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1.2 Will not save this game.


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The number one reason why I say this. All of the features look good, but the number one thing that could save this game is a good solid LFG tool.


1. The legacy system & family tree looks fun but does not assist players looking for a group.

2. More flashpoints! Great, but unless your in a prominent guild that has enough players to benefits from the OPs then once again; It does not benefit the community as a whole.

3. Ranked PVP & and a new Wz. Well this is a great addition if you like PvP but if you don't then number 1 & 2 apply.





Bioware needs to learn to prioritize there patches and content. Legacy should have been introduced in 1.3. The LFG should been 1.2.

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And don't forget, everything in 1.2 either should have been in the game when it released or is just fluff that will have no meaningful long term (6 mos lol???) content.


The new FP and OP will be destroyed in HM the first week, that is if we don't have to deal with the bugs that still persist in the current OPs.


Honestly, they're shoving so crap into the can of 1.2 Jesus sauce, there's no doubt it will be bug ridden.

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Bioware needs to learn to prioritize there patches and content.
Right after you learn the difference between "their," "there," and "they're."


And for thr record, I didn't pick on your grammar because I couldn't refute the rest of your post: it was so wrong that it refutes itself. Mocking your grammar was all that was left.

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The number one reason why I say this. All of the features look good, but the number one thing that could save this game is a good solid LFG tool.


1. The legacy system & family tree looks fun but does not assist players looking for a group.

2. More flashpoints! Great, but unless your in a prominent guild that has enough players to benefits from the OPs then once again; It does not benefit the community as a whole.

3. Ranked PVP & and a new Wz. Well this is a great addition if you like PvP but if you don't then number 1 & 2 apply.





Bioware needs to learn to prioritize there patches and content. Legacy should have been introduced in 1.3. The LFG should been 1.2.


LFG tool is coming subsequently to patch 1.2 - should everything that is cool about patch 1.2 be delayed so this other bit can be included? Or perhaps should we get the other stuff that happens to be ready as soon as it is ready without making it wait?


The LFG tool will, I hope, be useful for more than just finding a flashpoint group. I'd like it to work for finding a premade WZ group, for finding groups for heroic quests, and possibly even operations. It needs to be robust, easy to use, and do its job well and effectively. Makes sense to me that it could still be in development - particularly given that the devs probably didn't realize how seriously they needed one until sometime after the first month the game was out.

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but the number one thing that could save this game is a good solid LFG tool.


considering how many people are against a lfg tool


i doubt it,patience by its community will be the number one thing that could save this game.but i doubt that will happen,less then 100 people today ive seen on the fleet in my server,and every warzone ive joined said it was gonna end early


face it,the community just cant handle a fresh mmo and star wars the old republic is a prime example

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Seriously people, if you don't like the game, why don't you stop playing it? Drop your sub, and leave the rest of us in peace.


Frankly, I enjoy this game, immensely. For the first time in years, I am happy and content in an MMO. The look is good, the feel is good, and the story is top notch.


I ran PvP for the first time yesterday. I had more fun than I've had in any PvP previously. I lost alot, I got smacked around quite a bit, but it was still a majorly fun experience for me, and I look forward to doing more!


I can't wait for color matching in 1.2. And the Leagacy system sounds interesting, and the new PvP map is gonna rock!


But, as I stated above, if you aren't having fun, then why stick around just to whine, complain and moan?


Make yourself happy and leave this "terrible" "unsaveable" game behind for the MMO that will meet every expectation you have ever had of an online game!

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Right after you learn the difference between "their," "there," and "they're."


And for thr record, I didn't pick on your grammar because I couldn't refute the rest of your post: it was so wrong that it refutes itself. Mocking your grammar was all that was left.


I assume you meant "the".

People in glass houses and whatnot. lol

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Well said Staavis_SC I could not type that any better myself.


These people that whine just lack attention and don't know how to get it any other way and actually make them slves look extremely STUPID and immature.


First: this is the first MMO that has not had lag since release but then again people with lag is mostly to do with there week internet connection (even if you got fastest computer on the planet if internet connection is slow guess what YOU GOING HAVE LAG.

Other MMO have and still have server lag.


Second: the maps, graphic are superb.


Thrid: The story lines are totally out of this world - even lazy people can quest now especially with the map quest helper.


Fourth: PVP is great and hope SWTOR does not cater to the whiners oh they OP wah wah suck it up you ....


Anyway I could go on and on how this games awesome and like with every game you get these WHINEY PEOPLE in the forums, this why do not go on them usually, hint to everyone that is not a WHINER ignore these dirt bags - they will go crawling back to their mummies for more breast feeding.

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seriously people, if you don't like the game, why don't you stop playing it? Drop your sub, and leave the rest of us in peace.


Frankly, i enjoy this game, immensely. For the first time in years, i am happy and content in an mmo. The look is good, the feel is good, and the story is top notch.


amen brother!! :)

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Fourth: PVP is great and hope SWTOR does not cater to the whiners oh they OP wah wah suck it up you ....


while i agree on the subject of not catering to the whiners.i dont really know if i can call the pvp great in this game


from what ive looked at,it seems like the pvp runs into the same problem that world of warcraft had.only instead of the company focusing on the pve,they focus on the great storylines people break there spacebars going thru


i mean,the proof is in the fact that over the last couple of days pretty much every warzone ive joined have said there gonna close due to the lack of players.you would think if the pvp was so great people would be doing it right

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The number one reason why I say this. All of the features look good, but the number one thing that could save this game is a good solid LFG tool.


1. The legacy system & family tree looks fun but does not assist players looking for a group.

2. More flashpoints! Great, but unless your in a prominent guild that has enough players to benefits from the OPs then once again; It does not benefit the community as a whole.

3. Ranked PVP & and a new Wz. Well this is a great addition if you like PvP but if you don't then number 1 & 2 apply.





Bioware needs to learn to prioritize there patches and content. Legacy should have been introduced in 1.3. The LFG should been 1.2.


A problem I have with legacy is EVERYTHING is way too easy to unlock... The legacy level requirements are SO LOW. Most players will be eligible for every unlock as soon as it goes live... nothing to work towards. the valor unlocks stop at like level 25 or so.... is that a joke? What is that 15 warzones or so? The highest valor unlock should be 80 or even 90.

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World PVP is completely lacking and it looks like this will never be a priority in this game. This point alone takes care of a handful of my friends who liked the game.


The persistant bugs in OP's and in WZ's that have yet to be addressed do not inspire much confidence in me concerning the fluff 1.2 is adding to the game.


I believe many will return to check out 1.2 but find that not enough has changed to justify playing.


I still enjoy the game but my guild is feeling the strain in terms of low turnout and slim pickings for recruitment.


The game is good but I don't think it will inspire me to play for years and years like I did with that other MMO.


oh and HAHAAAHAHHAHAHAHA to the person who pompously corrected someones spelling and then screwed up spelling the word "the" hahahahahahahahahaha

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Who says the game needs saving? But anyway, I don't know why everyone wants a LFG tool. When someone asks if they wanna group in general, no one wants to group with them. So how is a LFG tool gonna help get groups, if people don't wanna group? On top of that, how hard is it to use the Who tab?....Its not hard heres how it works.


1. Go to Who section


2. Flag as LFG


3. ???


4. Profit


Its not that hard to use, but no people want a LFG tool when how does anyone know that it will even be useful if no one groups now anyway?

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Who says the game needs saving? But anyway, I don't know why everyone wants a LFG tool. When someone asks if they wanna group in general, no one wants to group with them. So how is a LFG tool gonna help get groups, if people don't wanna group? On top of that, how hard is it to use the Who tab?....Its not hard heres how it works.


1. Go to Who section


2. Flag as LFG


3. ???


4. Profit


Its not that hard to use, but no people want a LFG tool when how does anyone know that it will even be useful if no one groups now anyway?


That's far too complicated. You have to be social in order to use that system, and really, who wants to be social in order to get social points?

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A problem I have with legacy is EVERYTHING is way too easy to unlock... The legacy level requirements are SO LOW. Most players will be eligible for every unlock as soon as it goes live... nothing to work towards. the valor unlocks stop at like level 25 or so.... is that a joke? What is that 15 warzones or so? The highest valor unlock should be 80 or even 90.


You do realise that 1.2 is just the start of the legacy system ?


Who knows what they have planned for 1.3 onwards and it may well include PvP legacies and valor based legacies.

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You do realise that 1.2 is just the start of the legacy system ?


Who knows what they have planned for 1.3 onwards and it may well include PvP legacies and valor based legacies.


1.3 we could probably get an HK-51 companion! :D I say probably, cause things could change between now and then don't wanna get hopes up.

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1.2 is how the game should have been released, we all just paid to play a beta. If 1.2 is still buggy, then this will be all that SWTOR will ever be. The bug on the daily Ilum quest still is not fixed. Edited by MAKODRA
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Hello there, dlaselle! We do have a long-running discussion thread dedicated to talking about the desire for a group finder. If you'd like to share your thoughts, you'll find the discussion thread here:




We're going to close this thread and ask that this discussion continue in the existing thread, so we can keep the conversation a little better consolidated. Thank you!

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