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Already canceled, may buy on the 20th but not if stays this bad


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I hear a lot of people complaining about a lack of service but no comment on what service is lacking. I have bioware on twitter and facebook. They been opening new servers, they extended the amount of time you need after our free week so we have a chance to pick up our copies of the game. They also been replying to my report tickets of bugs in the game that were missed in beta so what exactly are they not doing?


I'm more then willing to hear you out but you have to have an arguement to back up your claim.


First of all, their first line of announcements is exactly what you said. Twitter and Facebook. I hate those sites, and thus I don't get information until I hear people ************ abuot it in the official forums.


Second, the quality of their customer service is questioned in many topics - I agree that you need to say what is wrong, and more importantly what you expect. It also needs to be a reasonable expectation. But none the less, there have been a number of complaints about their customer service.


The flip side is of course the absolutely obscenely high rate of service requests they are fielding right now... I can't imagine that big of a number.


However, they could probably cut it in half if they put their queue time problem to bed by doubling their server capacity. If that still doesn't do it, double it again. The more servers they need to buy, the more subscriptions they'll make.


Rough math:

$12/mo * 5000 subs = $60,000/mo in sub income.

Assuming that they drastically increase their servers enough to put each server at 75% utilization (on average):

$45,000/mo in sub income.


Speaking from personal experience, a HPC blade farm will probably run them about $120,000 to $150,000. Which means that their blade farms pay for themselves in ~3 months.


The fourth month, they make money to pay back their development costs, and their startup loans (if they even have any). And all the while, they have reduced their customer service complaints by having high availability.

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So I canceled my CE and DE, I have not been impressed enough to pay more then for the regular game. Honestly though with the terrible level of customer service from EA/Bioware I likely will not. Lack of community, single player game basically, most 50 beta testers reporting joke raiding and really bad objective pvp system. I would be more then willing to give bioware some time, get to 50 see what changes are made but 60 minutes to get in game with no options to move my character is a joke.


I think there will be enough who stay around to make this game work but with this level of service they are losing out on ALOT of potential profit from people who are on the bubble and would maybe renew for a bit, but may not due to a complete lack of service.


Who cares if you cancelled???

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They pissed and moaned to get on earlier than what was said. So Bioware caved and let them. Now they piss and moan because the servers are full as Bioware is still in the process of tweaking them and adding more servers.


Soon they'll piss and moan that the color of the sky is blue and water is wet...


Been in the game all week, didn't need to piss and moan; got disconnected and now I'm 1 hour into a queue that moves once ever 3-5 minutes.


Go shine that apple a bit more, but realize there's nobody to hand it to.

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They pissed and moaned to get on earlier than what was said. So Bioware caved and let them. Now they piss and moan because the servers are full as Bioware is still in the process of tweaking them and adding more servers.


Soon they'll piss and moan that the color of the sky is blue and water is wet...


Yep, right on the mark and if I recall right, several of them said that they'd prefer the 2 hour queues than not having access at all. HAHA.


Still keeping my copy. Love Bioware and the game. They really tried to get a good prelaunch and launch. Hope it keeps a good sized playerbase.

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use to be a fanboy like you all, not any more. You might see me at launch but not if it takes 60 minutes to log in each time I try. I certainly am not starting over, the first 15 levels have been pretty bland and boring. Lol, mobs don't even patrol, cookie cuter stationary mobs. Mass effect was way better then this. Just a bad single player game you charge $15 a month for.


That's possibly the reason as to why you should not buy this game.

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They pissed and moaned to get on earlier than what was said. So Bioware caved and let them. Now they piss and moan because the servers are full as Bioware is still in the process of tweaking them and adding more servers.


Soon they'll piss and moan that the color of the sky is blue and water is wet...


Too right you are....

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