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Post 1.2 Mercs

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there is a lot of crying about being nerfed....BH heals yeah you got screwed.....but have you noticed the number of rdps vs melee this is star wars its about having a light saber not a pistol. thats my opinion on why Bioware nerfed BH so much


I don't know if you're trolling, or you're really just this stupid.


If that's really how it was, the simple solution would be have been not to add the class in at all. Not make it inferior.

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Indeed, we are a useless class pvp now.... Are NO point for anyone to want to have a joke class like us in premade etc... We never been op we been ok, now we are nothing! they nerfed tracer dmg, unload dmg, death from above + they nerfed the radius of how many u hit, they nerfed cooldown on jet boost and more.... "Justified" ...! i quit.


I've never understood the "QQ I Quit!" posts.. Just go, good bye.. enjoy Terra-ble.

Edited by Kodachi
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Deuzz you are totally right...just finished Lost Island and Denova Operation in full rakata...pre 1.2 i was 2043 Aim and crit with TM's at 3.2K...now its down to 2.4K...DFA now hits sig. fewer targets and tiks down from 1900 to 1000. HSM are up but over the course of the fight this does not balancce out...BH got super nerfed...so mad right now...


ALSO Campaign gear increased endurance NOT aim over Rakata gear...so dumb...




indeed VERY frustrated myself! i have full rakata + tier 3 weapons myself and in pvp full battlemasters etc...

this is a very low blow vs us by bioware... we are a laughing class right now.... and i will NOT reroll i play to i cant take it anymore and then stop sub if they dont boost us a little more SOON!

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I've never understood the "QQ I Quit!" posts.. Just go, good bye.. enjoy Terra-ble.


I don't care what u understand! i'm not gonna play tera, just gonna quit swtor. It could been such an amazing mmo, but now they started "the nerfing game" same mistake blizzard did. At least blizzard had a reason to try balance ARENA 2vs2 etc, but whats more stupid is star wars dont have arena, so try balance 8vs8? ye right GOOD LUCK!

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i didn't think it was possible for me to die any faster than i did pre-patch...grats BW you achieved that at least. no survivability, no utility and second rate damage. i can live w/o the first two, but i'd better have lots of the third. i'm not gonna say i'm playing a "glass pea-shooter" but it sure ain't a "glass canon". they did achieve the "glass" part though, so i guess 1/2 ain't too bad :rolleyes: Edited by theunwarshed
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As a Bodyguard Merc, I can tell you that I am pretty much useless as a healer now. Any kind of burst damage from Boss or PVP alike, and I am unable to keep up. Heat goes up extremely fast, and even with 33% crit, the heat reduc from crits does no good what-so-ever. Decreased healing from Expertise, decreased healing from Kolto Missle, increased heat on your bread and butters...

I'm going to have to think about whether I still want to play. This is horrible.

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I rolled my mercenary specifically to heal and so far with one day of playing with 1.2 it's pretty frustrating. (pvp that is) I'm not overheating that much, but definitely more than I think is reasonable. I die much faster, too fast imo.

I thought the entire point of our shield was to be almost invulnerable then once it's down we go back to being easy prey? Guess we should be easy to kill all the time.

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Pyro is still fine, I shred people, arsenal doesn't shred people, it DEMOLISHES people- holy cow on the HSM damage. Bodyguard merc... hahahahahaha, I tried it for a few WZ's and a flashpoint, don't bother with it.


I find it funny you say this! pyro was nerfed REALLY bad too! your first post i've seen who don't have problems with bounty hunter nerf, are you sure we are playing same class? wow..

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Loved Pyro merc pre 1.2, leveled entirely from 1-50 on the Pyro AC. It feels weak now, not fun. It was borderline viable pre 1.2, now it's just broken. There is no way Pyro is competitive in pve or pvp now. Cancelled my subscription this morning after testing the changes.


Rapid shots-nerfed


loss of 3% crit

Fusion Missile was not doing as much damage either, can't say why. I didn't see it mentioned in the patch notes but it isn't doing as much damage as pre 1.2.

Rail shots now have a 6 second CD, doesn't matter if it procs 10% more if it's on CD it isnt doing jack, never had a problem getting railshot to proc before and it didn't have the CD.

DFA-less radius, less effective aoe, longer CD timer, less overall damage.

Reflex augments went from 28 aim to 18 aim 12 endurance-Loss of dps from that.

Companions lost 200 to their main stats and 1-2k health each. Definitely hurts with the nerfs to our dps compounding things in pve.

Overload used to take out weak mobs all by itself, now I am spamming rapid shots 1-2 times after overload is done, so it feels weaker too. Might just be because the offhand damage was nerfed.


I never really had heat issues pre 1.2, I was very good at managing it. But I definitely am having them now.


I can't prove it but it feels like Pyrotech has lost 30-35% of our damage output. Definitely on the bottom rung when it comes to dps specs for any class. We never had good survivability as it was but at least we hit like trucks. Often in pvp i took my attackers down with me even if i died. We die even faster now with the buffs given to most of the melee classes and expertise being increased.

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I don´t really get your problem on Pyro Mercs...


I played about 6 BGs yesterday and to be honest: I didn´t really see any hard nerf.

(I wear full Battlemasterset)

I still can burst most classes. Even Stealther are no real problem...Kick them away, slow them, and kite them. (time our TD well to use it vs their vanish)

Sith Sorc-like enemies even got easier to kill. Seems like they are not really "tank-like" anymore.

Only Marauder got really difficult to kill.


As for damageoutput:

Well before average BG overall damage was like 350-500k. Now it´s like 350-470k. I really don´t see a big nerf here.


But well: I don´t use powershot ;) So i don´t get any difference here;)

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I have been playing BH merc arsenal since game release and I really don't want to give up on this class.


I'm wondering why bioware thought the way to go with this 'balance' (still not really sure what they are balancing the Merc against as in PVP there isn't really a balance unless you carry a glowy stick).


I have a lvl 50 assassin tank and a lvl 50 operative healer, neither of these classes rely on a channeled skill to proc their core skills (tac advantage and dark shroud). Both of these classes have intterupts. Both have invisibility, both have absorb shields, both can actvate their main skills whilst moving. Neither classes have such a low crit increase in the skil tree and to add insult to injury the assassin seems to be better at finding cloaked players than my Merc's stealth scan.


Companions crew skill bonuses on the BH are the lowest I have seen on ANY character aswell?


I have never been so demotivated in an MMO as I was yesterday listening to my clanmates telling me how awesome the marauder and snipers were in pvp now knowing that I have recieved nothing but a big slap.


Who is designing and testing this class? are they really being objective?

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I have been trying to see the large picture here, to decide what to do next with my merc, and my impression from respons to this thread and a couple of other thread is:


PVP gear in PVP: Not much of a change, small changes to priority, but otherwise fine. I am guessing this is mostly lvl 50 in full pvp gear saying this.

So if I get to 50 with enough commendation to get some PVP gear, maybe it will not be so bad - until then I'll live with being focused down repeatedly to earn the commendations, halleluja.


PVE gear in PVP: Major nerfbat :eek:. Half the damage and made of butter. I am guessing this is people mostly quest levelling gear and modded gear, and 50s with nada expertise.


The above PVP conditions seems to be why people differ so much about how big a nerf/buff that class got.


PVP gear in PVE: no idea, PVP'ers generally prefer to just talk PVP. Did these changes effect your -- as a PVP decked out player - efficiency doing content rather than other players? :confused:


PVE gear in PVE: my own levelling hybrid mercenary build in modded PVE gear does not work well anymore since it depended on DFA as a usefull opener to be efficient. Now I am better off CCing one, putting my companion on another and "burning" the rest with single target abilities and knocking them away from me to keep the dmg low, more time consuming, but that is some healers lot in life, unfortunately.


If the nerf is because something had to be balanced, it makes me a very sad panda. Would like to see one game, where PVP balancing does not ruin parts of PVE.


Against a single target solo quest boss my tank companion is suddenly butter, had to call in a guildy to help with a class quest in Voss, not happy about that. I had missed there was a nerf of BH - no reset on my BH spec contraire to all other classes I have - so I felt overly inadequate with my old spec.


But I am still contemplating that one, need to respec and switching my priority and see if it helps. I like doing quests with others, but it should not be needed to call in people to help with my class quests at and above the appropriate level. Sure didn't need it before this nerf.


PVP gear should matter in PVP btw, as PVE gear should matter in PVE, but could we get a gear switch macro, so having two sets of gear is not going to be a great bother? I do quests and kill stuff while I wait in PVP queue, I do not sit around in fleet looking pretty in PVP gear hoping for something to happen.


I am a level 47 merc and was aiming for healing PVE at 50, but right now maybe switching focus to my sorc again is better - need to read up on that one - even though we have more than a few inquisitor dps in guild, so the gear will be covetted. Maybe I should have stuck to smuggler, but my friends wanted to play imps.


But first I am going to reset my spec, just in case it is a bug that it still shows as it were, maybe I am actually running around without any points spent, even though they show as all spent :rolleyes:

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BTW, I get about half the commendations doing PVP now, did they nerf the rewards or is the big nerf to PVE geared people in PVP carry over to this also (makes sense, if they do a lot less with the nerfs, why should they reap the same rewards as before - my future as casual PVP'er is on the line though :p)?
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I have been playing BH merc arsenal since game release and I really don't want to give up on this class.


I'm wondering why bioware thought the way to go with this 'balance' (still not really sure what they are balancing the Merc against as in PVP there isn't really a balance unless you carry a glowy stick).


I have a lvl 50 assassin tank and a lvl 50 operative healer, neither of these classes rely on a channeled skill to proc their core skills (tac advantage and dark shroud). Both of these classes have intterupts. Both have invisibility, both have absorb shields, both can actvate their main skills whilst moving. Neither classes have such a low crit increase in the skil tree and to add insult to injury the assassin seems to be better at finding cloaked players than my Merc's stealth scan.


Companions crew skill bonuses on the BH are the lowest I have seen on ANY character aswell?


I have never been so demotivated in an MMO as I was yesterday listening to my clanmates telling me how awesome the marauder and snipers were in pvp now knowing that I have recieved nothing but a big slap.


Who is designing and testing this class? are they really being objective?


What are you even crying about? Merc Arsenal is still awesome in pvp.

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