relies on your opponents being very weak. And at the very least you should not expect to be able to 2v1 everything in the game, which is what seems like the premise of your post. That's probably why everyone is saying that to you.


1 person is not going to win against 2 (good) healers. Sorry, just not gonna happen. Don't know what else to tell you.


And you shouldn't be able to win against two healers because if their heals aren't strong enough to keep 1 person alive then there wouldn't be a point to healing now would there?

Edited by TDRedmage
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Why is it in threads like this no one ever considers the fact that, while you shouldn't be winning against the 2 healers, they shouldn't be winning either? :rolleyes:


The node is irrelevant. Either the enemy's main force needs one of those healers, or one or both teams is overly saturated with healers and your team needs your DPS.


Either you're wasting their time or they're wasting yours. Since you're the one initiating the engagement, whether you're the one "winning" or they are falls solely on you.


I agree, its a futile effort 99% of the time. However, I don't always know what specs I'm about to fight. So a lot of times I don't know it's 2 healers until I attack.


Secondly, I don't have to kill them to both to cap the node. This is a strategy I have to cap the node against 2 players that I can't kill. To put it simply:


1. I attack and get both players to use their CC breaker ability.

2. I run around the node until both players group up close to each other.

3. I use my flash grenade and instantly start capping.


It sounds stupid. Oh ya they must be horrible players.. blah blah blah. Actually with a long CD on the CC break, I can die and come back and execute the flash. But bottom line is, I have executed that strategy prolly 8 or 10 times in my SWtor career (lol). I've actually done it once against a 3on1. I got lucky cause they grouped up, and they all just happened to have used their CC break after a long battle.


Point is, even if I know I can't kill them, I can still try to cap the node.

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