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Resetting Crew Missions: Complete waste of time!


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Since mats acquired through Investigation, Underworld Trading, Treasure Hunting and Diplomacy cannot be acquired elsewhere.....



PLEASE! Please make a "RESET" button on the Crew Missions window, or TONE DOWN COMPANION GIFT MISSIONS, ...or better yet, SEPERATE the types of missions with Tabs and show all the possible missions.


Having to re-log ( or go in and out of your Starship) , just to reset the Crew Missions is completely a waste of my time and perhaps puts strain on the Servers.


Sometimes I would have to re-log in and out, for over 20 times just to get a certain Crew Mission...

Edited by nattodaisuki
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dont tell me you do that? log and relog and log again etc?!


20 times?


Dear god. So i understand completely why you are bored. :confused:


This is ridiculous. Any missions I don't want to do I just send the companions out anyway. I figure that if do them I'm going to use the items they return with anyway.

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It becomes much less of a problem if you don't try to use crew missions as an on-demand supply and instead stockpile materials ahead of time. Without the immediate need for a certain type of material, you can run whatever grade has good missions available. Also, don't get fixated on running only the rich missions; abundant ones give almost as much materials per credits spent.
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To re-engineer, say Blue items to get the next tier Purple schematics, I need a truck load of Blue-quality Mats.


For example, on my Synthweave, I need 6 Vine-silk per Zed-Weave Robe, a Blue level 41 Robe.


So far, I've had a bad streak of luck on these and RE'ed over a 100 of these without getting a Purple schematic.


To make, 20 Zed-Weave Robes, I would need 20x6=120 Vine Silk.


Since on a non-crit normal mission, Moderate will get you 2 Vine-silk per 50minutes, Abundant = 4 per 50minutes, Bountyful = 6 per 60minutes and Rich = 8 pieces per 60minutes, I would only get 20 by sending 4 companions out per hour, and I would need 6 hours just to get the necessary mats just to make 20 Zed-Weave Robes.


Now, since my Crew Missions page for Underworld Trading is always cluttered with Companion Gift missions, I would need to re-log countless times in order to reset the crew missions page so I can send 4 Companions on each of the "Luxury Fabrics" missions.


This re-logging and resetting process make take between 2 to 20 minutes depending on my luck.


That's 60 minutes + 2-20 minutes (Max 80 minutes) for just 20 Vine-silk.


I don't know about you, but I have a life and full-time Job outside Star Wars: the Old Republic, and I can only commit around 8 hours per day to this game.


For me, that means I need to spend one session (1 day) just to make 20 Zed-Weave Robes and so far I've spent the last 6 days creating 100+ Zed-Weave Robes and RE'ing them for nothing.


If I did it your way, and took every other mission, how long will it take to just get 120 Vine-silk?? Probably a couple days, if not a week :p

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To re-engineer, say Blue items to get the next tier Purple schematics, I need a truck load of Blue-quality Mats.


For example, on my Synthweave, I need 6 Vine-silk per Zed-Weave Robe, a Blue level 41 Robe.


So far, I've had a bad streak of luck on these and RE'ed over a 100 of these without getting a Purple schematic.


To make, 20 Zed-Weave Robes, I would need 20x6=120 Vine Silk.


Since on a non-crit normal mission, Moderate will get you 2 Vine-silk per 50minutes, Abundant = 4 per 50minutes, Bountyful = 6 per 60minutes and Rich = 8 pieces per 60minutes, I would only get 20 by sending 4 companions out per hour, and I would need 6 hours just to get the necessary mats just to make 20 Zed-Weave Robes.


Now, since my Crew Missions page for Underworld Trading is always cluttered with Companion Gift missions, I would need to re-log countless times in order to reset the crew missions page so I can send 4 Companions on each of the "Luxury Fabrics" missions.


This re-logging and resetting process make take between 2 to 20 minutes depending on my luck.


That's 60 minutes + 2-20 minutes (Max 80 minutes) for just 20 Vine-silk.


I don't know about you, but I have a life and full-time Job outside Star Wars: the Old Republic, and I can only commit around 8 hours per day to this game.


For me, that means I need to spend one session (1 day) just to make 20 Zed-Weave Robes and so far I've spent the last 6 days creating 100+ Zed-Weave Robes and RE'ing them for nothing.


If I did it your way, and took every other mission, how long will it take to just get 120 Vine-silk?? Probably a couple days, if not a week :p


which is also why you have access to things such as the gtn and missions with guaranteed returns. also as previously stated its a very good idea to look and plan ahead on what kind of mats you are going to need. with a little foresight you can stockpile a fair bit and curb the issues you are seeing.

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Sometimes I would have to re-log in and out, for over 20 times just to get a certain Crew Mission...


I have never really had much of an issue with this - I tend to run the non-Companion Gift missions almost constantly, to stockpile mats.

However, the mission list should reset/regenerate when you go through a loading screen - arriving on a planet/boarding your ship/changing between zones on a planet.

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I'm lucky enough that my workplace isn't too strict and I'm able to keep my laptop with SW:TOR open on it on the side and give orders to my crew while I work. I also do the same at home when I have other things to do, so I have quite a lot of time I can spend on running crew missions but not for actually playing the game. On weekdays I can usually find around 2-3 hours to play actively.


What you can do is look for a grade 6 fabric mission if a grade 5 one isn't available. Or grade 4, if you still have need for those. That way you'll hopefully accumulate enough grade 6 materials to get started once you get that far in crafting. I already have more than 100 units of Ciridium (the grade 6 underworld metal) and I haven't crafted a single item requiring it. I've even been selling some of it to conserve storage space.


Also, 100 REs without a schematic is extremely unlucky. I think I've needed 30 at most, and usually get the upgrade with around 10. Hunting for a specific variant is a lot harder of course.

Edited by DataBeaver
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or you can understand that this is how they gate how much enters the system at what rate. its intended for you to not be able to run nothing but metal missions.


That theory falls to pieces when you compare Investigation to Underworld Trading.

Investigation has a nice even split of missions. Matter of fact, most of the levels have TWO rich yield compound missions. (it might be all, I haven't recorded them that in depth yet)


If they truley were worried aobut "controling the flow of materials" via missions, they'd make damn sure that there were less investigation rich missions. Look at the price of Investigation materials on the GTN. Investigation needs it far more then UT does.


The more likely reason that UT is screwed up is because they reshuffled things at the last minute during beta to eleminate the "Need for other crafters to get materials" and ended up dumping Metals and Fabrics into Underworld trading. Once they dumped them together they found they had too many missions so ended up having to cut out some missions and a few tiers got screwed up (IE: there are NO rich metal missions for Tier 3, and only 1 bountiful)

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Do not logout and log back in.

Go to your ship and missions should be refreshed :)

The loading screen is all you need.


Logging in/out is frequently faster.


Especially if you're a non consular repub at fleet (gaining rest bonus).

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This is what the crafting missions you see on the GTN are for. You buy those so you can keep your companions busy and continue to get mats.


And the ship thing is an exploit. Not sure if it's a bannable offense, but I wouldn't do it intentionally.

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I can't believe there are people in this thread who are basically saying they are OK with a crew skill mission window filled with all Companion Gift missions when what they need/want is the appropriate purple-mat mission... really guys?! :eek:


I'm with the OP... just show us all available missions and be done with it. The zoning/logging mechanic is likely not intended, nor is it very good game design. There are far better ways to gate the rate at which we obtain materials, if this is the original design intent...


If I were you, OP, x-post this to the Suggestion forum so maybe it will be seen by the right eyes... maybe. :p

Edited by scootle
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or you can understand that this is how they gate how much enters the system at what rate. its intended for you to not be able to run nothing but metal missions.


Actually I think it was more of a poor planning issue. Consider diplomacy missions. There are multiple medical supply missions. Or consider slicing or treasure hunting. TH has multiple materials missions as well. Slicing has multiple augment missions and in 1.2 multiple material missions.


I think it was the rush before release to shuffle where metal and cloth was found and it wasn't implemented properly. We can only add to the suggestions that more be added or there is an easier way to rearrange the list so we can get what we need.


The alternative is to toll several alts with UWT and continuously run metal missions, and that just doesn't sound like a lot of fun to me.

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I agree it's an issue, but you realize that the reason there's not a "refresh" button is because there's moderate, abundant, rich etc... reward missions and everyone would just refresh until the rich one came up right? I think they just need to add more resource missions to underworld trading and that would solve the problem.
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