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Show me your Anni Spec


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I'm looking for a good Anni spec for my Marauder alt. I only care about being good in PvP. I'm not big into PVE at the moment. If you have some experience playing an Anni Marauder in PvP please link your build and give a brief description of why you chose the abilities you did.


This is what I've come up with so far.



I took seeping wound because I think that having a snare built into your normal rotation is better than having to use a GCD and rage on Crippling Slash.


I have seen some builds that have Subjugation and Ferocity in them. I'm not sure why anyone would want these. Are they for PVE or am I missing something?

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If you want only pvp and you don't understand subjugation then you don't understand our class. A 6 second interrupt that doesn't allow a caster to do his previous cast for 4 seconds is absolutely devastating. Interrupt a healer, beat on him, watch for his cast, FC if you have 2/2 in CQ, beat on him some more, interrupt his healing, finish him off. It's just that simple.


Second, your build should be focusing on getting all 31 points into annihilation so you can get your top tiered talent, not wasting them on fillers from the other trees. While nice in end PvP, right now your main focus is getting annihilate then working for the rest of the talents to fill in crit/fury building.


Finally seeping wound is a gimmick on a healer AS OF NOW b/c they will just cleanse it if they have a brain and the snare isn't overly powerful/long-lasting. A 6 second 30% snare is nothing in comparison to a 12 sec 50% snare for 1 rage, but that may change once 1.2 comes out and it increases to 50% as well. For now I still use crippling slash, but that's all personal preference. Some say its a waste of a GCD/rage, others like me think its better than placing 2 skill points into when I could use it for something else.

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Thanks for the feedback. I see your point on Seeping. I wasn't aware it could be cleansed.


I haven't had any issues with an 8sec CD on disruption so far but I'm only lvl 31 so the healers I'm killing are usually low level and / or n00bs so they go down pretty quick. I can see the advantage of being able to basically interrupt every heal. A Trooper or Merc bubble will screw you on that one though.


I did plan on going full Anni before putting points elsewhere. I'm just trying to show the final build when / if I get to lvl 50.

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In Carnage tree take 3 in Dual Wield Mastery and 2 in Defensive Forms, for sure. Keep the 3 Malice points in the Rage tree.



And then take all your other points and put them in Annihilation. I take every skill in Anni EXCEPT Cloak of Annihilation, Blurred Speed, and Pulverize.



You should have 1 point left over now, I put mine into Narrowed Hatred in the Carnage tree for an extra 1% accuracy. Accuracy is great for Maras. Increases your main hand and offhand damage multiplier. But you could also put it in Defensive Roll to reduce to AoE damage you take in WZs



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You can't be serious.


Why not? I have no idea how often the offhand saber actually hits and does damage.

If it's not very often then Dual Mastery isn't very useful.


Edit: I did notice that Annihilate hits with both sabers, so that's a pretty big reason to get Dual Weild Mastery right there.

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Thanks SoBlue. Good info.



P.s. not taking Pulverize hadn't occurred to me. Good idea!

What does you're priority list look like?

If Rupture on CD what do u use instead?

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Someone please explain the logic for moving the 3 points of pulverize into ANYTHING.


I just can't see how using 2 ruptures back to back (essentially doubling the dps and healing generated from rupture) can be replaced.

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Thanks guys. This is exactly what I wanted. Some good discussions on why people choose 1 skill over another.


I guess I really won't know what works best for me till I actually get to 50 and start getting facerolled by War Heroes.

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i find it useless...



Doesn't it keep and DOTs or AOE from pulling you out of stealth early? Do you use Camo?


I can see how defensive roll might be better for PvP because it's always active. :cool:

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That's my build.

I may move one point from Narrow Hatred to Malice. If the amount of accuracy the PvP sets have is the same for Marauders/Sentinels, as it is for Juggs/Guards, I should have more than enough to cover what I need. I still haven't geared up, so I don't know.

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Doesn't it keep and DOTs or AOE from pulling you out of stealth early? Do you use Camo?


I can see how defensive roll might be better for PvP because it's always active. :cool:


as an escape.




dots don't kick you out of stealth with camo... only thing that ends it early is you attacking. Pop it when getting focused and a few attacks are still going to hit you because of spell travel time and that and it's not knocking you out of your sad 4 second stealth.

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Thanks SoBlue. Good info.



P.s. not taking Pulverize hadn't occurred to me. Good idea!

What does you're priority list look like?

If Rupture on CD what do u use instead?

Yeah I used to have Pulverize but I don't see it necessary. It's okay if you are trying to DoT up a bunch of different guys, but really what's the point in that? Rupture has a pretty short CD as is, once it stops ticking it will only take a few more seconds to come off CD and you should have other abilities available to use, as well.


My rotations goes something like Force Charge(depending), Battering Assault, Rupture, Deadly Saber, Annihilate. Use Retaliation when it is up, it's off the GDC and does good damage. I use Force Scream and mostly Vicious Slash to fill some gaps, like before Rupture or Annihilate is off CD again. Also use Deadly Throw on healers or anyone that is being healed, 20% reduced healing to that target. Crippling Slash is also useful when the slow effect of your Rupture wears off.

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Yeah I used to have Pulverize but I don't see it necessary. It's okay if you are trying to DoT up a bunch of different guys, but really what's the point in that? Rupture has a pretty short CD as is, once it stops ticking it will only take a few more seconds to come off CD and you should have other abilities available to use, as well.


My rotations goes something like Force Charge(depending), Battering Assault, Rupture, Deadly Saber, Annihilate. Use Retaliation when it is up, it's off the GDC and does good damage. I use Force Scream and mostly Vicious Slash to fill some gaps, like before Rupture or Annihilate is off CD again. Also use Deadly Throw on healers or anyone that is being healed, 20% reduced healing to that target. Crippling Slash is also useful when the slow effect of your Rupture wears off.


well if you get seeping wounds pulverize is better. Using slash and annihilate should be a main part of your rotation > force scream and those 2 vicious slashes are going to do more damage for the 4 rage you're paying for scream.


also use your healing debuff on like everyone... they might get heals from somewhere.

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Someone please explain the logic for moving the 3 points of pulverize into ANYTHING.


I just can't see how using 2 ruptures back to back (essentially doubling the dps and healing generated from rupture) can be replaced.


I used to have Pulverize and it is useless to me in PVP. I have read that by using Rupture when rupture is already up on a target that you actually take a dps hit, which I have no evidence of.


Anyway, the reason is because it only gives you a 66% chance on Annihilate and 33% chance on Vicious Slash to end the cooldown of Rupture. It's not worth it to me because it just doesn't proc that often. 3 skill points for a chance to end a Ruptures cooldown a little early just isn't worth it to me.

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I used to have Pulverize and it is useless to me in PVP. I have read that by using Rupture when rupture is already up on a target that you actually take a dps hit, which I have no evidence of.


Anyway, the reason is because it only gives you a 66% chance on Annihilate and 33% chance on Vicious Slash to end the cooldown of Rupture. It's not worth it to me because it just doesn't proc that often. 3 skill points for a chance to end a Ruptures cooldown a little early just isn't worth it to me.


It's not hard to keep track of your debuffs on a target.



And the thing procs all the time for me.

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Phantom is useful, but like almost anything else in the 3 Marauder trees, it all depends on how you play and/or what your focus is when PVPing. With the change in 1.2, I wouldn't suggest putting any more than 1 point in it, however. There's no point in getting used to the 100% reduction if it is going to be gone in a few weeks anyway.


There are Marauders who will sit here and argue with you for hours on end and try to tell you why Ferocity is the most important talent in the history of any MMORPG and others (like me) who will just laugh and say "it's cool, but it isn't necessary." I play my class as damage first and utility second, but others obviously don't play like this. I didn't make a Marauder to be able to run fast, I made a Marauder to be able to kill mobs/people.


I look at some specs people post and listen to those people try to convince others how it is the best spec ever, then I just scratch my head when I see them taking things like Seeping Wound and leaving out things like Pulverize, or even Malice. Why would anyone waste 1 point in Narrowed Hatred? Marauders are not World of Warcraft Rogues, where you had to do everything under the sun to get near the hit cap. You shouldn't need to waste talent points to get to the cap.


I think once 1.2 hits, and the number crunchers can analyze parses and figure out what the optimal setup is, you'll see more 'cookie-cutter' builds. But until then, just go with what works for you. And if NOT having Pulverize works for you, then take a moment or two to think of a situation where immediately refreshing Rupture could be beneficial.

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It's not hard to keep track of your debuffs on a target.



And the thing procs all the time for me.


That's not the point. If they have the debuff then what is the point of having Rupture on a shorter CD. It's a waste of skill points for a chance to shorten the CD.




And explain to me how Seeping Wound affects Pulverize?

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That's not the point. If they have the debuff then what is the point of having Rupture on a shorter CD. It's a waste of skill points for a chance to shorten the CD.




And explain to me how Seeping Wound affects Pulverize?


:| you don't use it again till it falls off thus increasing DPS and keeping your target slowed more. Rupture damage with the 30% slow > the 50% slow with damage. More bleed ticks = more healing to you and more damage to the person...

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