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To the write who created Quinn


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I personally find Quinn freaking annoying, his attitude is just so annoying its making me feel like wiping out his ancestors so the ****** isn't even born.


But it seems like, apart from Mako, the BH's healer, they have made the healers of the other classes to be so freaking annoying that it drives you insane.

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Quinn is dead to me. I tortured him to death after the "incident" before Corelia and Bioware should have given us the option to do just that. I don't even care about getting another companion to replace him; I want him DEAD!
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A bit of an answer to whether Quinn is sort of redeemed...



On Corellia, if you didn't drag Quinn around everywhere you went like I did, there's come cutscene dialogue that indicates that he saves Darth Vowrawn while facing certain death and there is an option to I guess forgive him for the betrayal or not. Unfortunately, I tended to drag him around with me everywhere soooo.. I missed out on that bit of dialogue.


Oooooo!!!! This is really exciting!! I did take Quinn with me everywhere I went because that's just how I played my first Sith Warrior.


It was also kinda fun seeing Lt. Pierce in his briefs on the ship for some reason when he would call in and let us know how things were going w/Darth Vowrawn on the ship... I thought to myself: "Pierce...? we are HOSTING a distinguished GUEST!!! PUT some PANTS ON!!!!" :p I'm very excited about this tidbit of information regarding more dialogue!! :D TY so much!!



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I personally find Quinn freaking annoying, his attitude is just so annoying its making me feel like wiping out his ancestors so the ****** isn't even born.


Them's fightin' words! Bring it!!


NOBODEH talks about MAH QUINN like dat!!!







Mrs. Quinn


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i think quinn is a turd(apparently the original word i used got censored)


they should of made Jaesa or vette a healing/dps companion


fun fact: in beta there were kits that would give your companions any of the available skill layouts (i.e. vette could be your healer for example, if you were so inclined). You also could choose to kill companions for good during conversations or not take them with you at all. They had a perfectly working match to chest option in there as well. Oh, there also was medium/heavy social armor at some point, and you could chose to wear masks under hoods like they do in the trailers and artworks.



All of this of course had to be taken out, because players were too stupid to understand and utilize those features. Now all say thank you bioware, because you took out those COMPLETELY optional features out of the hands of us stupid players, because, as we all know, choice is bad and people hate games with too much features!



edit: actually, I feel this is signature worthy because even writing it pissed me off quite a bit.

Edited by Korevas
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wait you rolled sith and didn't expect your companions to betray you? really? thats like going to russia and expecting a topical paradise.


Wait, so you rolled sith and expected that you WON'T be able to punish your second in command for betrayal?


See what I did there?

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In addition to being a backstabber he's also the most interesting character in the Sith warrior's lineup. Why can't anyone focus on that fact instead of going all "He betrayed me and now I want him dead, rawr!"


I mean really, it's not like it isn't in line with his character.


In what way is Quinn interesting? He's essentially an order-taking military beaurocrat with very little personality to speak of. All of the other SW companions are more insteresting, even Boommark.

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To me Quinn's one of the most interesting Bioware npc to date. It's rare to see such believable, non caricatural high-brow characters from their writing. Sure you can say that he's just a uniform, but you'd be missing the fact that there's an aristocratic subtlety to him. He's well-groomed, polite, sensible, and he looks down at those who don't meet his standards. I'm not surprised that some are irritated at this character. Pierce is a great contrast to Qwinn - he shows the more plebeian NCO side to the Imperial army. The writers apparently wanted you to sympathize with one or the other, and I sure sympathize with the intelligent officer, not the rude and crass muscley soldier who speaks up when he shouldn't. It all depends on the kind of sensibility you have. It's really pretty good writing, simple but efficient. Edited by Darth_Socrates
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I understand railroading you companion-wise for certain story purposes (such as forcing Quinn down your throat for 'that one scene,' making you keep Vette for awhile because wth are you going to do until at least the end of Dromund Kaas without a companion, etc.), but they really need to add more companions, or extra features, that allow you to fire/kill companions once they are no longer story or gameplay necessary. I feel like that would mitigate MASSIVE amounts of the hate companions get (and every class has at least one). Let people recruit based on their alignment (or on their whim), or allow character roles to be swapped, such as turning Vette into a healer, or w/e.


Like, honestly, I was never a fan of Quinn, and barely ever used him, but wut. Yeah, you

betrayed me.

I guess you can still run my ship and be privy to all my secret plots. Just call me Darth Moron.


Even if I'm not allowed to kill the dude, why can I not at least requisition a replacement for him from Imperial Command?

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Wait, so you rolled sith and expected that you WON'T be able to punish your second in command for betrayal?


See what I did there?


you could choke his ***, to near death. i'd call that punishment.

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