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Make Force Choke like it´s meant to be, or should be...


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The problem we Marauders have right now is:


We are the only ones who can not displace anyone in pvp!


That´s espescially hurting when playing Huttenball, for once an enemy is near your homezone, you cant get him down the ledge.

Or away from a door.


Or on Civil War, down of Turret Control. (Yes, there are still ppl who park themselves on top of a Turret Control so you got real trouble attacking them, pls fix this BW).


and so on,

and so on...


As PT, I can rope them to me.

As Sorc, I can kick all around me

And so forth...


Displacement of enemies is a vital part of strategic pvp.


As far as the strategic element of displacement goes, we Marauders are pretty useless.




Some thoughts:


As of now, Marauders, though charged with an offensive role, are only able to react to the situations on the battlefield.


Reaction would surly befit a more defensive role, whereas action would befit an offensive role. But to take action and force an enemy to react to the actions of an offensive class, this offensive class has to have the proper tools to impose the pressure and create a situation on the battlefield, which forces the enemy to react.


Right now, just ignoring the onslaught of a Marauder and/or walking/running onwards is a common way to drive a Marauder mad and showing him his helplessness.


You scored...

You are still standing atop the Turret Control

You are still at the door...

and so on...



/End of Edit



Here´s an idea:


Please just give the foce choke a 360 degree rotation ability, so I can pick up an enemy, force choking him, while turning me around my axis and thereby "moving" him over the the ridge, so he drops when force choke ends (by whatever circumstances). That would be cool and some intelligent CC with given skill.


Radius = Distance to Target when skill was used.


So you got to calculate the right distance for getting a victim down/away from something. If you are too near, victim will not drop, if you are too far, victim will eventually not fall. This is the advanced play we are used to playing a Marauder.



Just make the choked victim moveable around my axis. That would be a great and much needed addition to our Force Choke CC, for then we would not only be damned to react to the enemies standing here or there, but being able to shape the locations of battles on the battlefield like it would befit an offensive role.


Cause, not letting anyone to plant bomb or cap turret by refusing to die with your insane all-tank-combined survivability, wasnt enough for you...

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Coming from a Jug, when I made my Mara I never found the need for a knockback or any more of the sort. My ravage holds people in place, and if things get too hot I just vanish and run. I just straight up murder non tanks, and I really only use choke as a last resort, or to be a jerk and force people to witness their own slow demise. My jugs fully geared dps is a shame compared to my less-geared Marauders', so I imo marauders can handle not having a KB.
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Decent marauders are practically op as it is, why not just give them heals too if you want them to have ubiquitous utility? Then you can just run a full marauder group :rolleyes:


idk about you but i get 100k healing sometimes.. as anni

Edited by HollowVamp
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First off...i never said anything about mauraders being op, or you not knowing how to play one.


Second off....what makes you think this post is anymore original then the 10000 other posts asking move x and y?


If marauder wants more utility, marauder has to sacrafice something for it....


So maybe you're not the dude who can knock people off the ledge on hutball but you're the dude who can beat the living crap out of the ball carrier while everyone tries desperately to keep you off of him


in the words of The Rock...know your roll Jabronni


suddenly a wild taunt appears, now your damage is laughable

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In pvp you have a long list of utility abilitys including interupts, stuns, a healing debuff, defensive CDs, a snare, and gap closer. Party wide you have the ability to do a heal a damage increase/damage decrease/movement increase...


So your asking for an increase in utility. Currently you're one of the few or only dps classes in the game who's getting a damage buff when you already were likely one of if not the top damage classes in the game.


That's your extensive bag of tricks on top of solid damage. You're citing what other classes can do in a specific situation and stating that your class is in need of a similar ability...


hmmm what kind of analogy best fits this situation? Bit like a fat man asking for seconds in starving Kenya.


I'm a Commmando I am the only class in the game with no interupt. The devs have stated that this is an intentional gap in our class and is working as intended. I think that given your class is having no issues in the damage or utility catagory that your lack of any kind of pushback is likely...working as intended.


No, this thread shows only a major flaw in strategic pvp.


And I will not reply to the 0815 same and same again statements which some seem to like so much that they use them in every thread where the word Marauders appears (like: op, good marauders don´t need, op again and some more...).


Just try for once to at least argue on my arguments, and spare me the generalized ** statements you just might have up your sleeve ready to appear in every marauder thread.


Thank you very much.


Just to be clear I'm not whinning about your class in your thread. This is not an accidental gap in stratgic pvp, it's very likely intentional. Same as how when I as a commando am trying to kill a healer and they begin to heal I as a commando can not interupt that heal. You have limitations it is your job as a player to work within the confines of your classes abilities to overcome, in your situation I think snaring them, choking them and/or dps them down are all acceptable solutions.


You talk about stratagy, this is not a 1v1 match between you and the carrier at the 10 yard line you are part of a team. You snare them buying time for a team mate to punt them into the pit gratz you did your part there is your strat.


Oh and one last thing. No, we are not limited to arguing on your arguments you are taking a very specific situation and using it to justify a change that affects many other aspects of gameplay and thus your abilities application to other situations as well as the current state of your class and it's other abilities are all valid points in this discussion.


for example your idea if implemented would allow you to choke someone and than place them into a hazard. No one else in this game has a single ability that causes loss of control while doing damage and gives the enemy the ability to position the target. That ability if implemented would allow you to almost garuntee a kill of anyone within 10m of a hazard unless they had their cc break off CD.

Edited by zacger
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Just make the choked victim moveable around my axis. That would be a great and much needed addition to our Force Choke CC, for then we would not only be damned to react to the enemies standing here or there, but being able to shape the locations of battles on the battlefield like it would befit an offensive role.



This would likely be overpowered on any class.


On a Mara/Sent?


It's frankly insane, the only drawback a Mara/Sent currently has is lack of KB or pull, giving them something more powerful than either is plain madness. :eek:






Most every non-Mara/Sent player (and many that are) are currently amazed that 1.2 didn't nerf Mara/Sents like everyone else (but Assassin/Shadow), getting a buff like this just isn't on the cards and quite seriously just isn't needed.

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Add Powertechs to the list of subclasses that don't have a displacement ability. The OP needs to wrap his head around the fact that Marauders are already the top dps subclass as well as being the top team buffing subclass in 1.2 with the demise of TM/GR spammers. The sole weakness of the Marauder class is that they are crappy defenders. You have to kill the enemy to completely defend against him. That's a minor tradeoff given the other blessings this subclass has, and one that I am more than willing to live with.
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I'm a Commmando I am the only class in the game with no interupt. The devs have stated that this is an intentional gap in our class and is working as intended. I think that given your class is having no issues in the damage or utility catagory that your lack of any kind of pushback is likely...working as intended.


Agreed. Playing a marauder from my Mercenary, not having an interrupt sucks. However, we (Mercs) have all those other utilities that make us fill our "niche" in PvP. The "niche" of Maruders is to face melt and just pressureeeee hardcore. A couple of slows/immobilizing moves with amazing DPS is what they were designed to be.


It can be frustrating to not have a KB as a Maruader, but it feels right to me. OP, idk if you've tried other classes, but I'd suggest doing that. Might give a wider perspective if you haven't done so before.

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The idea of having Force Choke as a repositioning CC is bloody awesome. BUT not needed. At all. If it were to happen, you'd start complaining that Choke would be interrupted and you couldn't reposition like you wanted. The heart wants what the heart wants, but at the end of the day be happy with what you have already. It's not that bad. I'm still up for the idea of a Force Pull, though! Gimmie! Lul
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Love it.


The best force choke i've seen was in Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast. You could use it in multiplayer to hold a player in the air, choking, and then you could rotate around.


This was awesome for the Courescant map, because it had lots of open pits. So you could choke somebody, rotate them over the pit, and then let go... :D

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The reason we dont have hard displacment (aside from a push/knockback being the worst possible thing for our dps uptime) is because we have so many counters to displacement.


We have the ability to infinitly snare targets via legslash, have a centering speed boost, a rooting leap, an a speed boost/untarget window via camo, all regardless of spec. On top of those, we have the ability to spec into more run boosts, a passive move speed boost, another leap or closer range leap, snare breaker, roots, ranged snares all based on spec. (each spec getting a generous portion)


We have more ways to keep range than any class has knockbacks to keep us away. Thus we dont have said displacment because we have so many answers to it. The only way to justifiably get a displacment ability would be to nerf our mobility and movement control, which would cripple our actual advanced playability in exchange for the ability to shove bad players off a bridge. right now our skirmish game is outstanding in the right hands, which is far more valuable than hard displacment that practically any of your random team mates can already cover anyway.

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