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why be a pure DPS when DPS tanks do more damage


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DPS tanks to as much or more damage in WZ then pure dps. The main reason is that they still have several tank abilities and some natural defense and can sill out dps a dps class. this might not be much but a well played dps tank is better in so many ways to pure. Why be a pure dps.



All you trolls that want to explain this as ae vr single target and all kinds of other bs I run with dps tanks that hit 500k damage regularly.

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DPS tanks to as much or more damage in WZ then pure dps. The main reason is that they still have several tank abilities and some natural defense and can sill out dps a dps class. this might not be much but a well played dps tank is better in so many ways to pure. Why be a pure dps.



All you trolls that want to explain this as ae vr single target and all kinds of other bs I run with dps tanks that hit 500k damage regularly.


Because they don't actually do more damage per fight.


And since you think that anyone trying to explain reality to you is a troll, I won't bother.


Damage numbers on the scoreboard don't mean jack.

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I'm obviously playing my tank wrong cuz on a good day, with a personal healer and never dying, I can pump out MAYBE 200k damage, and still be near the bottom of the charts in damage as compared to sentinels or troopers. In fact I get out dps'd by most pure dps unless they are brand new to 50. I'm sure you can lend some helpful tips. Cuz, I know unlike most other tanks on my sever, I actually protect my healers. I love seeing a geared tank in a WZ with 15k damage absorbed and 200k damage, while I sit between 100k and 200k damage absorbed and 100-150k damage. Taunt is your best friend as a tank btw.
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I'm obviously playing my tank wrong cuz on a good day, with a personal healer and never dying, I can pump out MAYBE 200k damage, and still be near the bottom of the charts in damage as compared to sentinels or troopers. In fact I get out dps'd by most pure dps unless they are brand new to 50. I'm sure you can lend some helpful tips. Cuz, I know unlike most other tanks on my sever, I actually protect my healers. I love seeing a geared tank in a WZ with 15k damage absorbed and 200k damage, while I sit between 100k and 200k damage absorbed and 100-150k damage. Taunt is your best friend as a tank btw.


You're using tank gear. I can tell.


That's not what the OP is talking about. : )

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Well you understand that a rage spec dps tank or marauder can aoe a smash crit (shockwave ticks) - anywhere between 5k-7.5k


so 7.5k x 5 players (aoe smash) = 37.5k every minute (i think thats the cd) for 14 minutes = 14 x 37.5 = 525k - only aoe dmg .. now do you understand

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You're using tank gear. I can tell.


That's not what the OP is talking about. : )


Ah I am in tank gear, you know too much :)


I guess if he were talking about hybrids, like DPS gear and tank stance/spec, then that might occur sometimes, but we have guys like that on our server and I have yet to see them pump out the numbers like that of a good sentinel or commando. Then again the guys on our server could suck for all I know lol.

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Ah I am in tank gear, you know too much :)


I guess if he were talking about hybrids, like DPS gear and tank stance/spec, then that might occur sometimes, but we have guys like that on our server and I have yet to see them pump out the numbers like that of a good sentinel or commando. Then again the guys on our server could suck for all I know lol.


A tank in dps gear who doesn't die and has a pocket healer can definitely hit 500k+ if he focuses mostly on doing damage.


He won't do nearly the kind of damage that a Sentinel or Pyrotech or Operative can do in a small window of time (ie: In 30 seconds, any DPS class will do FAR, FAR more damage than any tank class in dps gear).


The OP doesn't seem to understand that doing smaller amounts of damage for a long period of time is the same thing as doing large amounts of damage for short periods of time when you're looking at the scoreboard.


In reality, I'd much rather take the guy who can actually burst a healer down and only do 17k damage than the guy who will do 200k damage to a healer and never actually kill them.

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In reality, I'd much rather take the guy who can actually burst a healer down and only do 17k damage than the guy who will do 200k damage to a healer and never actually kill them.


Very good point.

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In reality, I'd much rather take the guy who can actually burst a healer down and only do 17k damage than the guy who will do 200k damage to a healer and never actually kill them.


omg this dude has the most logic on the pvp forum why cant there be x100 of you on my server

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All you trolls that want to explain this as ae vr single target and all kinds of other bs I run with dps tanks that hit 500k damage regularly.


These DPS tanks you speak of must be Assassin or Powertech (and even then i doubt its happening).


Id pay money to see a Immortal Jugg keep up with a Marauder for DPS.


Not happening.

Edited by AKfourtyseven
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^ you my friend have been chumped


any tank rage spec jugg with smash aoe can hit 500k CMON NOW BRAH


If a Jugg is rage spec'd then they arent "tank spec" are they? Since Rage is a DPS tree...


So i repeat, bring me an immortal Jugg who is kicking out 500k DPS each WZ.


Also, those silly AOEs arent actually doing anything compared to a real DPS who can focus that in on one person and drop them. Its like comparing Sorc AOE to a Marauder who sticks to a target.



Edited by AKfourtyseven
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Why be a pure dps?, because we can actually kill quickly unlike a tank in dps gear..., sure your damage on the scoreboard at the end of the round looks impressive but you didn't really help kill anyone quick enough to be of any real help. I'd much rather have more players killed then overall damage, dead players = players not helping the other team. Edited by deags
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If a Jugg is rage spec'd then they arent "tank spec" are they? Since Rage is a DPS tree...


So i repeat, bring me an immortal Jugg who is kicking out 500k DPS each WZ.


Also, those silly AOEs arent actually doing anything compared to a real DPS who can focus that in on one person and drop them. Its like comparing Sorc AOE to a Marauder who sticks to a target.




touche my friend touche ... i am the chump :D

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Also, those silly AOEs arent actually doing anything compared to a real DPS who can focus that in on one person and drop them. Its like comparing Sorc AOE to a Marauder who sticks to a target.


I wish more people could comprehend this. :c


A guy running around spamming an AoE that hits for 1.5k on 5 targets is NOT the same thing as a guy who hits 1 target for 7.5k and kills him.


But people like the OP think it's the exact same thing.

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correct me if im wrong but if a dude gets his shockwave ticks on 1 person and there are 4 ppl around doesnt his shockwave smash crit all 5 ppl or just the force choked target? Edited by woahdude
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They don't, they just survive longer and thus have a better sustained damage. A pure DPS build will do more damage in the short term but are too soft to survive long once they are focused upon. This is why combat shadow are more popular in PvP. Infiltration is really fun but it folds in seconds when it comes under fire.
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I wish more people could comprehend this. :c


A guy running around spamming an AoE that hits for 1.5k on 5 targets is NOT the same thing as a guy who hits 1 target for 7.5k and kills him.


But people like the OP think it's the exact same thing.


Exactly. Single target burst > AoE spam

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Big numbers on the scoreboard are about uptime, not dps.


That's pretty much it. Tanks get medals buy guarding somebody, not dieing and using taunts. 150k is am awful lot of damage for my vanguard, but staying alive during the match nets him "defense in life" points which equates to medals.


Also understand there are no true tanks in PvP. Force attacks, tech and internal damage ignore their armor they drop like rocks. The dps tanks you see probably cannot not guard or they sacrifice a lot of dps. Tanks are not all that.

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correct me if im wrong but if a dude gets his shockwave ticks on 1 person and there are 4 ppl around doesnt his shockwave smash crit all 5 ppl or just the force choked target?


Rage Jug spec'd correctly will crit all 5 people, yes. I'm not sure if that same mechanic is present in other classes, though. Well, besides Mara/Sent, of course.

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dunno but being a good tank = you have a good rotation since you are always keeping your rotation at the optimum to keep aggro. I as a tank in dps gear still usually top the dps charts though i never hit 500k lol.. I am a vanguard tank who just knows what the best dps rotation he can do. Also keeping your ammo at 8 and higher is the sweet spot (for those who are troopers). Tanks are rare, reason being they need to be good. Now when i switched to dps it was so easy just bursting people to death lol, experience of tanking definitely made dps a breeze, no need to worry about your healers or taunting people.


but i agree as a tank you do sustain damage, your job is to keep people occupied and the dps should be their to help you finish off a person. As a dps tank you will almost never get an assassin medal so deal with it. And happily because they nerfing healing all around you can kill healers now yaaa. You do not know how frustrating it is to keep dpsing a healer who doesn't drop. I did 400k on this one healer the entire game, he died 3 times, because i kept yelling people to help me focus him but noooooooooooo, you guys love aiming for the squishiest guy possible. STOP THAT.


but on a side note, your a tank, your job is support in a more different way.


example of being efficient - storm, SS, HiB (ammo goes below 8) so i throw a taunt on someone who needs it or a guard and then continue. continue dpsing. This is what you should be doing as a dps tank + the fact you aren't trying to gun down the person but hurt him enough to get him on you while you pay attention to the objectives.


for those who never played a trooper/merc

trooper - ammo regeneration is lower the less ammo you have so you want to keep it above 66% to get the maximum return per second.

Edited by SirWai
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In reality, I'd much rather take the guy who can actually burst a healer down and only do 17k damage than the guy who will do 200k damage to a healer and never actually kill them.




There is a big applicational difference between burst damage and damage over period of time. The end-game damage report is only a very limited, partial indicator of what actually happens in PvP.


That "500k~" mark or such, is meaningless in PvP. Steady output of damage don't mean squat. This isn't a raid or dungeon boss-mob hunting. The only thing matters is if one can put down an enemy within the limited window of opportunity, and that's where DPS come in.

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