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1.2 Legacy Buffs


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Hey guys, this is my first post here :p


So, I have a Sith Sorcerer and a Jedi Shadow, and i saw somewhere that if one of your characters finishes Act II of the story (after 1.2), all the chars on the Legacy will get the effects of his buff added to their own buff (if I got it right)


The thing is, Jedi Shadow and Sith Sorc have basically the same buff. If I do this will it duplicate the effects on Shadow's buff, or is it just going to stay the same?


Please help :)

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They will not stack; since the effect is the same, it will only be applied once.

It adds to a one "super" buff. Yes you will automatically get both buffs from those classes you finished.



Do they stack or not? :s

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They do NOT stack.


Once you have the sorc buff for instance, leveling an assassin will not cause you to get double the effect, neither will leveling another shadow, or sage, or any combination thereof.


To optimize, you want to level a character of each type exactly once, regardless of faction.

Four characters total. There will be no varying levels of buff, it'll be as it is now, you either have a buff on you or you don't.


If you go back and look through dev information on it, they even said so in very clear terms. If someone says otherwise, they are either guessing, misinformed, or trolling.

Edited by ShadowOfVey
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They do NOT stack.


Once you have the sorc buff for instance, leveling an assassin will not cause you to get double the effect, neither will leveling another shadow, or sage, or any combination thereof.


To optimize, you want to level a character of each type exactly once, regardless of faction.

Four characters total. There will be no varying levels of buff, it'll be as it is now, you either have a buff on you or you don't.


If you go back and look through dev information on it, they even said so in very clear terms. If someone says otherwise, they are either guessing, misinformed, or trolling.


Thanks that cleared everything up :)

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Do they stack or not? :s


If in your legacy you have two classes of the same "archtype" (e.g. Inquisitor/Councelor) the buff is the same therefore it will not stack.


If you have multiple "archtypes" (e.g Jedi, Councelor, Smuggler, Trooper) all those buffs stack into one superbuff.




If you have all 8 character slots filled and in filling those eight slots you have at least one of each "archtype" you will have at MAX one (1) superbuff that will be applied to ALL characters in your legacy that will have the effects of each of the four (4) major "archtypes".


Make sense now?



Edited by Urael
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As a real life example of how to leverage this, prior to learning about Legacy, I was leveling a Sith Assassin. However, my first character was a Jedi Sage. So I put the Assassin on hold (since the buff won't stack) and started leveling my Scoundrel. After I finish him, I'll level my Powertech next. Then because I already have a Sage and Marauder who have finished their stories, I will have the super buff.
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I found the dev post on this, just to further reinforce this in case anyone was still in doubt and didn't want to just take my word for it:




Clarification begins...now.


The class buff unlocks occur when a character finishes Chapter 2. At that point, that character's class buff is unlocked for all characters of his legacy.


Each class' buff applies all of your unlocked class buffs with a single click. It's not 4 buttons you have to keep on your quickbar. One click, all the buffs.


An example: I have an Imperial Agent that finishes Chapter 2. The Agent unlocks his class buff for my legacy. I now go log onto my level 1 Sith Inquisitor. When my Sith Inquisitor casts Mark of Power, it ALSO applies the effects of Coordination, since I have unlocked the Agent's buff.


Furthermore, to get the full set of buffs, you only need to unlock 4 classes. Unlocking the buff for Agent and Smuggler still only nets you a single buff effect, so you can't stack their +Crit bonuses together. (Because that might be a wee bit overpowered. Maybe.)


Clarification ends... now.

William Wallace

Senior Game Designer


"William Wallace once had a staring contest with the twin suns of Tatooine...he won."

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