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is there any reason to keep playing a sentinel


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sadly this is what i get is my only option from reading this forum and similar ones at darth hater torhead and mmo champ. that really sucks because I really wanted to play through the jedi knight story line but it is such a irritating class to play.


and this sucks because now I dont get to experiance the story for the most iconic class in starwars because I am not a hard core mmo player who hasnt been grinding away in wow for the last 7 years. I am a long time rpg player and know how to level and gear up [though mmo gearing is lame and restrictive] but that is not how mmo are designed and if you dont play the class exactly how the game wants you to play it then you die and die and die and die and die and die.....


the other classes I have played, merc, scoundral, trooper, and shadow were fine and I have fun on those characters but the jedi sentinel is wearing me down and is not fun to play. I mean the rotation and abilities are fun and the story is awesome but my surviveability and damage is crap and makes even a single strong feel like I am fighting boss level hp [its not, I just dont burn it down at a reasonable rate] and taking way to much damage


really all i think the class needs is 1 or 2 more low level abilities that actually do straight damage and not tickle the enemy while building.


Well, have a sentinal I love to play. Much more varied and powerful than leveling a pure seer sage. But I tend to be 3 or more levels above my track because I do bonus series or extra side quests and my sentinal tears through mobs. She can 1 to 1 the final boss on Cadimemu solo for a full minute (the rest of the team wiped becuase the healer wiped :( but you shoulda heard the cheers from them while I was pounding away on that boss by myself with my SEnt.


My sent is specced Damage (middle) and she is uber. So I'm not sure...something went wrong for you.

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So, this is also my first MMO. I rolled a JK because my co workers were going Repub, and if I wanted to paly with them, I would need to go Repub too.


I didnt care about rotations and what not. Gear? Bah...im lvl 37 with some level 20 items still....GREEN TO BOOT.


I started PVPing alot, because I guess I like that style of play. So, I had to learn a few things. I read about what I should be doing in combat, and what I shouldnt. It has helped tremendously.


I used struggle in 1v1 PVP stuff. Not no more (even being geared like bum). PVE.....I rarely have troubles. Granted I am over leveled, but when I was at the lower levels, I didnt have trouble going thru the missions.


Its all about your rotation and using your abilities to the full extent.


On normal mobs, its ok to Force Leap at the start of the fight, but dont do it against Elites. Instead run up and build Focus with Slash/Zealous


I cant remember what spec you are (combat/focus/watchman) but I am a watchman, and they key is to use your DoTs (damage over Time) which is both Overload Saber and Cauterize.


For PVE, my optimal rotation for strongs/Elites goes like this:


- Pop EVERY thing listed here: Rebuke, Relic, Stim if not already on, Adrenal if any, Saber Ward and Overload Saber

- Walk up and use Zealous Strike

- Precision Slash

- Slash

- Cauterize

- Zen (if ready)

- Force Stasis (full duration to let burns tick off and companion to deal damage)

- Master Strike

- Pacify


You Repeat this process until they are dead. It usually doesnt take long to take them down with this.


Now, remember, this is what I aim for as an optimal rotation, but it doesnt always occur, due to knock backs, getting stunned, or seeing a charge bar. If the Elite is charging an attack, use your Kick/Force Leap or even Force Stasis as an Interrupt. Use your Heroic Moment, Med Packs as well as Camo when getting low on Health.


Some people say you need to always have up to date gear, it is not true, as I have said that I have level 20 greens when a level 37. I Rarely die in PVE, and I can do quite well in PVP when I stick to my roll.


If you are not Watchman, read up on what other ppl do with your spec.


Good Luck.

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@Silly_wabbit: not saying it's a bad thing to pop adrenals & such, but you shouldn't need adrenals and stims for every harder fight, especially not once you get doc.


Other than that: your order of things seems to forget that everytime cauterize & overload saber are up you need to use them. Doesn't matter when, as long as you have the focus for it, use it.


Also, precision slash? don't remember that being a watchman skill :)

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Also, take note of the weapon/power ratings of your Hilt. I've made a mistake of just focusing on strength stats before, but when I switch to Hilt with much higher power rating (with lower str), it increased my base damage by 80+, and that made a BIG difference in PVP and PVE. As a jedi(sent), you're only as good as you're saber so make sure to invest a lot on that area.
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I skimmed through most of the post before deciding to post. I rolled sentinel from the week prior to release, and I understand your frustration. I haven't played Sage/Shadow so I can't speak for those but the other classes seem easy to play, even Guardian seems easy.


But fear not, there are abilities given to knights that are ONLY for pve. I am speaking of pommel strike and opportune strike. When I first got them, I didn't understand their usage, and not many at the time did either. But when used correct, you'll tear through groups of mobs fast. Sure it doesn't help for Elites but we're talking about killing mobs and maximizing all your abilities. Doesn't work on elites because BW decided we can't use them against elites. I always for PVE, pick off the weakest mobs first, I'm sure everyone does this, but force leap in, opportune strike that mob, it's almost dead, change target really fast (regular mob, not a strong or elite) force sweep, pommel strike that mob. Those 2 mobs should be basically dead or close to.


Some things I know others listed. If you're not using Doc, or can't yet, use your cannon fodder companions to eat some hits. T7 will taunt so he's easier to manage. But if using Kira or Rusk, make them attack a different mob than you are, make them attack FIRST.

Turn off Kira's 2minute (I forget what it's called) power to increase her attacks, let her use her saber ward and take some hits. If its a hard fight, i let her take damage to around 50-75% and then I jump in. At lower levels she can hold hate from you but usually you'll take hate and not give it back unless you force camo.


When I got Lord scourge I would send him in and then pick off the mobs one by one asap and he was always near death so I would just dismiss him and bring em back. This is faster than resting and all your companions CDs are refreshed to boot.


I don't remember that harrows fight being so hard. My only suggestion for those harder fights against champions and elites is what I mentioned before about letting your companion fight for a bit before going in.


Lastly, I hate to agree with the L2p notion but it's holds some truth to this class. Even after 50 there's a lot to learn about this class. I agree with the opinion that this class is great when a 'great' player is behind the class. But OP? OP to me means a class that easily dominates without needing a 'great' player playing it.

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Well, I'm not sure about others, but I seriously had no problem doing any of the content (while AT that level, not over leveling) I speced watchmen yes, but I was always within the range of the planet I was questing at, and never encountered any problems with T-7, and even less with Doc.


I'm not telling you that you need to learn to play or anything OP, but I don't think it's the class entirely that's the problem here. The class doesn't just hit a magic level and then OMG facemelts everything. Yeah rolling a sage is like turning on the God mode button, but that's because it's 1) Ranged, 2) easier to play (hell all classes are easier to play than a sentinel) When you learn the class, you'll break through God-mode into pure awesome though, so just keep at it. I do recommend pvp though, as that will help you learn your class. (Seriously if you can do well in pvp as a sent, you can do well in pve)

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I fully understand this but wouldnt it make more sense for example making watchman to be super hard and combat to be more forgiving. or maybe make the hardest class not be the most iconic class and like I said with arguably the most important conclusion


but thats just my gripe with the class because it is the jedi class, I mean why would a begginer to mmos want to play a jedi knight in a star wars game.


fully understand that people want hard characters to play and that there are learning curves but with all the other mishaps bioware has made being their first mmo is it not reasonable to question the difficulty of this class, and not really the class or how ability intensive it is but just the fact it sems in my experiances that the survivability of the class is not on par with the damage that its class quest enemys are putting out


my gripe is more the time to kill vs survivablity

Actually, Jedi Guardian Advanced Class would be most iconic. Double Saber Jedi don't appear much in the movies. At later levels, we get excellent survivability, so don't worry much.
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I was thinking about rolling a guardian but I have a sith jugg [lvl10] I want to play because I like the whole vader look they have over the marader. so to mix things up I figured play jedi sentinel and sith jugg. sounded like a good plan, to bad the reality of this game is going to make that not a option for me.


I also really wanted the duel wield jedi too


Play the Sentinel. But shelve it till 1.2 drops next week. Watchman gets a buff (again), as do the other specs, and Jedi in general are getting buffs just because of the issues you're facing here. Jedi scale REALLY well with end-game gear, but you can't just wait through the level process and the gearing process to get that gear. Once 1.2 drops you will have an easier time, I promise.


I just wish I had it as easy as you do now when I leveled my Guardian first. Coming soon it's almost like I leveled on hard mode.

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Watchman gets a buff (again)

Dawg, don't spread misinformation. 2 specs are getting neutral changes, 1 is getting buffed (Combat). And it's not "again". The first "buff" a while back was really just a bleed damage fix (actually ended up being a slight nerf) because bleeds were doing more damage than they were supposed to due to a bugged talent.

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I really dont see how anyone has trouble leveling with a sent. Having played my share of classes I conclude that Sents pawn PVE....


Go watchman you will burn though PVE..... and you will tackle all elites with ease...


If your having trouble your not doing something right...


I used Kiara all the way up to I got doc and had no problems, though I did have to heal alot after about 3-4 mobs.....


With Doc I can flat out own mobs and not stop to heal

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finished my 1st chapter, banged my head against the *********** wall all night just to beat angrel and now I am just sent on more errands to fight unbalanced mobs and elites that are on my level that i have to whack at forever at 61 damage a hit and use all my cooldowns and heals just to stay alive to the end where 3 attacks doesnt burn down the enemys last 200 hp


is the rest of leveling from 33 t0 50 going to be this underpowered because I play alts to have fun not die and fustrate myself to the point that I am starting to hate my character (and this game)


I play a Marauder (mirror class to your Sentinel), and I honestly felt the way you did until I learned a few things and changed how I was playing. I felt underpowered in every way next to my Sorcerer, Assassin, Bounty Hunter, etc.


I learned that I couldn't play as a tank, and when I tried (say by starting combat by charging in every time) I would end up 90% dead by the time I finished an elite, and all the way dead if there were any strongs involved. I figured I had to be doing something wrong, and it turned out I was.


First of all, you need to pick a spec that works for you (I know -- at this point none of them do) and learn how to play it, what rotation to use, and what skills to avoid. Unlike some classes, the Sentinel/Marauder is handled differently depending upon the spec and the companion you choose. You'll learn to love droid fights and hate some others once you get the droid-only CC.


Second, you need to equip yourself well for your level and choose fights that are within your comfort zone. Someone mentioned getting blue hilts every 2 levels... I recommend purples if you can find and/or afford them. Keep your armor up to date (going to assume you have at least 4 pieces of orange gear by this point) -- specifically the "armor" slot. Upgrade those before you upgrade the mods or enhancements. Do the same for your companion, where possible.


Third, use a companion that fits your style, but don't be afraid to experiment. Once I got going, I found that a well-equipped tank companion, sent first into combat and allowed to use an aoe or taunt before you leap into the fray, makes a huge difference in your survivability. Let him soak up some damage for you, before your superior DPS taunts your target onto you. You may still end up at 50% health by the end of a fight, but that's a darn sight better than 10%.


Fourth, interrupt interrupt interrupt. You would be amazed how much damage you can avoid by simply interrupting your targets special attacks. Disruption (and whatever your counterpart is) is only one way to do it. Anything that knocks down, pushes, pulls, or lifts a target can also be used as an interrupt. Force choke/stasis works wonderfully while you're waiting for your main interrupt to recycle.


Fifth, learn and use your cooldowns. They're there to help you, and some of them can get you out of some serious scrapes where you would otherwise die. Heroic Moment was mentioned, but that has a looooong cooldown. Others have 1 or 2 minute cooldowns, and should be used often.


I had a hard time with Marauder from 28-37 or so and then I learned some of the above (and more -- there is a lot of information in these forums) and approached combat differently. I watched other players and asked lots of questions. And then, somewhere before 40 and all the way to 50 I started to do amazing damage and also really enjoyed it. It is no longer a chore when it works for you.

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I have a 36 Watchman Sent. I have had absolutely no problem with any quests (Angral, Harrowers, etc.) and use T7 as my companion. I kill elites for the FUN of it. Champs (unless they are higher than me) have never been difficult. I often go out of my way because I enjoy the challenge of killing elites and champs.


Now that the boasting is over, on to the advice.

To the OP:


Do you keybind? It has vastly improved my gameplay. You don't have to keybind everything, even 5 or 6 keybinds would help a lot. For example, keybind Zealous Strike, Cauterize, Slash, Stirke, Rebuke, and Blade Storm (or something like that). Keybinding things that are off the GCD is incredibly helpful.


Do you play Combat? I would seriously reccommend switching to Watchman. You don't HAVE to switch to be good, it just makes it a heck of a lot easier. Here's my personal spec (a few points are optional). http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501bIrRrRzfGzZRMM.1

I like Inflammation as it applies a slow without causing me to use Leg Slash (thereby eliminating two Focus and a GCD from my rotation). Two points in Close Quarters seems like overkill to me, though a lot of people like it.


One last tip:

As others have said, interrupt. Aside from using your defensive CD's properly, interrupting is the single most important thing you can do.


The last ( I mean it this time) tip,


PVP. Do it. It's a lot of fun and will vastly improve your gameplay in the PVE world. I absolutely love PVP in this game. But don't take my word for it, try it out yourself. If you can do well in a PVP match, you will absolutely DOMINATE in PVE.

Edited by StarHuntr
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Its confirmed & well known fact that sentinel is most demanding class to play well & its shine when u hit highier lvls or even at 50 best. I myself utilise constantly about 35 bindings every fight, must watch 2 types of resource constantly, about 10 cooldowns & must know what use & when... Its took some time but now my V65 battlemaster/champion geared watchman-build senti tear apart everythink with easy like hot knife trough butter with great survivalibity... exept good, full battlemaster geared players which now what they do where that knife is "only" warm:-P Now I just waitin (& cross my fingers for tokens every time i open bag) for when i get full battlemaster too.


Show your senti some love & give him time... he will revard u 100 times more at end!

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Is it your first a character? Seems like a getting acclimated issue. I remember having trouble with my smuggler in her chapter 1 ending. I'm rolling a few alts now and have a sentinel at level 30. I finished chapter 1 at level 29 with not much trouble. Its really just getting used to the game as a whole and to your bindings. Make sure you are interrupting as well.


They are pretty beastly in pvp as well if geared to level. I've hit 300k a few times already and rarely have less than 200k. its also a ton of fun cuz it keeps you busy. My dps safe can put up similar numbers but its not as fun being a turret!

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Here's my personal spec (a few points are optional). http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501bIrRrRzfGzZRMM.1

I like Inflammation as it applies a slow without causing me to use Leg Slash (thereby eliminating two Focus and a GCD from my rotation). Two points in Close Quarters seems like overkill to me, though a lot of people like it.


Just wondering how 2 points in close quarters is overkill?

If cast range is 0 meters it's basically an extra interrupt. And since you've put points in inflammation as well as force fade, i take it you pvp a lot.


So yeah, just wondering how it's overkill :)


Edit: This is spec I'm using, works a treat in PvP as well as in PvE



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finished my 1st chapter, banged my head against the *********** wall all night just to beat angrel and now I am just sent on more errands to fight unbalanced mobs and elites that are on my level that i have to whack at forever at 61 damage a hit and use all my cooldowns and heals just to stay alive to the end where 3 attacks doesnt burn down the enemys last 200 hp


is the rest of leveling from 33 t0 50 going to be this underpowered because I play alts to have fun not die and fustrate myself to the point that I am starting to hate my character (and this game)


just wandering if i am ever going to beable to do some damage to or if the future quests are reasonably soloable or at least fun to do and not banging your head against the wall [because I know that everyone likes to spout off about how easy this game is but there are some really unbalanced areas and quests that kill all of you forward progression]

You are doing it wrong. Sentinel 1-50 was easy, admitidly easier after mid 30's. The only part I struggled to do was that sand worm **** in Tatooine.

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For myself, I found Sentinel in the 32-37 range to be a chore. It got easier once I had Doc, and easier still once I was high enough to get the core skills of whichever spec I was running. Between 34-41 I ran watchman, before that combat. Went back to combat once I had enough points for Rush, and things are fine now.


Sentinels - can't speak to guardians, I haven't got mine off Tython yet - seem to be harder than most of the other classes I have tried. At least in certain ranges. They take far more patience and dedication to learn what you can and cannot do. I wouldn't say they are more 'limited' than any other class, but you do have to approach things from a different angle.

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if any body has advice on the best way to counter the fury reborn buff that the harrowers get I would appreciate it, it triggers at about 3500 hp and I can not burn his hp down before he kills me from there


Sentinal myself and after 5 deaths I finally beat the first one by NOT running off when he buffed. Barely got it, while buffing, healing and everything I could think of, so really not sure how I ended up taking him out. Had a buddy help me take out the other 2.

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(I really like this game)


I have had the same problems as the OP. I have 2 computers and 2 accounts to play with my kid. I started out with the Jedi Sentinal and he went with a Jedi Shadow. We play close to the same amount of hours and I just hit 40 and he just hit 47.


I almost don't want to play PvP with my Sent anymore because I am little help to the team. I spend alot of time being held with only one break away. I also only have 3 attacks that generate force points so to activate my more powerful hits. Also the only stealth I have lasts 4 seconds. Sentinals are VERY squishy and deal out little damage and AOE attacks - all compared to other classes. The reason this bums me out is because I REALLY like PvP.


I recently lost 9 of 10 PvP rounds then switched to my lvl 17 Trooper and won 7 of 8.

With my Trooper I could actually help my team.


I have several recordings showing what a hard time I had beating Elites 2 and 3 lvls below me. My most recent fail was a Champion on Balmorra 5 lvls below, even with Doc. Used all my buffs, + heals and still lose.


And all my gear is current, Market bought and I havn't got a better drop of any gear since lvl 10. I am looking forward to a buff to Sents and still plan to grind this Sentianl to lvl 50 and then be done with it, unless he turns into a BEAST.


NOTE: things do get easier with Doc and did get a little better when I switched from Combat to Watchmen/Juyo. In case you didnt know, you do get a free Tree respec at the Fleet.


(did I mention I really like this game)

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I play a Marauder (mirror class to your Sentinel), and I honestly felt the way you did until I learned a few things and changed how I was playing. I felt underpowered in every way next to my Sorcerer, Assassin, Bounty Hunter, etc.


I learned that I couldn't play as a tank, and when I tried (say by starting combat by charging in every time) I would end up 90% dead by the time I finished an elite, and all the way dead if there were any strongs involved. I figured I had to be doing something wrong, and it turned out I was.


1st - Not to disagree with everything this person is saying but IMO you cant compare Marauder to Sentinal, unless you have actually played both classes equally.


2nd - About the "couldn't play as a tank" made me realize what the real flaw of the Sentinal is - IT IS NOT A TANK BUT WE ARE FORCED TO PLAY IT LIKE ONE. (highlight - not yelling 8-)

POINT: It only has 2 ranged attacks (at least to lvl 40)which cant even be activated till you jump in with Force Leap. Most of its fighting is close combat WITHOUT the defence needed.


PROOF: (as of lvl 40) A sentinal has 5 attacks it can start with. 2 non force point attacks: 1 is Force Leap and the other is Master Strike. It also has 3 Force point generating attacks. ALL 5 are close range attacks. AFTER you do your close attacks you can generate enough force points to use a ranged attack. Seems backwards to me, since Sents are NOT tanks. Of the 17 attack powers only 3 generate force points. 2 or 3 of those 17 attacks can only be used if your target is stunned.

(just the facts mam, just the facts)


In addition at lvl 40 It has only 2 AOE attacks, and 1 hold power that takes a 1 minute cooldown AND you cant move at all or the power fails.


I just hope by lvl 50 it will be one bad mama jama, like some are saying. It is definately not a beginner/noob class. Maybe us noobs could be warned somehow.


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I have several recordings showing what a hard time I had beating Elites 2 and 3 lvls below me. My most recent fail was a Champion on Balmorra 5 lvls below, even with Doc. Used all my buffs, + heals and still lose


Show us.


(Yes, we know)

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Show us.


(Yes, we know)


I am working on it, havnt had time to upload them just yet but hopefully in a day or two.


To sum up my view:

The Sentinal has attacks like a tank with the defense of a smuggler who can't take cover.

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Just wondering how 2 points in close quarters is overkill?

If cast range is 0 meters it's basically an extra interrupt. And since you've put points in inflammation as well as force fade, i take it you pvp a lot.


So yeah, just wondering how it's overkill :)


Edit: This is spec I'm using, works a treat in PvP as well as in PvE





Since most combat takes place at the 3-4 meter range, I find it easy to just take one step back and use Force Leap.

Thats a pretty interesting spec there. I would SERIOUSLY suggest putting two points into force fade (100% damage reduction is awesome).

Yes, I do PVP a lot.

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Sentinel has to be played right or it sucks imo. It also seems like it really doesn't start to "shine" until late 30s/early 40s. Because Warrior arch-types in this game are so dependent on gear, abilities, spec, rotation, etc.


I'm starting to use all of my Sentinel's tools on instinct and I'm getting good. This toon will be insane once I'm geared.

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TBH, I love my Sentinel (49). I have had few issues with solo PvE combat (pretty much soloed all the way) however I keep my gear the best I can manage to get (orange gear with blue armor/mods when I can) and I keep my weapons (I dual wield) with at least blue mods in them. For these reasons, I went Cybertech and buy my hilts/enhancements with the planet commendations. Even the Harrowers on Balmorra weren't too much a challenge once I figured out how to gain an advantage. I went up the Watchman path that really shells out the DPS and rely on a good rotation setup and planning.
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