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Knockbacks and Stuns not working


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Please tell me how mercs have a leg up in huttball.


Well, Bounty Hunters are actually pretty awesome in Huttball at the moment. Mercenaries are ridiculous healers, they have an AE knockback (for help with getting those pesky melee deeps off of your ball carrier), and they're like snipers/gunslingers in the sense where if you don't keep them in line and interrupt tracers, they're going to devastate some people. On the other hand, Powertechs can not only pull people TO them (from 30m by the way) but they can also pull THEMSELVES to enemy players. So, in essence, you get charge AND pull in the same AC. To answer your wuestion, Bounty Hunters have their own legs up AND mine in huttball, they're good for everything.

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And my class isn't a healer. So as an arsenal merc I can't move the ball like any force user player, and my knockbacks and stuns - which aren't exclusive to me - may or may not work. I do not have a stealth, run, or jump, or pull move.


I kick a lot of ***. Because I'm a good player. But I'm talking about huttball. What the hell is special about me? Nothing.

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If making teams, why would you choose a merc instead of a force user in huttball? What can a merc do, that a warrior or inquisitor can't? Ranged damage? Please. Force jump and force lightening.


It's truly unfair, and if I were picking an ideal huttball team, my character would not be on it. I can find a force user who can do as much dps or heal just as much AND run really fast or force leap across the field.


This should be balanced. And by balanced I don't mean take away their force leap. I'm saying take it the hell away if they're carrying the ball.


I'm 100% right.

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If making teams, why would you choose a merc instead of a force user in huttball? What can a merc do, that a warrior or inquisitor can't? Ranged damage? Please. Force jump and force lightening.


It's truly unfair, and if I were picking an ideal huttball team, my character would not be on it. I can find a force user who can do as much dps or heal just as much AND run really fast or force leap across the field.


This should be balanced. And by balanced I don't mean take away their force leap. I'm saying take it the hell away if they're carrying the ball.


I'm 100% right.


No you are 100 percent wrong. If u want the abilities of a sorc/sage or jug roll one. Otherwise play to your classes strengths. Complaining about classes skills is an indication you don't know how to get the best out off your abilities imo.


A sorc that can damage and heal the same amount? They don't exist mate. That is pure fantasy.


It is balanced. You just need to learn your role, instead of whining it's not fair because you don't use the force. I play in plenty of games with non force classes kicking thevcrap out of the other team, defending, kniockback, stunning/me zing the enemy, pulling the enemy off the catwalks.


Sorry to say it but stop the kiddy whine, man up.

Edited by PloGreen
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If making teams, why would you choose a merc instead of a force user in huttball? What can a merc do, that a warrior or inquisitor can't? Ranged damage? Please. Force jump and force lightening.


It's truly unfair, and if I were picking an ideal huttball team, my character would not be on it. I can find a force user who can do as much dps or heal just as much AND run really fast or force leap across the field.


This should be balanced. And by balanced I don't mean take away their force leap. I'm saying take it the hell away if they're carrying the ball.


I'm 100% right.


Are you kidding me? A properly played merc is a one man wrecking ball right now, for damage. Sorcs are definitely a bit "overpowered" in huttball right now, for a variety of reasons, but mercs are way more than adequate at playing a role in huttball.

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Are you kidding me? A properly played merc is a one man wrecking ball right now, for damage. Sorcs are definitely a bit "overpowered" in huttball right now, for a variety of reasons, but mercs are way more than adequate at playing a role in huttball.


While I agree with the premise of your statement about mercs, we are still a bit gimped when faced against a healer. BM dps merc against a BM healer, well the lack of an actual interrupt can sometimes leave a healer /loling at us despite our burst. Depends on what class of healer though.


Other than that, ya if we are left alone or untouched for the most part, TD,Railshot,Unload, Rail, Powersurge-Fusion Missile "BOOM".

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While I agree with the premise of your statement about mercs, we are still a bit gimped when faced against a healer. BM dps merc against a BM healer, well the lack of an actual interrupt can sometimes leave a healer /loling at us despite our burst. Depends on what class of healer though.


Other than that, ya if we are left alone or untouched for the most part, TD,Railshot,Unload, Rail, Powersurge-Fusion Missile "BOOM".


Every class has it's mismatches though. I can take out cloth healers, but heavy-armor haelers can generally laugh at me too, 1v1.

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Just learned what resolve was.


How is that fair? Immune to CC? The sorc are already faster than hell and the warriors can FLY! No other non force using class can move the ball like that.


Let's weigh the scales now:


Force users can move the ball with ease in comparison to non force users (using the run and force jump move)


Knockbacks and stuns offset those advantageous moves. This is assuming you can catch up to them to even use it. But resolve makes it so the move has no effect? Wth. That's not balanced at all.


What would be more unfair would be a system that allowed for continual stuns - its a balancing act. If you are getting someone immune to your CC that means the target has already received substantial CC and, quite simply, survived the onslaught at the time.

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Who here believes that warriors force leap ability is not ridiculously op'd in huttball?


I don't because there are plenty of other "op'd" abilities for huttball. If you're talking about the offensive leap, your team could not be stupid and give him a nice target to leap to (i.e. people standing at spawn when the warrior is on the bottom level). If you're talking about the friendly leap, it's fine because there's more to the game than tunneling the flag carrier. Taking out people in front of the ball carrier is almost equally important.


There's plenty of knockbacks and grips that are equally good or better utility in huttball.

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What makes is worse is that the force users also have knockbacks and snares. In relation to huttball, they have a huge advantage.


Well marauders do not have a knock back at all and force choke works 1/2 the time and it's only 3 seconds. If a marauder even takes a step in any direction choke is broken if they use another skill the choke is broken.


Intimidating scream (something like that) very rarely works on the ball carrier. I am sure that is a resolve issue.


I thinks that constantly being stunned and snared and rooted and blinded is all a problem. I say get rid of all stuns and just duke it out.


I have been chain stuned and killed so many times I can't count. It doesn't make the game that fun for me. If I get beat I get beat but to stand there with the ball and get chain stunned to death is nuts. I can't throw the ball when stunned so unless a healer is all over me i can hardly move.

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this happens to me a lot, happened the other day with two different PTs in two different games. do PTs have a knockback reduction or something?


what i love is how a sorc can use their knockback after i trigger mine but they still get theirs off first and mine doesnt go off until i land nullifying it

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