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Smuggler high lvl chests


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why is it all post lvl 40 chests for the smuggler have the giant neck thing? looks like one of those comfort pillows you wear on an airplane.


Lol I was bothered by it too. Nothing wrong with the basic concept, but the neck thing is just... too... big -_-

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I'd be happy with the Jacket the security key vendor on the fleet is wearing! actually looks like something a smuggler might wear, and close to the jacket worn by the gunslinger in various BW videos.



BW has the technology! They just need to use it! haha


Incrediable jacket! I found similar one on Empire side (http://www.torhead.com/item/72Riv5R/prototype-td-07a-dread-scout-jacket). But on republic side it converts to something like http://i.imgur.com/91vBw.png.

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