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Sorcerer healing in 1.2:How should we counter consumption in pvp?


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Post 1.2 in PVP regardless of your spec = you will be the first target as you are now the easiest class to kill ingame.


If you can go madness spec and they have blown all their cool-downs and you are ranged and they don't see you you might kill them. So hang back, try and hide, and nuke people @ range hopefully not drawing attention.


For corruption spec your SOL.

Edited by Mumnoch
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Take consumption off your bar for pvp and for all the people saying good sorcs will manage force I call bs there is no way to heal the damage coming in and manage force. Your best bet is heal what you can and die.

If you try to manage force you will watch people die and if you choose to duck out the back to get force back then you are not healing anyway. Good luck to all you other sorc heals I'll ride the wave out and hope that maybe 3 heals all coordinated will be able to cross heal and keep everyone alive long enough to complete an objective.

But there will be no way you can use consumption or manage force.

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Die is probably right. Consumption IS our force management technique...now its going to be worthless, reroll an OP operative imo.


And yes goodluck getting off a 2.3 second heal in pvp. That is way to long and is way to easy to interrupt. PvP Healing is boned in 1.2.


I seriously can't beleive BW changed consumption...in like every other games where you have to sacrifice health for mana have it so that its like 5% health for 15% mana.

Edited by TheLordMaster
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I've only pvp'd at lower levels, so I may not have all the info or experience at hand, but I've never really run out of force both healing and dishing out damage in warzone matches, and when I do run out it's usually after a 5+ minute straight fight.


Hell, back in the mid 20's I did my first voidstar match with the sorc, I was lightning spec at the time, and I kept the entire team alive doing nothing but healing until we had successfully defended the first set of doors, never really ran out of force - at one point I got relatively low and just had to hide behind a pillar for a few seconds to get out of combat and use seethe.


I dont think we'll really run into frequent resource issues outside of Operations/PvE.

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untill 1.2 drops like a hot pot of honey on our healing needs, we can't tell how boned we are nor will i say that it really sounds like it is going to be bad, and really as for the heal/infusion nerf, i think it would be an improvement.


for consumption what i could see this working is either a bigger force gain for each channeling of it. and another big thing to note is that consumption > resurgence > dark heal could take care of the damage done.


In pvp i tend not to need to use consumption often, if it is a good team im on, i will have time to recharge, and if it is a bad team it wont matter because i will die anyways soon enough. also as long as the force bending still cuts the force cost of Dark Heal in half, that would work perfectly, if not it is still an automatic critical heal which will make surge more important to the pvp healing sorc.


you have to use all your abilities to their full effect. dark infusion isn't the only heal we have, i tend to use the channeled heal over it most of the time, and lets not forget our static shield. besides you can always carry around a couple standard health packs as well, i do so on my tank just in case.


also teaming up with another healer helps a lot,


(begin tangent! yay!)


what i really would want to see is consumption removed from the game entirely and force use to use a basic attack to recharge your force. I.E. like a buffed version of the lightning strike skill the improves force regen, or even a health to force draining attack, like making force lightning do less damage as a healer spec for it but inturns restores force from doing it. but something more like cost to regen of like 1:4 and for the full effect you have to fully channel it.


but anyways, it is a new game, the game is going through the whole circle nerfing cycle as things that become an over sight here and there get changed, it changes up the game play, then once were are all settled in it a new nerf will come out and the cycle will begin.


the nerf hasn't even really hit yet, give it time, learn the new management, figure out where to heal where and just work around it.

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another big thing to note is that consumption > resurgence > dark heal could take care of the damage done.


Consumption restores 48 Force. Resurgence costs 28, Dark Heal 46, with 3/3 Electric Induction. You'll regen a total of 36 force over the 3 GCDs this sequence takes. Congrats, you just spent 3 GCDs to increase your current force by 10 (compared to the 36 you would have regen'd if you did nothing at all) and provide zero effective healing to anyone.

Edited by Daellia
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Indeed... the maths really doesn't stack up too well.


It's notable, as somebody above mentioned, that the channelled heal just gains massively in priority as a result of all this. But this leads to very static, single target healing... and when you do want a big heal, it has a casting time of 2.3 seconds - so you're static and single-target again.... Or you go the route of stop-casting DI, which is just horrible... Or you go the route of standing near melee and using lots of AoE and Consumption, which is dull too.


We'll see when it actually hits live of course... but none of these play-styles is in the least appealing to me.



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just went in game a second ago and in rakata gear from opperations, i was able to cast consumption 3 times and heal the roughly 6thousand damage done in a couple ways.


this is just ignoring force gained right now as the castings were in regards of health restored.


3 consumptions followed by ...


-resurgence, Dark heal crit

= this restored roughtly 5k but the resurgance regeneration would slowly restore the rest.


-Inervate (natural crit levels, no force bending needed.)

= at my level i am doing roughly 1.6k a tick and it ticks 4 times through channeling, on non crits it restores roughly 900.


-resurgence. dark infusion

right now this is the slowest one with the lack of 1.4 casting time without force bending. critting with dark inf. deals around 5.5k in one shot, this is ineffective with out the 1.4 casting time, even with my high alcritcy it is still 2.2 seconds to cast which is too slow for pvp situations.


in a PvP situation as is the case with it, it all depends on the enemy at the time, there are times when being caught with out force power is just a death sentence. it is like getting in a gun fight with now aim. you might want to avoid heal tanking (bubble and self heal spam as they focus on you) as BM gear makes it hard for you to resist damage and you will drain fast.


using consumption once isn't going to help but if you are going to use it pop a few times then heal the damage it all did.


are these perfect for force regen? no but they work right now and there is always emergency health packs. can always drop a rakata medkit after a few consumptions.

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You're going to have to learn to manage your Force.


Here's the thing. I see this posted a lot by Operatives and Mercs, who rely predominantly on relatively high regen and free filler abilities. Sorcs have no free filler abilities, every single healing ability we have costs resources. In addition, the standard mid-high HPS mid-high efficiency ability each have (Kolto Injection, Rapid Scan) costs 25 resources for Operatives and Mercs, which they regen in 5 seconds in their top regen bracket (which they should always be in), and that's before any regen boosts from skills (for example, Stim Boost). For Sorcs, Dark Infusion costs 55 Force, which is nearly 7 seconds of regen, and unlike both Operatives and Mercs, they have no free healing abilities to fill in the gaps.


Consumption is how a Sorc manages their Force. Without it, they simply run out of resources in relatively short order, or have to spend about half their time not healing at all. I personally would have preferred if they just attached the regen mechanic directly to Innervate crits, as this would have made regen more stable, not required essentially "wasted" GCDs casting a non-healing ability (Consumption), and would allow Consumption to be the hazardous emergency stop-gap measure in case of resource depletion, as it is for Sorc dps specs, allowing it to effectively be a no-cooldown but suicidal version of Adrenaline Probe or Vent Heat. Oh well, maybe BW will see reason eventually.

Edited by Daellia
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I've only pvp'd at lower levels, so I may not have all the info or experience at hand, but I've never really run out of force both healing and dishing out damage in warzone matches, and when I do run out it's usually after a 5+ minute straight fight.


Hell, back in the mid 20's I did my first voidstar match with the sorc, I was lightning spec at the time, and I kept the entire team alive doing nothing but healing until we had successfully defended the first set of doors, never really ran out of force - at one point I got relatively low and just had to hide behind a pillar for a few seconds to get out of combat and use seethe.


I dont think we'll really run into frequent resource issues outside of Operations/PvE.


Depends how fast you die- right now, with the 1.2 nerf, even in heal spec you'll quickly go OOF due to how much consumption hurts- or you'll find yourself wasting 5 seconds one a consumption, mitigating it with healing, only to end up with maybe half the force gained for a heal- and unlike other healers, there's nothing to do in between, and sorc force regen is much, much slower than op/merc force regen at optimal levels- hence why we relied on consumption to begin with.


This might not seem so bad in low level pvp, or short fights because you do have more resource- but in longer fights (ie- even matched fights over nodes/doors, or in pve) this nerf is going to hit sorcs like a mack truck full of erect bull elephants going 200 mph.

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I'm not worried about force management 1.2... because were not gonna survive long enough to be out of force.


This- learn when your entry shield is going down in the match (it's every 30 seconds), die a few seconds before. That's your most efficient way to handle this nerf.

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It's pretty easy, spec dps so you can do sub par dps with no burst.


Less healers in WZ, I guess all the other players get what they want? A total frag fest where you spend 50% of your time behind the wall waiting to get into the action. Damn that sounds like fun PvP.


I'm switching back to my sniper and shelving the healing sorc personally. My Dark Infusion gets unterupted 50% of the time now, on a 2.5 second cast time it's just laughable.

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Everyone is whining about the dark infusion change, and they arent reading the rest of the patch notes at all.


Yes, the cast time reduction was removed, but look at what ELSE was changed - dark heal with force bending has a 60% crit chance now, and guess what? It's the same cast time as your force bent infusion was before.


Get 30%+ critical chance and a decent bit of surge and you'll be crit-casting dark heal every time you get force bending at that same 1.4 second cast time. You didnt lose burst healing at all.

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