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Han's dislike to Anakin Solo


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Anakin Solo was the reason Chewbacca died. When the Yuuzahn-vong targeted Sernpidal with its own moon for obliteration, Han, Chewie, and Anakin Solo gathered the refugees before the planet was destroyed. Chewies last act was to throw Anakin on board before the moon made impact. That is why Han hates his son, because of him he lost his best friend and most trusted ally.
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All right, Im seriously questioning why Han despises his own son, Anakin. I mean seriously, the kid is awesome, if he should hate anyone it should be Jacen.


Anakin didn't turn the Falcon around to rescue Chewie from a falling moon. Because of this Han blamed Anakin for Chewbacca's death. Eventually Han realized that had Anakin turned the Faclon around, Han and the refuges the Falcon were carrying would've been crushed just like Chewie. Of course, by the time Han realized this and forgave Anakin, Anakin was dead. It’s really quite tragic (one of the best arcs in the NJO in my opinion).

Edited by TheBentOne
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Anakin didn't turn the Falcon around to rescue Chewie from a falling moon. Because of this Han blamed Anakin for Chewbacca's death. Eventually Han realized that had Anakin turned the Faclon around, Han and the refuges the Falcon were carrying would've been crushed just like Chewie. Of course, by the time Han realized this and forgave Anakin, Anakin was dead. It’s really quite tragic (one of the best arcs in the NJO in my opinion).


Even before Chewie died, Han seemed to hate his son. When they were repairing the Falcon, Anakin got annoyed by how it wouldn't start up, and Chewie held him up against a wall. Even Chewie hated Anakin...

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Even before Chewie died, Han seemed to hate his son. When they were repairing the Falcon, Anakin got annoyed by how it wouldn't start up, and Chewie held him up against a wall. Even Chewie hated Anakin...


To be fair... Anakin was like 15? who doesnt want to choke a 15 year old

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Even before Chewie died, Han seemed to hate his son. When they were repairing the Falcon, Anakin got annoyed by how it wouldn't start up, and Chewie held him up against a wall. Even Chewie hated Anakin...


Because no real man is going to take crap from some preteen dissing his pimp mobile.

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I dunno. By the time of the NJO the Falcon was a piece of crap.


It was completely rebuilt from the frame up during the Black Fleet Crises, what the hell happened between then and the NJO to screw it up so badly?

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It was completely rebuilt from the frame up during the Black Fleet Crises, what the hell happened between then and the NJO to screw it up so badly?


Han happened with his "Special Upgrades" lol :D


The Falcon is basically the GFFA version of a Pimped out Honda Civic with a Dodge Viper engine stuffed into it. That's gonna cause a lot of stress on the ship that the designers never intended. Thus it's going wear out faster, and require a lot more work for upkeep

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Han happened with his "Special Upgrades" lol :D


The Falcon is basically the GFFA version of a Pimped out Honda Civic with a Dodge Viper engine stuffed into it. That's gonna cause a lot of stress on the ship that the designers never intended. Thus it's going wear out faster, and require a lot more work for upkeep


Sigh, you know that actually wouldn't surprise me if Han tried to "upgrade" it (it had the best military grade technology installed during the refit since Leia rode around in it so often) and ended up completely screwing it up. He just doesn't seem to be the type of guy that would be happy with a state of the art ship.

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Sigh, you know that actually wouldn't surprise me if Han tried to "upgrade" it (it had the best military grade technology installed during the refit since Leia rode around in it so often) and ended up completely screwing it up. He just doesn't seem to be the type of guy that would be happy with a state of the art ship.


Smuggler ship rule: "Smugglers are not aloud to have a state of the art ship, they can only have a heavily illegally modified ship that can run well."


Its in the smuggler rule book.

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Smuggler ship rule: "Smugglers are not allowed to have a state of the art ship, they can only have a heavily, illegally modified ship that can't run for crap but pulls through the most unexpected situations."


Its in the smuggler rule book.


Fixed that for you.

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I don't know, The Falcon in the movies ran pretty well it didn't seem to be like a piece of crap to me. Only notable problems was the hyperdrive, and that got fixed.


"Its not my fault, they promised me they fixed it!"


Yea, totally got that problem fixed.


You gotta remember, the Falcon didn't even have a central computer, it was run by three droid "brains" wired together. If that's not patchy I don't know what is.

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"Its not my fault, they promised me they fixed it!"


Yea, totally got that problem fixed.


You gotta remember, the Falcon didn't even have a central computer, it was run by three droid "brains" wired together. If that's not patchy I don't know what is.


I don't think that was a patch job, pretty sure it was one of the modifications Han made.

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Well who's to say the stock YT-1300 computer was a piece of ****, and Han decided to make a better one?


Dude, the Falcon was almost fifty years old by the time Han got a hold of it, I doubt anything but the spaceframe was stock by then.


Edit: Actually I just looked it up, it was sixty by the time the Battle of Yavin happened.

Edited by Aximand
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Dude, the Falcon was almost fifty years old by the time Han got a hold of it, I doubt anything but the spaceframe was stock by then.


Perhaps, perhaps but don't know seeing as the extent of each modification it went through before reaching Han is pretty slim with info.

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I don't think Han Solo actually hated his youngest son, was frustrated with him a lot, because let's look at Anakin's personality, he was very different from both of his older siblings in some ways.


Then the death of Chewbacca caused a rift that didn't really heal until it was too late for Han to apologize to his youngest son.


It was rather tragic in a way, and to be honest they really shouldn't have killed Anakin off like that. Though the Legacy of the Force series would probably be a lot shorter because Anakin had more raw potential than Jacen did and probably would have clobbered Jacen before he managed to kill Mara Jade.


It would have been interesting to have Anakin trying to train Ben Skywalker.

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