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Let me play Jar Jar Binks - or else :)


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I want to play the most awesome character George Lucas ever invented... of course, Jar Jar Binks. I mean, his grandgrand..grand..grandfather. BUT I want to play him as a dark side corrupted, force choke using Smuggler-Robot who is brother to my Sith Inquisitor. Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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Raven, the fact that you have said this knocks you so far down the Nerd totem, you are behind the elderly and dumb hot girls. You are so far at the bottom, NASCAR fans from Kentucky have a better chance at accruing nerd cred than you. Anything you say now will never get you back to the top where the rest of us are. I award you no nerd cred, and may the Force have mercy on your soul.
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Raven, the fact that you have said this knocks you so far down the Nerd totem, you are behind the elderly and dumb hot girls. You are so far at the bottom, NASCAR fans from Kentucky have a better chance at accruing nerd cred than you. Anything you say now will never get you back to the top where the rest of us are. I award you no nerd cred, and may the Force have mercy on your soul.


Man, how about you look up "SARCASM" in a dictionary? Oh wait I forgot to put a smiley on my post, sorry... :D

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Man, how about you look up "SARCASM" in a dictionary? Oh wait I forgot to put a smiley on my post, sorry... :D


Dude, we don't say that in jest. That is how serious this is. This is not something you joke about.


That's like joking about sexual assault. You never joke about sexual assault and you NEVER joke about playing Jar Jar.


You are now Nerd Level: -50.


Your internets are completely wiped.


Your Geek card is now invalid.


In six months, you will receive a summons for an appeal in Nerd Court. If you keep your nose clean, you MIGHT be able to get back on the totem. I'm not saying you will get your old spot back. At most, you can rank behind girls trying to impress their new nerd boyfriends and above annoying five year old cousins who "just wanna hang out with you". If I were you, I'd get a nice Geek attorney, like Felicia Day.

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Dude, we don't say that in jest. That is how serious this is. This is not something you joke about.


That's like joking about sexual assault. You never joke about sexual assault and you NEVER joke about playing Jar Jar.


You are now Nerd Level: -50.


Your internets are completely wiped.


Your Geek card is now invalid.


In six months, you will receive a summons for an appeal in Nerd Court. If you keep your nose clean, you MIGHT be able to get back on the totem. I'm not saying you will get your old spot back. At most, you can rank behind girls trying to impress their new nerd boyfriends and above annoying five year old cousins who "just wanna hang out with you". If I were you, I'd get a nice Geek attorney, like Felicia Day.


Sorry! I had no idea what kind of serious consequences this "suggestions" could have. I thought the worst case would be that BW actually implements this for the Legacy system. Who knows, they might like the idea of a force choking force corrupted JarJar Binks half smuggler half robot character.

(I want to see this on next years April Fools btw)

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Dude, we don't say that in jest. That is how serious this is. This is not something you joke about.


That's like joking about sexual assault. You never joke about sexual assault and you NEVER joke about playing Jar Jar.


You are now Nerd Level: -50.


Your internets are completely wiped.


Your Geek card is now invalid.


In six months, you will receive a summons for an appeal in Nerd Court. If you keep your nose clean, you MIGHT be able to get back on the totem. I'm not saying you will get your old spot back. At most, you can rank behind girls trying to impress their new nerd boyfriends and above annoying five year old cousins who "just wanna hang out with you". If I were you, I'd get a nice Geek attorney, like Felicia Day.


naw man, he is arkansas level of bad. he shouldnt be allowed to be a practicing member of humanity, much less a nerd.

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Sorry! I had no idea what kind of serious consequences this "suggestions" could have.


Be grateful this is your first offense. I'd hate to have to invoke the Rite of Darkness on you.


For those who do not know what the Rite is, it follows:

The Rite of Darkness is the Star Wars fandom's ultimate punishment. It is reserved for those who commit the most darkest of deeds against the fandom. It involves removing the culprit from all fandom and leaving them in a perpetual state of darkness. They will never hear news of the saga's developments, partake of no conventions and access no games, books or any other form of the galaxy. All members of the fandom must never speak, look at or even acknowledge the culprits existence. All forms of the culprit, in LARP and Tabletop form, will be henceforth considered dead. Anyone caught breaking these tenants will be cast out as well.


We have only ever invoked the Rite three times.


May 13th, 1981- Jasper DeWynter thought it'd be a hilarious joke to throw his cousin a Star Wars themed Bar Mitzvah and then had William Shatner show up in Kirk face as the special guest.


August 21st, 1995- Martha Campbell stated that Empire Strikes Back was the crappiest film she had ever seen, and then had the nerve to call Boba Fett AND Han Solo the B word.


And of course May 19th, 1999- George Lucas released Phantom and killed our trust in the Saga. He has been paying for that ever since.

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I'm being serious.


I like Gungans to be a playable species.


Really, I mean it.


Have I now lost all my nerd credit as well? ;)


Sorry that I don't care. I still want to be able to play a Gungan. I think they're cool (so does my wife, who would die to be able to play a female Gungan like Peppy from the Clone Wars series).




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Oh no, what have I done. Please Bioware ignore this thread! :D


edit: The only positive aspect of playing a Gungan would be the possibilty to jump off cliffs or going to Ilum as lvl 10 character, getting instantly killed.

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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Man, how about you look up "SARCASM" in a dictionary? Oh wait I forgot to put a smiley on my post, sorry... :D


You'll have to forgive him. You were using pure text, and it's really hard to hear the canned audience laughter and the rim shot over that. There was no indication it was a joke.


Besides, why are you posting a joke thread here in the suggestions section, where it would be more than likely taken as your actual opinion, and leaving you perceived as a moron?

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